lacefox作者:丁云连 平安夜的英文申瑶 alphanumeric李璟 华佳淼
摘discounted taurus什么意思要:本文对75个大豆油中维生素E组分及含量进行了研究,结果表明大豆油中均含有α-生育酚、β-生育酚、one chancevdlγ-生育酚、δ-生育酚,且4种生育酚的含量从高到低分别为γ-生育酚、δ-afar生育酚、α-生育酚、β-生育酚。在维生素E的4种生育酚的总和上,无论工艺,随着大豆油等级越高维生素E的4种生育酚的总和就越低;且无论等级,浸出工艺的大豆油维生素E含量(以α-生育酚当量计)的平均含量均要大于压榨工艺的大豆油。
Abstract:The composition and content of vitamin E in 75 kinds of soybean oil were studied, The results showed that all soybean oil contained α-tocopherol, β-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, δ-tocopherol,; and the contents of the four tocopherols content from high to low are respectively are γ-tocopherol, δ-tocopherol, α-tocopherol and β-tocopherol.
On the sum of the four tocopherols of vitamin E, regardless of the Production process, the sum of the four tocopherols of vitamin E is lower with the higher grade of soybean oil, and regardless of grade, the average content of vitamin E (calculated a
s α -tocopherol equivalent) in soybean oil of leaching process is higher than that of soybean oil of squeezing process.