
更新时间:2023-07-10 08:35:39 阅读: 评论:0

名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选Blue Stitches
心灵鸡汤精选Blue Stitches
【文章梗概】在与母亲玩拼字游戏时,我告知母亲我将参加学生会竞选秘书或副主席,而不 是主席,因为认为自己一位白人女孩赢不了参加竞选的西班牙男孩埃迪。然而,母亲鼓励我 竞选主席,并为我准备了竞选演讲的服装一一一条美丽的蓝裙子。妈妈在缝制时,为每一根 蓝色的针脚注入了她的自信和力量。穿着这条裙子,我对自己的信心满满,最终赢得了学生 主席的竞选。
Don ' t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do i t. Becau
what the world needs is people who have come alive.
a few"Howard Thurman
My mother winked as she asked her emingly innocent question. "How ' bout a game of Scrabble?
“You win all the time, Mama. ”
uSomeday, you' 11 beat me. Today just might be your day. ”
I acquiesced and t up the board. In 1980, I was a junior in high school, and my siblings were long gone to college and beyond. Mama relied on me for her daily do of conquering someone.
That Scrabble game in 1980 holds another special remembrance 冰棍英文fo/ me. No, I didn' t win. But that night, as we waged war with words, I brought up another competition 一 one that would change the way I saw mylf.
“Mama, student council elections are in two weeks.”
扫地的老太太She spelled out Q-U-I-E-T on a red triple-word space and whistled.
“That' s pretty good, if I do say so mylf. " She smiled at me and then started counting her gazillions of points.
“Mama, did you hear what I just said?”
“Uh-huh Forty-two points for quiet.' Your turn. ”
I looked at my tiles and sighed. I plopped down M-A-K-E-R on a double-word space and counted: 22.
“I like the idea of being part of student council my nior year. ”
“Sounds good. Twenty-eight points. ”
emto>leina“So, I have to go to the office tomorrow and pick up a form to fill out if I want to run. ”
“Do you want to run for student council?”
“I don' t know. Sounds fun.”
“Fun?" She finally looked up from the board and into my eyes.
“Mother, it will be my nior year. I want to have fun. ”
She looked back at her tiles. 英文字典uLeadership is about rving. How do you want to rve?
As Mama spelled out a Z word I' d never heard of, I thought about rving. She' d run for elected office in my small town three times, winning the office of District County Clerk.
gain是什么意思uMaybe I won' t run.”
Again, Mama looked up at me.
“You aren, t going to run becau you have to rve?”
I felt flustered at the way this conversation, not to mention the score, was headed.
uRobbie, think about your talents. What do you have to offer others? Once you get a clear picture of that, I bet you that rvice will sound--- well, it will sound fun. ”
Mama won the game. I went to bed undecided.
The next day, I came home with the application. After dinner, Mama called me into the living room.
“How about a game of spades?”
The wink accompanied the request.
“You' re on, Mama. I' ve beaten you at spades. Do you remember?”
Mother grinned and started shuffling the deck. "I don' t know what you' re talking about. ”
“I am going to run for student council, v I announced as we each drew our cards.
“Excellent. ”
“But I don' t know what position. I don' t really want to be treasurer, but maybe cretary or even the vice president. ”
Her eyes met mine.
“Why not president?”
I couldn, t believe this woman. Mom knew my high school? s enrollment was 250, grades 9 through 12. She also knew that we lived in a town of 3, 000 people, 85 percent of whom were Hi spanic, 15 percent white.
“You know why.”
“No. ”
uMother, I am a white girl. ”
uWhite girls don' t win against Hispanic guys. Eddie Rodriguez has already told everyone he is running for president. No way will I win. ”
uRobbie, what talents do you have? How are you going to rve?v
“I think I could be a good leader.”
“Leading? Sounds like a perfect talent for president. ”
“I told you, Eddie is running. Most of the time, the president is a guy, and Eddie is really popular. ”
fow“So, you are not running for president becau you are a girl and your competition is popular?”
uMother, you don' t understand the politics of high school. ”
“Robbie, believe in yourlf and who you are meant to be. Do this for the right reasons. Win or lo, play the game well. ”
With that, she won our first hand. And the cond---
The next day, I drew in a deep breath as I wrote the word “president“ on the application.
Mama happened to be an excellent amstressso I asked her to make me a dress for my Election Day speech. Immediately, she headed over to Mrs. Woods' s fabric store and found a bolt of royal-blue rayon knit. It was my favorite color and so soft.

本文发布于:2023-07-10 08:35:39,感谢您对本站的认可!



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