Nutritional Deficiencies
Luigi Bavaresco,Matteo Gatti,and Mario Fregoni
Abstract Fourteen mineral elements are considered esntial for higher plant growth;the elements include6macronutrients(N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S)and8trace elements(Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,Cl,B,Mo,Ni).The physiological role of each element is described,as well as the deficiency symptoms and the methods to prevent or cure the nutritional disorders.Leaf blade and/or petiole chemical analysis is an important tool to asss the nutritional status of the plant and the methodology to perform the leaf sampling is described as well as the optimum concentrations of each element. The effect of the grape variety,rootstock and environmental conditions on mineral nutrition is described,as well as the amount of element uptake in the vineyard, which is crucial for fertilizer recommendation.
12.1Background (166)
12.2Mineral Element Function (167)
武汉仁和会计培训学校12.3Analytical Methods (168)
12.4Mineral Elements (169)
12.4.1Nitrogen (169)
12.4.2Phosphorus (171)
12.4.3Potassium (171)
12.4.4Calcium (175)
12.4.5Magnesium (176)
12.4.6Iron (177)
12.4.7Boron (181)
12.4.8Zinc (185)
12.4.9Mangane (188)
12.5Interest,Limitation,Progress (189)
References (190)
CRA-Rearch Centre for Viticulture,Viale XXVIII Aprile,26,31015Conegliano(TV),Italy; Istituto di Frutti-Viticoltura,UniversitàCattolica S.Cuore,Piacenza,I-29100,Italy;
165 S.Delrot et al.(eds.),Methodologies and Results in Grapevine Rearch,
DOI10.1007/978-90-481-9283-0_12,C Springer Science+Business Media B.V.2010
166L.Bavaresco et al.
EDDHA Ethylenediamine-N,N -bis(o-hydroxyphenylacetic)acid
EDDHMA Ethylenediaminedi(o-hydroxy-p-methylphenylacetic)acid EDDHSA Ethylenediaminedi(2-hydroxy-5-sulfophenylacetic)acid
DTPA Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid
Grapevine needs fertilizer supply in order to keep a constant fruit load along time, together with a proper grape composition to give a high quality wine,becau the natural soil rervoir of mineral elements is actually not sufficient to support the vine nutritional requirements throughout its entire life.There are14elements that are considered to be esntial for higher plants;the are macronutrients (N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S)and trace elements(Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,Cl,B,Mo,Ni).The average concentration in shoot dry matter(that is sufficient for adequate growth) for macronutrients is higher than0.1%,while for trace elements it is lower than 100ppm(Marschner1995).Grapevine is a plant needing low levels of fertilizer supply,concerning especially nitrogen and phosphorus,unless it produces too heavy crop loads.Chemical analysis of the biomass produced along the annual growth cycle is utilized to calculate the nutritional needs of the vine,corresponding to the annual mineral element uptake by the whole plant(Fregoni1980).The method of nutritional maps was provided to rec
ommend fertilizer supply for the vineyards, taking in account soil composition,foliar or petiole analysis,nutrient uptake and loss(Fregoni1984,2009,Vercesi and Gatti2007).According to the Table12.1, nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium uptake byfield growing vines increas as a conquence of increasing grape production,and their ratios change depending on the grape yield.
During the annual cycle,the vine can undergo mineral deficiencies,impairing the physiology of the plant,due to different factors such as high vegetative vigour,soil composition,meteorological conditions.Nutritional deficiencies affect the shape, Table12.1N,P and K uptake(Kg/ha/year)offield growing vines depending on the crop load
t grapes/ha Nitrogen(N)
Average data obtained from38nutritional maps developed in reprentative Italian viticultural areas,including41varieties,10training systems,with grape yield ranging from6.0and27.0t/ha(Bavaresco2005).
12Nutritional Deficiencies167 colour,chemical composition,performance and attainable age of individ
ual organs of the whole vine,and they are the conquence of deficiency of one of more nutri-ents(Pearson and Goheen1988).The visible symptoms provide clues about their cau,but soil and leaf(blade or petiole)analysis can confirm nutrient imbalance.
12.2Mineral Element Function
The phloem mobility and the role of the elements in the vine physiology is reported in Table12.2.
Table12.2Phloem mobility and main role of the mineral elements
Element Phloem mobility Main role
Nitrogen(N)High Constituent of chlorophyll,proteins,hormones,nucleic
acids,lecithins,vitamins,alkaloids.It enhances
vegetative growth(vigour),leading to bud burst delay,
bigger shoot and leaf growth,higher drought and dia
susceptibility,lower resveratrol synthesis,longer growing
ason,K and Fe deficiency.It enhances grape yield,
delay grape ripening and reduce quality
Phosphorus(P)High Constituent of cell membrane,nucleic acids,vitamins,
lecithins,proteins,ATP.It enhances the growth of shoot
and root apex and leaves;it improves grape aromas Potassium(K)High It enhances shoot growth,dia and winter frost
resistance,sugar and starch accumulation(respectively in
the berries and in the woody organs),it controls water
status and berry acidity level,by activating many
enzymes.It is required for protein synthesis
Calcium(Ca)Low Constituent of cell wall.It is involved in protein and
carbohydrate synthesis and in transpiration Magnesium(Mg)High Constituent of the chlorophyll and enzyme activator.It is
involved in carbohydrate partitioning
Sulphur(S)High Constituent of some aminoacids,vitamins,CoA
Iron(Fe)Intermediate Constituent of cytochromes and other enzymes involved in
photosynthesis,respiration,nitrate reduction
Boron(B)Intermediate It enhances root growth and lignin synthesis,membrane
integrity and functioning,pollen germination and pollen
tube growth,sugar accumulation
Mangane(Mn)Low It is involved in protein and oxidative metabolism,in
photosynthesis and in hormone regulation.It improves
bud fertility,fruit t,lignifications and wine bouquet Zinc(Zn)Intermediate It improves bud fruitfulness,fruit t,drought and frost
resistance,membrane integrity,wine bouquet
Copper(Cu)Intermediate It is involved in pollen formation and fertilization,in lignin分毫>48个国际音标发音
synthesis and dia resistance
Molybdenum (Mo)Intermediate Constituent of nitrate reducta,it is involved in nitrogen
Chlorine(Cl)High It is involved in photosynthetic oxygen evolution and in
stomatal regulation,and it stimulates tonoplast雅思官方网站
proton-pumping ATPa
168L.Bavaresco et al.
12.3Analytical Methods
Nutritional disorders can be avoided by monitoring the nutritional status of the vine, through leaf(blade)or petiole analysis,which has to be done periodically(every2–3 years)even though no deficiency symptoms are visible in the vineyard(Christenn et al.1978,Christenn1984).The mineral composition of the leaf(blade or petiole) is actually reprentative of the whole plant nutritional status(Champagnol1990, Delas1990,Loué1990,Vercesi et al.1993).When the leaf levels are approaching the deficiency range,it is the time to act in order to avoid symptoms occurrence.
The methodology is reported in Table12.3.
When the symptom is there,no chemical analysis of the blade/petiole is conve-nient,becau,according to the literature,every mineral deficiency is corresponding to specific symptoms(Fregoni1982).
The dried blades/petioles are analyzed to detect the total amount of each macronutrient and trace element,and the results are compared with normal(opti-mum)values(%and ppm on the dry weight basis),which are reported in Tables12.4 and12.5.
Table12.3Method for leaf blade and petiole sampling
Blade Petiole
Sampling time Fruit t and veraison Veraison
Number of vines50–100vines100vines
Leaf position in the shoot Opposite the basal cluster Opposite the clusters Shoot position in the vine(cane pruning)Middle of each cane Middle of each cane Shoot position in the vine(spur pruning)Apical of a middle spur Apical of a middle spur Minimum leaf number50–100100
Leaf treatments Water rin a
Drying(3d at70◦C)Water rin a
Drying(3d at70◦C)
a Only if the sampling is done after foliar spray,and for Cu,Zn,Mn analysis.
Table12.4Concentration ranges of mineral nutrients in leaf blade dry matter that are optimal for adequate growth(Fregoni2005)
Element in the blade Fruit t Veraison
K(%) Ca(%) Mg(%) K/Mg
K/Ca+Mg Fe(ppm) B(ppm) Mn(ppm) Zn(ppm) Cu(ppm)2.08–2.95
12Nutritional Deficiencies 169
Table 12.5Concentration ranges of mineral nutrients in petiole dry matter that are optimal for adequate growth (Fregoni 2005)
Element in the petiole Veraison N (%)P (%)K (%)Ca (%)Mg (%)K/Mg Fe (ppm)B (ppm)Mn (ppm)Zn (ppm)Cu (ppm)
12.4Mineral Elements 12.4.1Nitrogen
First appearance time :Spring.Whole vine :Reduced vigour.
Leaves :Smaller,pale green and then yellow.Reddening of petiole (Figs.12.1and 12.2).
Shoots :Pink or red,reduced growth.Fruit :Berries may be small (Fig.12.3
Fig.12.1N deficiency:adult leaves are pale green,turning yellow