因为时间不够,学生译文就好像网上自动翻译程序,完全直译,比如说,把the quality of teachers直译成了老师的质量,而不是老师的素质,不知从何时起,老师们都成了一个个产品,需要进行质量检测。
In the coming decades, Europe's influence on affairs beyond its borders will be sharply limited, and it is in other regions, not Europe, that the 21st century will be most clearly forged and defined. Certainly, one reason for NATO's increasing marginalization stems from the behavior of its European members. With NATO, critical decisions are still made nationally; much of the talk about a common defen policy remains just that-talk. There is little specialization or coordination. Missing as well are many of the logistical and intelligence asts needed to project military force on distant battlefields. With the Cold War and the Soviet threat a distant memory, there is little political willingness, on a country-by-country basis, to provide adequate public funds to the military.
Political and demographic changes within Europe, as well as the United States, also ensure that the transatlantic alliance will lo prominence. In Europe, the E.U. project still consumes the attention of many, but for others, especially tho in southern Europe facing unsustainable fiscal shortfalls, domestic economic turmoil takes precedence. No doubt, Europe's curity challenges are geographically, politically and psychologically less immediate to the population than its economic on
es, Mounting financial problems and the imperative to cut deficits are sure to limit what Europeans can do militarily beyond their continent. It is true that the era in which Europe and transatlantic relations dominated U.S. foreign policy is over.
1) 视译
Para1: 欧洲政治和军事影响力降低。
In the coming decades, Europe's influence on affairs beyond its borders will be sharply limited, and it is in other regions, not Europe, that the 21st century will be most clearly forged and defined.
第一层:主干Europe's influence will be sharply limited.
Influence on affairs, 介词on 转译为动词,很快理解为对于某个方面的影响;beyond做地点介词:在...之外;
第二层:主干句型结构-强调句it is ...that; 能很容易发现强调重点,变成句型结构即是:the 21st cent
ury will not be most clearly forged and defined by Europe but other regions.
Certainly, one reason for NATO's increasing marginalization stems from the behavior of its European members. 当然,北约日益边缘化的原因之一是其欧洲成员的表现。
一次元 解析:
词汇:NATO-the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织
Marginalization-社会发展边缘化(同时掌握margin, marginalize)
Stem from-表因果关系的短语
With NATO, critical decisions are still made nationally; much of the talk about a common defen policy remains just that-talk. There is little specialization or coordination.
词汇:common defen: 共同防御
Missing as well are many of the logistical and intelligence asts needed to project military force on distant battlefields.
词汇:logistical asts: 后勤资源;intelligence asts: 情报资源
后置定语needed to= which are ,句子划分两个小分句,处理方式,要么翻译成汉语的前置定语,要么翻译成汉语流水句。
好看的法语电影 主干结构:the
logistical and intelligence asts are missing.
With the Cold War and the Soviet threat a distant memory, there is little political willingness, on a co
untry-by-country basis, to provide adequate public funds to the military.
句子主干结构:there is little political willingness to provide adequate pubic funds to the military.
With引导的介词短语结构中,能看出a distant memory是 the Cold War and the Soviet threat的同位语,这里的with引导的状语关系是因果关系,因此,翻译的时候,希望同学能去调整语序:现在每个国家从政治上来说已经不愿意向军队提供足够的公共资金,因为冷战和苏联威胁已经成为遥远的记忆。
**存在转译部分:willingness-名转动,愿意做...;所以,political, 转译成状语更好,从政治上来说不愿意...,个人觉得比政治意愿更符合句式表达。
Political and demographic changes within Europe, as well as the United States, also ensure that the transatlantic alliance will lo prominence.
Political changes: 政治变动;demographic changes: 人口分布变化(两个形容词跟同一个名词,翻译成汉语的时候,根据语境做必要的增词搭配)
Prominence: 重要性
句子无难度: 在欧洲内部和美国,由于政治变动和人口分布的变化注定了大西洋联盟最终会丧失其重要性。
travelocity In Europe, the E.U. project still consumes the attention of many, but for others, especially tho in southern Europe facing unsustainable fiscal shortfalls, domestic economic turmoil takes precedence.
第一层:the E.U project still consumes the attention
第二层:domestic economic turmoil takes precedence五月 英文
第三层:后置定语facing unsustainable fiscal shortfalls= the southern Europe faces unsustainable fiscal shortfalls
benetton>ordering 词汇:
Consume the attention=call the attention
Fiscal shortfalls-财政短缺
Economic turmoil-经济混乱
Precedence=preceding issue (类似问题在课堂上提到过, 如stable environment=stability)
No doubt, Europe's curity challenges are geographically, politically and psychologically less immediate to the population than its economic ones. 毫无疑问,欧洲安全面临的挑战对于欧洲人民来说,在地理上、政治上和心理上都不如经济问题那么紧迫。
pe's curity challenges are less immediate than its economic ones. 三个副词部分相当于就是in terms of +n., 所以补充完整,地理问题,政治问题和心理问题目前都不如经济问题来得紧迫。
To the population, 按照中国人的说话习惯:时间,地点,人物做何时,因此,置前翻译。
Mounting financial problems and the imperative to cut deficits are sure to limit what Europeans can do militarily beyond their continent.
do militarily, 与上句类似,相当于是in terms of military
mounting financial problems, mounting此处做形容词,实来自与现在分词,而按照汉语的说话习惯"什么怎么样",可以翻译成小的流水句:财政问题日益突出;而由此,为求句子结构表达顺畅,the imperative to cut deficits也可以翻译成并列的流水句:削减财政越来越必要
It is true that the era in which Europe and transatlantic relations dominated U.S. foreign policy is over. 现实是:以往由欧洲和跨大西洋关系主导美国外交政策的时代已经结束。
解析:句子虽短,结构一层套一层,还是抓主干-it is true that the ear is over
附属: the relations was dominated by US foreign policy
Human beings no longer thrive under the water from which their ancestors emerged, but their relationship with the a remains clo. Over half the world's people live within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of the coast; a tenth are within 10km. On land at least, the a delights the ns and excites the imagination. The sight and smell of the a inspire courage and adventure, fear and romance. Though the waves may be rippling or mountainous, the waters angry or calm, the ocean itlf is eternal. Its moods pass. Its tides keep to a rhythm. It is unchanging.
Or so it has long emed. Appearances deceive, though. Large parts of the a may indeed remain unchanged, but in others, especially in the surface and coastal waters where 90% of marine life is to be found, the impact of man's activities is increasingly plain. This should hardly be a surpri. Man has changed the landscape and the atmosphere. It would be odd if the as, which he has for centuries ud for food, for transport, for dumping rubbish and, more recently, for recreation, had not also been affected.
It is clear, in any event, that man must change his ways. Humans could afford to treat the a as
an infinite resource when they were relatively few in number, capable of only rather inefficient exploitation of the vasty deep and without as yet a taste for fossil fuels. A world of 6.7 billion souls, t to become 9 billion by 2050, can no longer do so. The possibility of widespread catastrophe is simply too great.