Altering Light and Soil N to Limit Phalaris
trustinarundinacea Reinvasion in Sedge Meadow
期刊名称: Restoration Ecologybodyguard
japane young girl作者: Basil V.Iannone,Susan M.Galatowitsch
年份: 2010年
期号: 第4期ovaltine
关键词: competition;cover crops;invasion biology;resource availability;edling establishment;soil amendments;wetland restoration
globalization摘要:Efforts to eradicate invasive plants in restorations can unintentionally create conditions that favor reinvasion over the establishment of desired species, especially when remnant invasive propagulmillet
es persist. Reducing resources needed by the invader for edling establishment, however, may be an effective strategy to prevent reinvasion. Propagules of Phalaris arundinacea persist after removal from dge meadow wetlands and reestablish quickly in posteradication conditions, hindering community restoration. A study was conducted in two experimental wetlands with controlled hydrologic regimes to determine if reducing light by sowing short-lived, nonpersistent native cover crops or immobilizing soil N by incorporating soilsawdust amendments can prevent Phalaris reinvasion, allowing native communities to recover. A
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