scream什么意思粮"与"品工业Cereal and Food Industry 粮油工程editor
Vol. 26,2019,No. 4磷脂豆粕在饲料及养殖过程中应用的研究
顾茂,董济萱,安 w
中粮集团中粮油脂研发中心 (北京 100020)
pitch摘 要:豆粕、磷脂为大豆提油主要副产物,将毛油脱胶所得磷脂回喷至豆粕中,干燥后制备成 磷脂豆粕,可以提高饲料产品经济效益。通过研究发现磷脂豆粕中粗脂肪含量高出普通豆粕约 119%,其制备的饲料消化能明显高于普通豆粕制备的饲料,根据猪的营养NRC 净能体系计算可 知,磷脂回喷技术后豆粕产品相应能量应调高689. 33 kj/kg 。此外,断奶仔猪生长性能实验表明 食用磷脂豆粕饲料猪的增重率及采食量明显升高,料重比及腹泻率明显降低。将磷脂回喷至豆粕 中得到的磷脂豆粕可以提高饲料的营养价值,提高猪的生长速率,节约了饲料,为养殖户带来丰厚 的经济效益,同时精炼厂对磷脂的合理处理提供了解决方案。
中图分类号:TS 214. 2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 — 5026(2019)04 — 020 — 04Application of soybean meal enriched phospholipids in feed and breed
side effects
Gu Mao,Dong jixuan, An Jun *
*收稿日期:2019 — 03 — 11作者简介:顾茂,男,1981年出生,工程师,研究方向为化
学工程与工艺。*通讯作者:安 骏,男,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事油脂科kinda
英语3级研工作。COFCO Oil & Fat,R&D Center (Beijing 100020)
Abstract : Soybean meal and phospholipids are the main by — products of soybean oll extrac tion The phospholipids obtained from degum crude oil are sprayed back into the soybean meal , which is prepared after drying to improve the economic benefits of feed products. The results showedthatthecrudefatcontentofsoybean meal enriched phospholipids was higher than com mon soybean meal about 119% AccordingtothecalculationofNRCnetenergysystem ,thecor- respondingenergyofsoybean mealproductsshouldbeincreadby 689 33kj /kgafterthetech- nology of phospholipids injection. At t
he same time , the growth performance of weaned piglets showedthat ,theweightgainandthedailygainofweanedpigletsfeedingwithsoybean mealen- richedphospholipidswereincread , andthediarrhearatewasdecread Thephospholipidsoy- bean meal obtained by spraying the phospholipid back into the soybean meal can improve the nu tritional value of the feed , improve the growth rate of pigs , and save the feed and bring rich eco- nomicbenefitstotherairs Meanwhile ,thereasonabletreatmentofphospholipidbytherefin- eryprovidesasolution
Key words : phospholipid ; soybean meal ; feed ; growth performance of pigs
对家禽、优质瘦肉型猪需求量的增大促使优质蛋白 饲料工业发展迅速⑴。豆粕,作为大豆提油后的主 要副产品,是一种营养成分种类齐全、营养物质含量