粤语在线翻译Unit1 Mr. Dohert y Builds His DreamLife
The passage mainly talked aboutthe dreamlife of the author with his family on a farm, wheret heauthor couldwriteand live.The author viewed his life in the countr y as a lf-relian t and satisf yingone, but sometimes the good life wouldget very hard. On the firstwinter, the author was fond of everyminute instea d with his family, whichthey wouldneverforget, whilethe follow spring brough t two floods, whichmade them amazed.Afterquitti ng his job, the author’s income was reduce d, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Beside s, he ran a farm and benefited more from it. A tolera nce for solitu de and a lot of energy had made it possib le for thefamily to enjoytheirlife in the countr y.What’s more, they also had foundthe lifestyle that they prefer red in this place.
Unit 2The Freedo m Givers
意大利语 你好The passage mainly talked about threepersons, Josiah Henson,John Parker and Levi Coffin, whowere the givers of freedo m for blackslaves in the Americ an history.Beside s, the author praise d the exploi ts of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Underg round Railro ad to freedo mby citing more exampl es. What’s more, it was high time to honorthe heroes who helped libera te slaves by forgin g the Underg round Railro ad in theearlycivil-rights strugg les in Americ a.Afterwinnin g his own freedo m
from slaver y, John Parker helped otherslaves to escape northto Canada andfreedo m.Suppor ted by a strong religi ous convic tion,the whiteman Levi Coffin risked himl f to helpmany blackslaves to escape. At last,by travel ing the Underg round Railro ad, Josiah Henson reache d his destin ation and became free.
Unit 3The Land of the Lock
The passage mainly talked aboutthe land of lock, whichhappen ed in Americ an.When the author was young, it was the localcustom for people to leavethe frontdoor at nightbut didn’t cloit,and none of them carrie d keys. Howeve r, nowada ysthodays were over, and the era of leavin g the frontdoor on the latchhas drawnto a clo. What a greatchange was that no locking had been replac ed by dead-bolt locks, curity chains, electr onicalarmsystems and so on. Theref ore, the lock became the new symbol of Americ a. What’s more, a new atmosp hereof fear and distru st had creptinto everyaspect of dailylife. As a result, curi ty device s, in varied forms, were put to u. In lockin g their fearsout, they became prison ers of their own making.
Unit 4 Was Einste in a SpaceAlienbore什么意思
The passage mainly talked aboutAlbert Einste in, whowas a younghusban d and father with a bushy
hair. In ordert o suppor t his young family,with a poor sleep, he had to work hard at the Patent Office so that he was very tired. For which, he felt all the pressu re and responsibility. Howeve r, aiming to relaxhimlf, he made astoni shing achiev ement s in physic s and thus revolu tioni zed the fieldwith five papers aboutsparetime, whichwere of greatimpact on all over the world. Becaus e of his supper intelligenc e and the contributio n to the societ y, the United Nation s declar ed 2005 as his miracle year.What’s more, his discov eries were attrib utabl e to his imagin ation, questi oning,disreg ard consta ntly for author ity, powers of concen trati on, and intere st in scienc e.In fact, he was not a spacealien,but just a common person.
2011年12月英语四级Unit 5ThreeThank-You Letter s
天津人力资源管理师培训The passage mainly talked about the author’s threespecia l letter s, bywhichh e wanted to celebr ate the true meanin g of Thanks givin g. OnThanks givin g Day 1943, as a youngcoastg uards man at a, heworked as a cook. Whilehe was goingto thinkaboutThanks givin g, he came up with the idea of expres singhis gratit ude to people who had helped himbefore.Theref ore, he wrotethreethank-you letter s to threepersons, his father, the Rev. Nelson and his grandm other.At a mail call, he got threeletter s in reply, whichdrovehim to thinkdeeply.Afterhe retire d from the CoastGuard, he stillneverforgot theletter swhichgave him an insigh t into expressingapprec iatio n for one’s effort s.
Furthe rmore, he wished everyo ne to find the good and then praise it.
Unit 6The Last Leaf
The passage mainly t alked aboutthe last leaf, whichJohnsy gave a sightto aftershe got the pneumonia and livedin the hospit al. She looked out the window and counte d the leaves on an old ivy vine. Furthe rmore, she made up her mind to end her life when the last leaf fell. When she saw the last leaf still clingto the vine after two nights’ rain and wind, she decide d not to give up her life. In fact, the last leaf, called a master piece by Behrma nwho risked his life painting it therethe nightthat the last leaf fell, was actually painte d onto the wall. Howeve r, becaus e it looked so real that she couldhave neverimagin ed that it was faked. In a deeper n, it savedher life.
unit 1 Mr. Dohert y Builds His DreamLife
In Americ a many people have a romant ic idea of life in the countr yside. Many living in townsdreamof starti ng up theirown farm, of living off the land. Few get roundto puttin g theirdreams into practi ce. This is perhap s just as well, as the life of a farmer is far from easy, as Jim Dohert y discov eredwhen he t out to combin e beinga writer with runnin g a farm. Nevert heles s, as he explai ns, he has no regret s and remain s enthus iasti c abouthis decisi on to change his way of life.
Mr. Dohert y Builds His DreamLife
Jim Dohert y
1 Thereare two things I have always wanted to do -- writeand live on a farm. TodayI'm doingboth. I am not in E. B. White's classas a writer or in my neighb ors' league as a farmer, but I'm gettin g by. And afteryearsof frustr ation with city and suburb an living, my wife Sandyand I have finall y foundconten tment here in the countr y.
2 It's a lf-relian t sort of life. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegeta bles. Our hens keep us in eggs, with vera l dozenleft over to ll each week. Our bees provid e us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just aboutmake it throug h the heatin g ason.
3 It's a satisf yinglife too. In the summer we canoeon the river, go picnic kingin the woodsand take long bicycl e rides. In the winter we ski and skate. We get excite d aboutsunt s. We love the smellof the earthwarmin g and the soundof cattle lowing. We watchfor hawksin the sky and deer in the cornfi elds.
4 But the good life can get pretty tough. Threemonths ago when it was 30 below, we spenttwo mira ble days haulin g firewo od up the riveron a sled. Threemonths from now, it will be 9
5 aboveand we will be cultiv ating corn, weedin g strawb errie s and killin g chicke ns. Recent ly, Sandyand I had to retile the back roof. Soon Jim, 1
6 and Emily, 13, the younge st of our four childr en, will help me make some long-overdu e improv ement s on the outdoo r toilet that supple ments our indoor plumbi ng when we are workin g outsid e. Laterthis month, we'll spraythe orchar d, paintthe barn, plantthe garden and cleanthe hen houbefore the new chicks arrive.
5 In betwee n such chores, I manage to spend50 to 60 hoursa week at the typewr iteror doingreport ing for the freela nce articl es I ll to magazi nes and newspa pers. Sandy, meanwh ile, pursue s her own demand ing schedu le. Beside s the usualhouh old routin e, she overse es the garden an
d beehiv es, bakesbread,cans and freeze s, drives the kids to theirmusiclesson s, practi ces with them, takesorganlesson s on her own, does rear ch and typing for me, writes an articl e herl f now and then, tendsthe flower beds, stacks a little wood and delive rs the eggs. Therei s, as the old saying goes, no rest for the wicked on a placelike this -- and not much for the virtuo us either. 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。
6 None of us will ever forget our firstwinter. We were buried underfive feet of snow from Decemb er throug h March. Whileone stormafteranothe r blaste d huge drifts up agains t the houand barn, we kept warm inside burnin g our own wood, eating our own apples and loving everyminute of it.
7 When spring came, it brough t two floods. Firstthe riveroverfl owed, coveri ng much of our land for weeks. Then the growin g ason began, swampi ng us underwave afterwave of produc e. Our freeze r filled up with cherri es, raspbe rries, strawb errie s, aspara gus, peas, beansand corn. Then our canned-goodsshelve s and cupboa rds beganto grow with prer ves, tomato juice, grapejuice, plums, jams and jellie s. Eventu ally, the bame nt floordisapp eared underpilesof potato es, squash and pumpki ns, and the barn beganto fill with apples and pears. It was amazin g.
8 The next year we grew even more food and manage d to get throug h the winter on firewo od that was mostly from our own treesand only 100 gallon s of heatin g oil. At that pointI beganthinki ng riou sly aboutquitti ng my job and starti ng to freela nce. The timing was terrib le. By then, Shawnand Amy, our oldest girlswere attend ing expens ive Ivy League school s and we had only a fe
w thousa nd dollar s in the bank. Yet we kept coming back to the same questi on: Will thereever be a better time? The answer, decide dly, was no, and so -- with my employ er's blessi ngs and half a year's pay in accumu lated benefi ts in my pocket -- off I went.
9 Therehave been a few anxiou s moment s sincethen, but on balanc e things have gone much better than we had any rightto expect. For variou s storie s of mine, I've crawle d into black-bear dens for Sports Illust rated, hitche d up dogsle d racing teamsfor Smiths onian magazi ne, checke d out the Lake Champl ain "monste r" for Scienc e Digest, and canoed throug h the Bounda ry Waters wilder nessarea of Minnes ota for Destin ation s.
10 I'm not making anywhe re near as much moneyas I did when I was employ ed full time, but now we don't need as much either. I genera te enough income to handle our $600-a-monthmortga ge paymen ts plus the usualexpens es for a family like ours. That includ es everyt hingfrom musiclesson s and dental billsto car repair s and colleg e costs.When it comesto insura nce, we have a poor man's major-medica l policy. We have to pay the first$500 of any medica l fees for each member of the family. It picksup 80% of the costsbeyond that. Althou gh we are stuckwith paying minorexpens es, our premiu m is low -- only $560 a year -- and we are covere d agains t catast rophe. Asidefrom that and the policy on our two cars at $400 a year, we have no otherinsura nce. But we are ttin g aside$2,000 a year in an IRA.