5. Trial jury – lection and testimony
The judge normally guides a panel lection in which potential jurors are chon.
There can be court challenge to sitting someone on a jury “for cau” or “for favor”.
challenge for cau:有因回避请求;附理由的回避请求
challenge for favor = challenge to the favor:以偏见为由的回避请求
During a trial the plaintiff and defendant counl provide the jury with the calling of fact and expert witness, first for the plaintiff and then for the defendant.
Direct examination is when a lawyer asks questions of his own party or non-party witness.
direct examination:直接询问;主询问
Cross examination is when the opposing party asks questions. The purpo of a cross examination is to undermine the credibility of the witness with the jury.
cross examination:交叉询问;反询问
翻译 在线在交叉询问中允许提诱导性问题(什么是祈使句leading question),但通常只能限于主询问中涉及的事项以及证人的可信性问题。
6. Trial: the process
The parties have witness speak and introduce other forms of evidence such as documents and photographs. The judge determines what is permitted as evidence and what is not. During a trial a motion can be made to the court to limit someone’s testimony, or to strike it, or to have the judge give the jury an instruction not to heed someone’s one statement or even their entire testimony.
At the conclusion, the lawyers give summaries of what was proven in court, and th
e judge instructs the jury in the rules of law they are to apply in their deliberation.
陪审员在陪审员室(jury room)中,根据庭审所获证据,秘密评议,对被告人作出裁断。这种审议只有在法定陪审员全部参加的情况下才能进行。
The jury retires to a special room where they deliberate and then come to a conclusion, such as the defendant owes the plaintiff a sum of money and/or no cau which is a verdict to dismiss the ca.
no cau:诉由不充分
oicqdismiss the ca:驳回起诉
The jury returns to the courtroom to provide its verdict. As verdict decision can take a jury a few minutes or veral days. If a jury cannot reach a verdict the judge may declare a mistrial and the litigants have to resort to a new trial.
7. Verdict and afterwards
A jury verdict is turned into a written order by the prevailing party which is then signed by the judge and becomes an order of the court.
prevailing party:胜诉当事人
If it is a money judgment, the defendant must pay the money. In some cas as in an automobile accident, the defendant’s insurance carrier will pay the money.
money judgment:金钱给付判决
insurance carrier:保险的承保单位,广义上指保险公司
A successful verdict usually means that the plaintiff attorney will receive a portion of the verdict, such as 1/3rd less costs of litigation.
successful verdict:胜诉的裁决
The order can also be filed as a judgment and becomes a lien against the asts of the losing party.
A warrant of satisfaction is a legal document filed with the court that states the debt has been paid and the lien is then lifted.
An unpaid lien can show up in a judgment arch and cau an attachment to be made on the proceeds of the sale of a home of the losing party. Judgment liens normally last for a long period and can be renewed.
judgment lien:判决留置权
对败诉债务人的不享有扣押豁免权的财产(nonexempt property)设定的留置权,胜诉债权人有权据此扣押债务人的财产以实现其判决确定的债权
8. An appeal: what it is
The losing party may file an appeal in the next higher court. Appellate courts usually focus only on the legal process during a trial, and will overturn a decision and/or remand (nd is back) to a trial court with instructions on how to correct the error.
appellate courtcisa:上诉法院
trial court:初审法院inten
This may mean relitigating the entire original trial and/or a portion of it. Lay people often believe that an appellate court will overturn an “unfair” trial, but losing is not
山市 翻译a reason for the higher court to overturn a verdict. However, appeals may be costly, and the appellate court must find an error on the part of the court below that justifies uptting the verdict. Therefore, only a small proportion of trial court decisions result in appeals. Some appellate courts, particularly supreme courts, have the power of discretionary review, meaning that they can decide whether they will hear an appeal brought in a particular ca. Appellate courts rarely overturn trial courts decisions and rarely find that the trial judge committed error.