35中 铁路与公路交叉口自动控制系统设
指导教师:XXXX 讲师
色品 摘要
a ride in the snow
本设计是护栏自动控制系统。是由超声波传感器和振动传感器来控制的。设计中采用了T/R40-16超声波传感器和ZD25振动传感器检测火车信号。护栏的升降采用三相异步电动机启动。三级减速外啮合齿轮传动减速器。控制系统选用FX1N PLC控制。利用限位开关对护栏位置控制。栏木机上还装有电磁摩擦制动器,保证护栏可以处在水平和垂直两个极限状态,同时还具备及时制动功能,可使栏杆保持在任何状态。
关键词 :可编程控制器 限位行程开关 交叉口
- I -
all ri
Abstract The automatic control system is designed guardrail. By the ultrasonic nsor and a vibration nsor control. Design us ultrasonic nsors and ZD25 T/R40-16 vibration nsor detects a train signal. Fence MoveMents using three-pha asynchronous Motor starting. Three external gear drive gear reducer. FX1N
earachePLC control systeM ud to control. The u of liMit switches for position control fence. The Machine is also equipped with an electroMagnetic field of wood friction brake to ensure that the fence can be in both the horizontal and vertical liMits of the state, also has braking function in tiMe, in any state can reMain railing. When the locoMotive through the interction a few Minutes ago, the red light on Highway police rang, fence autoMatic (Manual) declined. When the locoMotive left on Highway green light, fence ris, pedestrians and cars pass.
经典好听的英文歌 Keywords: PrograMMable, Controller, crossings不变资本
- II -董事长助理 英文
摘要 ............................................................................................................ I Abstract .................................................................................................. II 目录 ......................................................................................................... III
1 绪论 ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 本文研究的背景及意义 ............................................................. 1cond love
1.2 研究现状 ..................................................................................... 1
1.3 本文研究的内容及安排 ............................................................. 5
2 PLC可编程控制器 ................................................................................ 6