LME Aluminium (Alloy)英语四级报名时间
Aluminium alloy conforming to A380.1, 226 or AD12.1
Lot size (warrant)
20 tonnes (with a tolerance of +/- 2%)
Ingots, Small Sows, Large Sows, T-bars
Delivery/ttlement dates
First prompt date is TOM which is the next business day from today. The Cash prompt date is two business days from today followed by other daily prompts up to three months. TOM, CASH and 3 MONTH prompt rolls on a daily basis. Weekly prompts on every Wednesday of the month from 3 mont
hs to 6 months. Monthly prompts on every third Wednesday from 7 months to 27 months.
US dollars per tonne
Clearable currencies
US dollar, Japane yen, sterling, euro
Minimum price movement
Ring Outright $0.50 Carries $0.01 LME Select Outright $0.25 Carries $0.01 Inter-office Outright $0.01Carries $0.01
TAPOs (traded average price option)
Contract month
Monthly out to 27 months
Option type
European Optionbirthday cake
Last trading day
Business day preceding the Declaration Day of the relevant month before 18:00 Last matching and registration
18:15 on the penultimate trading day of the prompt month
Declaration date/time
Automatic declaration of in-the-money TAPOs at 15.00 on the last business day of the TAPO month
Premium tick size
0.01 USD (one cent)上海平和学校
Minimum strike price movement
USD $1
Exerci of the option
LCH.Clearnet auto exerci TAPOs.
Exerci will result in two futures contracts, one at the strike price and the other at the Monthly Average Settlement Price (MASP). The effect is to generate a cash ttlement which is ttled on the cond business day after the Declaration Day for the TAPO month Options contract specification
Contract months
mumaMonthly out to 27 months
Option type
American style option
Last trading day
Tuesday before the First Wednesday by 18:00 of the prompt month
Last matching and registration
Tuesday before the First Wednesday by 18:15 of the prompt month Declaration date/time
For clearing members, any LME business day from 08:00 up to 11:15 UK time on the first Wednesday of the prompt month. For clients, any LME business day from 08:00 up to 11:10 on the first Wednesday of the prompt month
password是什么意思11:15 for Clearing members
11:10 for Customers on the first Wednesday of the expiring option month Premium tick size
0.01 USD (one cent)
*Minimum strike price movement
$25 for strikes from US$25 to US$9,975
$50 for strikes from US$10,000 to US$19,950
$100 for all strikes over $US20,000
Automatic Exerci of options (for Clearing Members and their gregated accounts)
LME Clearing Members may declare their options between 7.30am and
11.15am on any day until the last declaration day which is the first Wednesday of the option month.
To assist clearing members, the LCH Clearing System contains an automatic exerci (auto-exerci) facility. This facility automatically determines which options are to be declared on the basis of the closing values for the third Wednesday prompt date that existed at the clo of business on the day before declaration (i.e. normally the closing price on the first Tuesday of the expiry month).
An Exchange Call Option will be automatically exercid (declared) by
卖场布局LCH.Clearnet if it is in‑the-money with a Strike Price that is two Gradations,
or more, below the at-the-money Strike Price.
牛津小学英语1bAn Exchange Put Option will be automatically exercid (declared) by
LCH.Clearnet if it is in‑the-money with a Strike Price that is two Gradations,
or more, above the at-the-money Strike Price. All other options will be subject to manual declaration by the taker.
Exerci will result in a third Wednesday Futures contract. Up until 11.15am on the day of expiry, any auto-exercid options can be changed/undone manually and the manual exerci of any options unaffected by auto exerci can be completed up until 11.15am.
*Minimum strike price movement and tick size for premiums available in all clearable currencies
买东西的英文LME contracts may only be offered or sold to United States foreign futures and options customers by firms registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), or firms who are permitted to solicit and accept money from US futures an options customers for trading on the LME pursuant to CFTC rule 30.10.