Cyber-Physical Systems
Executive Summary
Prepared by the CPS Steering Group
showgirl是什么意思March 6, 2008
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The integration of physical systems and process with networked computing has led to the emergence of a new generation of engineered systems: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Such systems u computations and communication deeply embedded in and interacting with physical process to add new capabilities to physical systems. The cyber-physical systems range from miniscule (pace makers) to large-scale (the national power-grid). Becau computer-augmented devices are everywhere, they are a huge source of economic leverage.
While most people think of “computers” as PCs and “computing” as browsing on the World Wide Web, most of the computers in the world are components of cyber-physical systems. The share of electronics in the cost of final products has been increasing dramatically, according to a recent study1
conducted by the European Commission. This study argues that in automotive, avionics/aerospace, industrial automation, telecommunications, consumer electronics, intelligent homes, and health and medical equipment, electronics will reach 53% of the cost by the end of the decade. The depth of this change is well-reflected by the trends in automobiles: in 1990 the percentage of value in an automobile’s worth of electronics was 16%; in 2003, it reached 52% and by the end of this decade, it will grow to 56%. This shift of the center of gravity in networking and information technology (NIT) has been recognized by an August 2007 report2 of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), which calls for the restructuring the national priorities in NIT rearch and development and placing CPS on the top of the list.
Why do we need so many cyber-physical systems? Generally speaking, embedded computers allow us to add capabilities to physical systems that we could not feasibly add in any other way. An early example of the successful marriage of computers and mechanical systems is the automobile. The advent of computer-controlled automotive engines is critical to both fuel-efficient and low-emission cars. It is unlikely that any car could be sold in the United States today that did not make u of computers to meet its fuel efficiency and pollution mandates. Clearly, the technological advantages brought about by marrying computers and physical devices have broad impact on the ec
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1 Study of Worldwide Trends and R&D Programmes in Embedded Systems in View of Maximising the
Impact of a Technology Platform in the Area. Prepared for the European Commission, November 18, 2005 2 Leadership Under Challenge: Information Technology R&D in a Competitive World. An Asssment of
the Federal Networking and Information Technology R&D Program. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), August 2007
Many of the embedded systems-related studies and efforts in the past have focud on the challenges the physical environment brings to the scientific foundations of NIT. However, the full scope of this change has much more breadth and depth than a restructuring inside NIT; it is a profou
nd revolution that turns entire industrial ctors into producers of cyber-physical systems. This is not about adding computing and communication equipment to conventional products where both sides maintain parate identities. This is about merging computing and networking with physical systems to create new capabilities and improve/maintain product quality. CPS has extraordinary significance for the future of the U.S. industry. There is much more at stake than extending our leadership in NIT to an exploding new market gment. Falling behind in the foundations of CPS may render our scientific and technological infrastructure obsolete, leading to rapid loss in our competitiveness in major industrial gments including automotive, aerospace, defen, industrial automation, health/medical equipment, critical infrastructure and defen. Whether we recognize it or not, we are in the midst of a pervasive, profound shift in the way humans engineer physical systems and manage their physical environment.
This document rves as a brief introduction to our current understanding of cyber-physical systems: why they have emerged now; how they will affect not only industry but society as well; the challenges and scientific agenda for this emerging field; and some recommendations on the ways that industry, government, and academia can cooperate to precipitate the changes. Our analysis and recommendations are in full concurrence with the main conclusion of the August 2007 PCAST r
eport that prented a formal asssment of the Federal Networking and Information Technology R&D (NITRD). We agree that the current U.S. leadership position in NIT will not translate into leadership in the future. The profound shift toward CPS brings NIT to the front line of a new technological revolution. A new national effort is required to capitalize on this opportunity and to establish U. S. leadership in this area.
Our conclusions have been developed using inputs from the following National Workshops initiated by the National Science Foundation between 2005 and 2008. The detailed program, contributions and conclusions of the Workshops are available on their respective web sites.
•National Workshop on "High Confidence Medical Device Software and Systems (HCMDSS)", June 2 - 3, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
•National Workshop on "Aviation Software Systems: Design for Certifiably Dependable Systems", October 5-6, 2006, Alexandria, TX.
•"Aviation Workshop" Report attached below.
•NSF Workshop on “Cyber-Physical Systems”, October 16-17, 2006, Austin, TX.
•"CPS Workshop" Report attached below.
•National Meeting on “Beyond SCADA: Networked Embedded Control for Cyber Physical Systems";, November 8-9, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
•"Beyond SCADA" Workshop Report attached below.
•National Workshop on "High-Confidence Software Platforms for Cyber-Physical Systems (HCSP-CPS)", November 30 - December 1, 2006, Alexandria, VA.
•NSF Industry Round-Table on Cyber-Physical Systems, May 17, 2007, Arlington, VA.
•"Joint Workshop On High-Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems (HCMDSS) and Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP) Interoperability", June 25-27, 2007, Boston, MA.
•National Workshop on "Composable and Systems Technologies for High-Confidence Cyber-Physical Systems", July 9-10, 2007, Arlington, VA.
Besides the NSF Workshops, we considered the conclusions of veral studies and new programs initiated in other countries, particularly the following studies undertaken in the European Union, Japan and South Korea.
•European Union: Advanced Rearch and Technology for Embedded Intelligence •and Systems (ARTEMIS)
•European Union: Smart System Integration (EPoSS)
•Japan: While information about government initiatives are not available, the level of interest is well demonstrated by the fact that the world’s largest tradeshow and conference in embedded systems is organized in Japan (Embedded Technology
2008) with 26,646 total registrants and 10,000 conference attendees.
•South Korea: Korean IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) - Embedded systems programsguardianship
Importance of CPS for the United States
It is critical that the United States cultivate and maintain a lead in the design of cyber-physical syste
ms. Cyber-physical systems are an emerging trend around the world becau of fundamental technological and economic forces. Cyber-physical systems are the primary area where disruptive technologies emerge that create new industries and rearrange the status quo in entire industrial ctors. As a global leader in NIT, the U.S. is well positioned to capture the initiative and gain technology advantage in CPS. This advantage does not translate immediately into advantage in CPS, however. This is well recognized by our competitors. For example, between 2007 and 2013 the ARTEMIS Program in EU will invest ven billion in mid-2007 dollars in R&D to achieve “world leadership in intelligent electronic systems” by 2016.
A ries of technological and economic drivers have aligned themlves to reshape industry. Many of the are moving fast and the U.S. can maintain its lead only by moving quickly. If the U.S. allows other countries to develop capabilities in cyber-physical systems that we lack, then our industrial competitiveness will suffer long-term economic harm that will be very difficult to rever.
Technological and Economic Drivers
The last two decades have brought a digital revolution that has been transforming industry. This change is not a matter of choice; it is driven by fundamental, long-term technological and economic trends that we expect to continue with or without our active participation.
•The decreasing cost of computation, networking, and nsing provides the basic economic motivation for adopting NIT in every industry and application. Moore’s Law, which mandates an exponential growth in computing power, has brought us extremely sophisticated computers at consumer electronics prices. The same
trends have vastly improved communication and nsing. Computers and
communication have become the “universal system integrator” that keeps large
systems together. They enable the construction of cyber-physical system
infrastructures that run on a national or global scale: the national power grid, the
air traffic control system, the national transportation network.
• A variety of social and economic forces will require us to u our national infrastructure more efficiently. Building new roads and power lines, for example, both costs money and introduces environmental and local impacts that we may
not want to absorb. By operating vehicles at clor spacings and tolerating smaller margins in the power grid we can u more of the available capacities. By
university of alberta
monitoring the conditions of roadways, we can apply maintenance where it is
needed, both improving utilization and reducing unnecessary maintenance.
•Environmental pressures will mandate the rapid introduction of technologies to improve energy efficiency and reduce pollution. As we have en in automobiles, improving energy efficiency and reducing pollution simultaneously is possible
only by using the complex control systems that embedded computers allow us to
lou bega angelinabuild.
•As the national population ages, we will need to make more efficient u of our health care systems, ranging from facilities to medical data and information. This requires shift toward incread automation in treatment management, in-home
health care delivery, and the u of standardized treatment protocols. Industrial Competitiveness
The technological and economic drivers are creating an environment that both enable and require a range of new capabilities. Progress during the past decade has produced early examples of a new generation of systems that rely on cyber-physical technology:
•Airplanes and automobiles that are environmentally friendly and energy efficient.
•Integrated, lf optimizing transportation systems and vehicles that are able to interface with them.
•Advanced health care via incread automation, integrating smart devices, and providing safe access to electronic medical records.
•New biotechnology via engineering clod-loop biological systems.
•Quality, safety and efficiency of our national infrastructure.