滕卫丽,李文 ,张继雨,韩英鹏,李文滨
5 (东北农业大学大豆研究所/ 大豆生物学教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨150030 )
摘要 : 大豆叶黄素是与大豆营养价值有关的重要品质性状, 探究其变化规律及其与相关性状
的关系能促进优质大豆新品种的选育。本文以东农 46 与 L-100 衍生的128 个 F2:5 重组自交
系为材料, 对籽粒叶黄素含量变异及其与品质和形态性状间相关性进行了分析。研究结果表
10 明:大豆籽粒叶黄素含量呈偏态分布,超高亲频率为 10.94% ,其中 1 份株系的叶黄素含量
达 42.67 μg/g 。群体蛋白质含量的超高亲频率为 36.72% ,明显大于脂肪含量的超高亲频率
(1.53%), 其中 1 份株系的蛋白质含量达 50.90% ; 群体的长/ 宽、宽/ 厚和长/ 厚平均值与中
亲值极为接近,超高亲频率和超低亲频率均在 10.0% 以下。群体籽粒叶黄素含量与长/宽呈
新概念英语第四册极显著正相关,蛋白质含量与脂肪含量、百粒重、长/ 宽、宽/ 厚呈显著或极显著相关,脂肪
15 含量与长/ 宽极显著负相关,长/ 宽、宽/ 厚和长/ 厚间呈极显著相关。本文研究结果将为培育
关键词 : 大豆;叶黄素;品质性状;形态性状; 相关性
中图分类号 :S512.2
20 Changes of Seed Lutein Content and Correlative Analysis
for Quality and Morphological Characters Traits in Soybean
TENG Weili, LI Wen, ZHANG Jiyu, HAN Yingpeng, LI Wenbin
Soybean Rearch Institute, Northeast Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Soybean
Biology Ministry of Education, Harbin 150030
25 Abstract: Seed lutein is an important quality trait correlated with nutritional value in soybean. It
neea edu cnwould be beneficial to breed fine quality varieties through studying its change rule and correlation
of different traits with it in soybean. A recombinant inbred line RIL population including 128
F2:5 lines from Dongnong46 ×L-100 was conducted to evaluate the
metallurgicalgenetic variation of lutein
content and correlation between lutein content and main quality and morphological characters30 The results showed that ed lutein content in soybean was obedient to skewed distribution10.94% lines possd a higher lutein content than the high-value parent and a line which contained 42.67μg/g of lutein content was lected. Frequency of lines over high-value of protein
content in population 36.72% was obviously higher than that of oil content 1.53%. A line
which contained 50.90% of protein content was lected. Mean of ed length/ed width
35 SL/SW, ed width/ed height SW/SH and ed length/ed height SL/SH of the population
were very clo to mid-parent value of the characters, their frequencies of lines over high-value
and tho of lines over low-value appeared less than 10%. Highly significant positive correlation
was found between lutein content and SL/SW. Protein content of the population showed
significant correlation with four indicators, including oil content, 100-ed weight, SL/SW and
40 SW/SH. Oil content of the population was significantly and
negatively correlated with SL/SWThree characters, including SL/SW, SW/SH and SL/SH of the population, were collelated
significantly. The results could be ud for breeding fine quality variaties in soybean
Key words: Soybean; Lutein; Quality trait; Morphological characters; Correlationfood for louis
黑龙江省自然科学基金(C200951 )的资助。
作者简介: 滕卫丽 (1972- ) , 女 , 研究员, 主要研究方向: 大豆遗传育种与生物技术. E-mail: twlneau@163
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45 0 引言
叶黄素 (Lutein ) , 又称植物黄体素 , 是新型保健食品添加剂, 在保健食品加工上开
发前景广阔 , 对人类健康起着积极的作用。在大豆籽粒中, 叶黄素含量为 1.2~35μg/g , 提
[3, 4]
高其叶黄素含量对增强大豆的营养价值 ,提高人类健康水平具有重要的意义。
春节快乐 英文
目前国内外有关大豆叶黄素的文献报道较少, 有关其与其他因素之间的相关性研究则更
50 少。Kanamaru et al (2006)研究表明野生大豆的高叶黄素含量性状稳定 ,他提出可利用这
类野生大豆提高籽粒中叶黄素含量 ; 2008 年他又发现大豆籽粒叶黄素含量和种子的重量无
显著相关,但与花期呈显著相关。Wang et al (2007 )发现大豆籽粒中叶黄素与α- 生育酚
间呈显著正相关, 说明叶黄素的高含量特性具有很高的遗传性。Seguin et al (2011) 研究迪斯尼英语动画
表明: 不同播期间造成的大豆叶黄素含量变化范围为 20~56% , 适当增加播种密度可提高叶
55 黄素含量 ;而 Lee et al (2009 )研究表明: 不同年份和播种期对大豆籽粒中叶黄素含量没
exhaust有影响, 但基因型与年份、基因型与播期、基因型、年份与播期互作对叶黄素含量有显著影
响, 并证明叶黄素含量与油酸含量呈正相关, 与亚油酸含量和亚麻酸含