Heterotrophic carbon gain and mineral nutrition of the root hemi-parasite Santalum album L. in pot
culture with different hosts
lool期刊名称: Australian Forestry
作者: Radomiljac, Andrew M.,McComb, Jen A.,Pate, John S.
年份: 1999年英语四级报名网站
期号: 第2期英文短篇故事
关键词: stems, Santalum album, mineral nutrition, root systems, acacia
trachycarpa, haustoria, leaves, carbon, bark, root nodules, nutrient uptake,instructions是什么意思
phosphorus, Sesbania, xylem, solutes, biomass production, roots, host plants,
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, carbon nitrogen ratio, acacia ampliceps, sbania外国文学名著
马徐俊formosa, Acacia, nitrogen-fixing trees, container-grown plants
hsp摘要:This paper examines heterotrophic gain of carbon and mineral composition of Santalum album partnered singly in pot culture with three beneficial woody N2-fixing hosts and a non-beneficial eucalypt host. Bad on dry matter gains of the parasite at 33 weeks, Sesbania formosa proved the best host followed by Acacia ampliceps and A. trachycarpa while no improvement in growth was en with Eucalyptus camaldulensis as a host in comparison with Santalum grown without a host. Numbers of haustoria formed by Santalum on roots of different hosts were poorly correlated with host quality. A small proportion of haustoria on legume hosts were attached to root nodules. Santalum partnered with any host or grown alone exhibited lf-parasitism where haustoria attached to its own root system.