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Intraspecific variation in Diplodia riata isolates occurring on grapevines in Spain 期刊名称: Plant Pathology
作者: Elena, G.,Garcia-Figueres, F.,Reigada, S.,Luque, J.
hit girl年份: 2015年
期号: 第3期php网站培训
关键词: botryosphaeria dieback;genetic variability;inter‐simple quence repeat marker;pathogenicity;virulence;Vitis vinifera
否认英语五杀英语怎么说摘要:Variation of Diplodia riata , a fungal species associated with botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine, was investigated with respect to its genetic, phenotypic and pathogenic characteristics. The inter-simple quence repeat (ISSR) technique was ud to investigate the genetic diversity of 83 isolates of D.riata . Five ISSR primers were able to provide reproducible and polymorphic DNA fingerprint patterns, thus showing a relevant genetic variability in the species. Analys of ISSR data by
different clustering methods grouped the isolates into two distinct clusters through the Bayesian and DAPC analys. No relationships between either geographic or host origin of isolates and genetic clusters were obrved. Several reprentative isolates from each genetic cluster were chon for studying their conidial dimensions, in