commitment什么意思Analysis of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle in Desperate Houwives
1. Introduction
prayerDesperate Houwives is a very famous family ethics drama in America, which is directed by Larry Shaw and David Grossman. The TV play is trying to dig out people’s crets and reveal four houwives’ unhappy marriage which ems to be perfect superficially. Better understanding of Grice’s Cooperative Principle and Leech’s Politeness Principle can contribute to smooth conversations. Becau of the eminence of Desperate Houwives, some scholars have studied on it. However, nearly no scholar has combined Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle to analyze the TV rie
s. In order to deeply understand the pragmatic phenomenon in Desperate Houwives, the author combines Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle to analyze the conversations.
2. Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle 2.1 Cooperative Principle
According to Grice, there is a t of over-arching assumptions guiding the conduct of conversation. Grice identifies as guidelines of this sort four basic maxims of conversation or general principles underlying the efficient co-operative u of language, which jointly express a general co-operative principle (Stephen C. Levinson, 2001:101-102). The principles are described as the follows. (1)The maxim of Quality; (2)The maxim of Quantity; (3)The maxim of relevance; (4)The maxim of manner.
remittance2.2 Politeness Principle
According to Leech (1983), there is a politeness principle with conversational maxims. He lists 6 maxims: Tact-generosity; approbation-modesty; agreement and sympathy; Leech (1983:132) focus on this component in his conceptualization of politeness, and specifies the following maxims: (1)Tact Maxim; (2)Generosity Maxim; (3)Approbation Maxim; (4) Modesty Maxim; (5)Agreement Maxim; (6)Sympathy Maxim.
mtl3. The supplementation of Politeness Principle to Cooperative Principle in D esperate Houwives Politeness Principle supplements Cooperative Principle. If the speaker violates Cooperative Principle, he is likely to obey Politeness Principle.
Example 1: Gabrielle: You are right, Ellie. My husband was totally inappropriate. So a class? Are you a teacher? Ellie: Actually, I’m an art student. My life was working pretty well, and so I decided to junk it. And learn how to paint fruit. It’s, uh, stupid, right?
Gabrielle: No, it’s gutsy.This conversation occurred in the fourteen episode of the fourth ason in Desperate Houwives, and it is a conversation between Gabrielle and Ellie. The background is that Ellie wanted to rent Gabrielle and Carlos’ hou.blank space歌词
Gabrielle asked Ellie if she was a teacher. However, Ellie said she was a student, and told the reason, and said she was stupid. Obviously, her answer violated the maxim of quantity of Cooperative Principle, becau she was not required to give a detailed explanation of the reasons that she was a student. She added that she was stupid to do that, she obeys the modesty maxim of Politeness Principle, becau she tried to maximize the disprai of herlf. In this conversation, although Ellie violated the maxim of Cooperative Principle, she obeys the maxim of Politeness Princi
死亡魔法ple. What’s more, Ellie ud the word “junk” to describe her previous life. She obeys the modesty maxim of Politeness Principle, she tried to minimize the prai of herlf and maximize the disprai of herlf, which makes her more polite. Actually, she violated the maxim of quality of Cooperative Principle, becau her previous life was working well, and comfortable.
4. Conclusion
Politeness Principle can supplement Cooperative Principle. If the speaker violates Cooperative Principle, he is likely to obey Politeness Principle in that the speaker wants to be more polite. Bettering understanding of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle can help us know the intention of the speaker, which will contribute to successful communication. References:
[1]Leech, Geoffrey N. Principles of Pragmatics[M].London: Longman,1983:132.
[2]Stephen C. Levinson. Pragmatics[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Rearch Press,2001:101-102.
【Abstract】Desperate Houwives is a very famous family ethics drama in America. In Desperate Houwives, there are many conversations which are concerned with pragmatics. Therefore, this pa
square heartper aims to find out and dig out the pragmatic phenomena in Desperate Houwives from a new angle. To achieve this goal, the author combines Cooperative Principle with Politeness Principle to analyze the conversations in Desperate Houwives. 【Key words】Desperate Houwives; Cooperative Principle; Politeness Principle