汉堡英文Trade Protectionism
1 The fact that trade protection hurts the economy of the country that impos it is one of the oldest but still most startling insights economics has to offer. The idea dates back to the origin of economic science itlf. Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, which gave birth to economics, already contained the argument for free trade: by specializing in production instead of producing everything, each nation would profit from free trade. In international economics it is the direct counterpart to the proposition that people within a economy will all be better off if all people specialize at what they do best instead of trying to ll sufficient.
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2 It is important to distinguish between the ca for free trade for onelf and the ca for trade for all. The former is an argument for free trade to improve one nation’s own welfare (the so-called “nation-efficiency” argument). The latter is an argument for free trade to improve every trading country’s welfare (the so-called “cosmopolitan-efficiency” argument). Underlying both cas is the assumption that prices are determined by free markets. But government may distort market prices by, for example, subsidizing production, as European governments have done in aerospace, electronics, and steel in recent years, and as all industrial countries do in agriculture. Or governments may protect intellectual property inadequately, causing underproduction of new knowledge. In such cas production and trade, guided by distorted prices, will not be efficient.
3 The cosmopolitan-efficiency ca for free trade is relevant to questions such as the design of international trade regimes. For example, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade overes world trade among member nations, just as the International Monetary Fund overes international macroeconomics and exchange rates. The national-efficiency ca for free trade concerns national trade policies; it is, in fact, Adam Smith’s ca for free trade. Economists typically have the nation-efficiency ca in mind when they talk of the advantage of free trade and of the folly of protectionism.
4. This ca, as refined greatly by economists in the postwar period, admits two theoretic
al possibilities in which protection could improve a nation’s economic wellbeing. First, as Adam Smith himlf noted, a country might be able to u threat of protection to get other countries to reduce their protection against its exports. Thus, threatened protection could be a tool to pry open foreign market, like oysters, with “a strong clasp knife,” as Lord Randolph Churchill put it the late nineteenth century. If the protectionist threat worked, then the county using it would gain doubly: form its own free trade and from its trading partners’ free trade as well. However, both Smith and later economists in Britain feared that such threats would not work. They feared that the protection impod as a threat would be permanent and that the threat would not lower the other countries’ trade barriers.
5.The trade policy of the united states today is premid on a different asssment: that indeed U.S markets can, and should, be clod as a means of opening new markets abroad. This premi underlies ctions 301 through 310 of the 1988 Omnibus Trade and competitiveness Act. The provisions permit, and sometimes even require, the U.S government to force other countries into accepting new trade. They can , for instance, take the form of voluntary quotas on exports of certain goods to the United States. Thus, they may simply force weak nations to redirect their trade in ways that strong nations desire, cutting away at the principle that trade should be guided by market prices.百度机器翻译>儿童英文故事