读后续写表达微技能--自然环境描写Part Ⅰ 语料积累
有暴风雨的 | 极冷的 | mice 炎热的 | 下雨的 |
多云的,阴天的 | thegreatwall下雪的 | 风大的 | 雾气茫茫的 |
多雾的 | 严寒的 | 潮湿的 | 湿的 |
ivy潮湿的 | 可怕的 | 闷热的 | 晴朗的 |
多变的 | 荒无人烟的 | 温和的 | 风平浪静的 |
| | | |
雾 | 雪 | 毛毛雨 | 小雨 |
阵雨 | 暴风雨 | 倾盆大雨 | 暴风雪 |
暴风雪 | 雷 | 台风 | 龙卷风 |
飓风 | | | |
| | | |
积雪覆盖的山峰 | 宽广的峡谷 |
陡峭的山峰 | period是什么意思 大峡谷 |
流淌的小溪 | 浅浅的溪水 |
壮观的日出 | 深南的天空 |
淡淡的月光 | 温暖的阳光 |
新鲜的空气 | 芬芳的花朵lordi |
柔弱的花朵 | 绿油油的草地 |
漆黑的雨夜 | 狼嚎 |
bullying花儿的芳香 | 犬吠 |
公鸡的啼叫 | 一群牛 |
一群 | |
| |
Wind (blow/click/howl(风)怒号/wail呼啸/roar(风或海的)呼啸)
1.A gust of wind blew and parted the dropping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain.
2.The wind, soft but cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.
3.A cool breeze wafted through my hair.
4.A cold breeze blew through the quiet park.
5.The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift.
Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter/tumble)
1.At one point, the faint sound of water was tumbling through the valley.
2.A creek twines the vast green field like the blue satin ribbon.杭州会计职称培训>digit
3.The river makes bends or meanders through low valleys to the plain where rice grows.
Sky (stand/appear/turn)
1.Blue sky stood tall and far, and the sun was like a branding iron aring the back of my neck.
2.By 3 o’clock, the rain had stopped and sky was curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds.
3.The sun was beginning to t, glittering red through the cracks between the ramshackle buildings.
4.The sky was pale with light blue. Soon a streak of pink dawn broke over the horizon, expanding gradually and becoming brighter and brighter.
5.The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds and the stars blinked their eyes in fatigue.
6.Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above and the stars twinkled their eyes with curiosity.
1. 夜幕降临。
Darkness falls.
2. 天气寒冷。
The day is bitterly cold.
3. 天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚。
The sky is blue and the sun is shining.
4. 大雨倾盆而下。
It’s pouring really hard.
5. 皓月当空。
The moon is shining brightly in the sky.
6. 天空繁星密布。
The sky is dotted with stars.
7. 云散开了,太阳出来了。
The clouds parted and sun shone.
8. 山丘沐浴在阳光下。
The hills are bathed in the sunlight.
9. 风势渐大,天空开始阴云密布。
The wind is getting up and it is becoming cloudy.
10. 一阵风穿过树林,沙沙作响。
A gust of wind rustled through the trees.
The wind is whispering in the trees.
11. 浓雾笼罩着整个大地。
The thick fog blanketed the field.
12. 月亮在天空好似一盏夜灯,闪烁的星星好奇地眨着眼。
Like a lamp, the moon shines from above and stars twinkle their eyes with curiosity.
13. 夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼地在夜里织着一幅画。
There’s not a single sound at night. Only the glowworms are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the night sky.
14. 一缕阳光照进我的房间里,像一束亮闪闪的金线,不仅照亮了房间,也照亮了我的心田。
A ray of sunlight shone into my room, like a bunch of glittering gold thread, not only lit up my room, but also illuminated my heart.
15. 不远处有条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。
A brook was not far away, rushing and sparkling between the green banks.
16. 在不远处的山丘上,他能看到烟从他房子的烟囱里袅袅升向天空。
On a nearby hill, he could e smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of his hou.
17. 晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫。
Blue skies stand tall and far, and the sun is like a branding iron aring my back.
18. 水是深蓝色的,阳光在明镜般的水面闪闪发光。
The water is deep blue and sunlight glitters on its looking glass-clear surface.
19. 在仲夏的烈日下,一切有生命的东西似乎都已用尽了它们的能量。
Under the burning sun of midsummer, all the living things em to have worn out their energy.
20. 阳光下河面波光粼粼。
The river glitters in the sunlight.
Part Ⅱ 运用
Kelly turned off the light, little boats flowing on the water, _______________________________.
_________________________________________ and Johnnie’s laughter floated in the air.
The quiet hou suddenly _____________________________________, dancing up.
Her hair was ______________________________ streaming down her shoulders.
I’m drowning ___________________________________.
last christmas taylor swiftThe country, covered with cherry tree flowers, _________________________________________.