Ast Store
内建工具不够完善杰森 玛耶兹
没有内建的Level Stream支持
新年祝福 英语
开发成本高,某国内3A团队做了个10分钟的VR Demo,据说已经烧了一千多万
VR下的一些best practice同样缺乏文档和例子,目前都在摸石头过河
高兴的英文>refer to
The Switch from Unity 3D to Unreal Engine
A High Level Decision
Let me start off by saying that I (and other team members) are still HUGE fans of Unity. Several of us on the team have been using Unity since v3.X days (including Pro licens) and CONTINUE to u it for various projects. If I was starting a mobile project today, I wo
uld still reach for Unity.
We made a LOT of progress on prototyping ExtroForge with the Unity engine. Huge swaths of gameplay elements were engineered and integrated. We thrived with the rich variety of Ast Store packages available to us as well as the YEARS of online posts, blogs and tutorials. With at least two 15-year software engineering professionals on the team, we were efficient and proficient under Unity.苔丝下载
All that being said, we got to a point where a single aspect of the Unity Engine became a critical blocker – multiplayer networking. Several people on the team had experience with building multiplayer projects with Unity – one using the third party SmartfoxServer and the other with the built-in RakNet functionality. Extroforge, however, brought some specific needs to the table. – including Authoritative rver logic, rver-side physics and collision logic and high-performance (Extroforge is part FPS and part RTS in many ways). We prototyped multiplayer using the built-in networking and in the meantime, looked at some third party options. We were eagerly awaiting the Unity 5+ replacements for the networking – UNet.此情可待英文
The first iteration was less than impressive. Extremely limited (missing?) documentation and oddball (buggy? flaky?) performance. Simple replication of an animated model (location/rotation) was either non-functional or super-laggy. We experimented. We read forum posts. We waited. There were no official Unity tutorials. Some of the people that WERE making tutorial videos that we followed actually gave up and decided to wait until future releas. Then the Unity roadmap was published. With the implementation of the standalone simulation rver pushed out to March of 2016 (plus some other elements undefined), we decided to look at other options. What a pleasant shock it was to fire up Unreal for the first time with a starter project and e that little side menu next to the “Play” button that allowed you to auto-start not just a dedicated rver, but also as many ‘additional’ player clients as you wanted to. It was multiplayer nirvana.
Note that this was not SOLELY a decision bad on multiplayer functionality built into the engine. We have struggled for some time to get the world/terrain/foliage/water to look the
way we wanted. Our Team/Studio lead who was responsible for the look and feel decided to look at some other game engines to e how quickly he could achieve the desired results (our Unity results either looked too cartoonish or too “claylike”).
CryEngine was so beautiful “right out of the box” that he almost cried. But convincing the team into such a low-documentation, small community, high learning curve environment was a non-starter. With Unreal, the desired look and feel was quickly created and we were all MUCH more comfortable with the ur community, documentation level and toolts (including Blueprints).
Once we were convinced (via a few sample projects and prototyping ssions) that we could get the look-n-feel that we wanted – and with the multiplayer stability and scalability that Epic brings to the table (after YEARS in the multiplayer FPS space), we made the official decision to jump. It was a HARD decision. We had a lot of code and content that was Unity specific (including our procedural mesh bad voxel implementation). We were
so familiar with the Unity way of doing things – including the C# language. Blueprints and C++ gave us more than a moment’s pau…but we had committed.
C# versus C++ versus Blueprints…oh my.
The ExtroForge team had some technical depth. Both nior engineers had worked in C and C++ years ago – although had moved on to managed languages since – heavy in Java and C#. The rest of the team had mixed experiences in different high level languages. We were well experienced in both OOP and Component bad design. C# was an ‘easy’ language to work with in Unity and the additions that GameObject and its related brethren brought to the table had become cond nature to us. I’ll admit that the Blueprints concept in Unreal frightened me a bit. Interestingly enough, none of us had done any visual scripting before, so we had nothing to compare to. I had some bad experiences with wired prefabs in Unity – where we could easily lo a bunch of important ttings. I got very ud to establishing important values and ttings in code. That fear, along with many many years of software development experience behind us, m
ade me confident that we could/would blow the dust off our C++ skills and start that way. I was encouraged by the fact that most of the ‘starter’ sample projects that were available to download/install through the engine/editor had a Blueprint AND a C++ version. That encouragement was short lived, however. Not to sound demeaning – but becau of the large number of ‘hobbyists’ that flocked to Unreal becau of it’s price, there were a HUGE number of tutorials, forum posts, videos, etc related to accomplishing Unreal tasks in Blueprint land. There were SIGNIFICANTLY less in C++ land. At first I wasn’t too worried. Give me a good API doc (and the engine source) and I should be fine.