Kalman Filter and Maximum Likelihood
Estimation of Linearized DSGE Models怎么去日本留学
Dr.Tai-kuang Ho
Associate Professor.Department of Quantitative Finance,National Tsing Hua University,No.
1State space form and the Kalman…lter
1.1State space form
x t:the state variables
z t:the obrvable variables
Transition equation
101,Section2,Kuang-Fu Road,Hsinchu,Taiwan30013,Tel:+886-3-571-5131,ext.62136,Fax: +886-3-562-1823,E-mail:hu.edu.tw.
x t+1=F x t+G!t+1
!t+1 N(0;Q) Measurement equation
z t=H0t x t+ t
cts是什么意思t N(0;R)
思想政治教育专业考研We want to write the likelihood function of z t.
suck guy1.2Some uful properties of normal distribution Assume that
Z j w="X j w Y j w# N " x y#;" xx xyquickly>tsf
yx yy#!
Then if follows
2013江西高考英语X j Y;w N x+ xy 1yy(Y y); xx xy 1yy yx
z t 1 f z 1;z0;:::;z t 1g
x t j t 1:the random variables x t conditional on z t 1,the history of the obrv-able variables