S I N O-O V E R S E A S G R A P E V I N E&W I N E行业观察中外葡萄与葡萄酒
(1. 新疆农业科学院吐鲁番农业科学研究所, 新疆吐鲁番 838000;2. 库尔勒市农作物品种改良繁育推广中心,新疆库尔勒 841000;3. 新疆紫晶川梭高新农业股份有限公司,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000;
4. 吐鲁番市林果业技术推广服务中心,新疆吐鲁番 838000)
double shot面临极大挑战,如何解决吐鲁番葡萄产业的发展瓶颈,直接关系着农村发展和农民增收。本文通过调查吐鲁
中图分类号:S663.1 文献标志码:A
Investigation and analysis of the Turpan grape industryzhet
XU Guixiang1,LIAN Weijia1,LIU Ping2,LIU Zhentao3,LIU Liyuan4,WU Jiuyun1*
bob newhart
(1. Turpan Rearch Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Turpan 838000, China;2. Korla Crop Variety Improvement Breeding Promotion Center, Korla 8410
00, China;3. Xinjiang Zijing Chuansuo High-Tech Agricultural Co. Ltd, 830000, China;4. Turpan Fruit Industry Technology Promotion Service Center, Turpan 838000, China)
bloombergAbstract: Turpan's superior light and heat conditions and unique climatic resources provide unique growing
conditions for grape cultivation, making it an important grape producing region in China. The grape industry has
become one of the important pillar industries in the rural economic development and sustained increas in ruralrotta
bec商务英语中级incomes in the Turpan prefecture after years of development. However, with the rapid development of China's grape
eyes wide shutindustry and the impact of the international market, Turpan grape industry's efficiency has declined significantly,
and its industrial advantages are facing great challenges. How to solve the development bottleneck of Turpan's
grape industry is directly related to rural development and income of farmers. By investigating the current status
95 comof the development of the Turpan grape industry, the main problems of the current development of the Turpan
suckergrape industry were analyzed from the aspects of the grape industry development direction, structural adjustment,
standardized production, and post-processing, the development strategy of Turpan grape industry was put forward, in
order to broaden the grape industry development ideas, extend the grape industry development chain, and provide a
reference for promoting the sustained and healthy development of Turpan grape industry.
Key words: Turpan; grape; industrial superiority; prospect
作者简介:徐桂香(1987—),助理研究员,主要从事葡萄种质的收集、保存、鉴定评价研究。E-mail: *通信作者:吴久赟(1988—),助理研究员,主要从事葡萄种质的收集、保存、鉴定评价研究。E-mail: