Sample Agenda for a Strategy Workshop
Time Item Topic
10Prentation — Introduction to the Workshop
• Who we (the facilitators) are
• Literature
• Who are students? How many new to social change, 1-5 years, 5+ years? How many planned a campaign?
• Around the circle — each person says name
5Game — Mwaaa
5Decision — Agenda Review — Wallchart
• Review the agenda
• Pick a timekeeper
• Circulate a list to get names, address, phone numbers (if necessary)
Organizing for Nonviolent Social Change
20Prentation — Organizing Campaigns for Nonviolent Social Change
• Types of social change: personal persuasion, media, organization building, lawsuits, nonviolent struggle
• Ways to win a campaign: conversion, acquiescence, accommodation, incapacitation, nonviolent emotional coercion, nonviolent physical coercion — e paper titled “Dynamics of a Direct Action Campaign”
• Strategizing for change (very briefly), choosing far-reaching, yet realistic goals
• Preparing for a change campaign (e paper with this title)
• Steps in a nonviolent campaign (e paper with this title)
• An example of a good campaign (SCRIP 1977, Abalone Alliance 1977 - 81, other)
10Prentation — Building Social Change Organizations and Movements
• Building an organization (basic outreach and education, also e paper titled “Organizational Structures for Cooperative Groups”)
• What to do when a new person comes to a meeting (greet, skills asssment, interest asssment, plug-in, mentor, support)
• Building a movement (federations, coalitions, steps in a movement, different kinds of activists — Professional Change Organizations, cutting edge iconoclasts, grassroots educators, grassroots activists, organization
builders) — e Moyer’s “Eight Stages of Successful Social Movements”
15Small Group Discussion — Your Thoughts about Organizing for Nonviolent Social Change — Break into groups of 3 or 4
— Give each person a chance to talk
— Discuss your ideas about Organizing for Nonviolent Social Change and Building Organizations
• Topics
• Campaigns you’ve en — effective and ineffective• What makes them effective?
• Did they win? How?• Did they build a powerful organization? How?
• Did they develop a strategic plan? How? What?• Were they part of a movement?
10•• Stretch break
• Backrubs, game of knots, jelly roll, sitting in laps, mwaaa, song
• Collect list of participants (if applicable)
Strategic Planning
5Prentation — Why Strategy is Important
• Example of Public Relations industry strategy — opponents do extensive strategic planning
• Other things being equal, the best strategy wins
• A good strategy helps focus limited resources; less waste, more effective
• Counters movement trashers: burnout, squandering vital resources, infighting, hopelessness 5Prentation — Overview of Five Levels of Strategic Planning (with emphasis on three levels)• Policy (goals), Strategy, Operational Planning, Tactics, Logistics — Wallchart
• Mantra: “Goals, strategy, tactics. They are not the same. Goals should drive strategy, strategy should drive tactics, not the rever.”
5Prentation — Policy (Goals) — What you hope to accomplish, the “Ends”
• Criteria for choosing good overall goals
• Steps: (1) Brainstorm possible goals, (2) weed out tho that are vague, not measurable, don’t attract support, or difficult to implement, or tho that are actually strategies or tactics, (3) choo best remaining goals
20Exerci — Goals — Wallchart
5Brainstorm goals for a particular campaign
15Evaluate the brainstorm. Weed out tho that are vague, not measurable, don’t attract support, or difficult to implement, or tho that are actually strategies or tactics.
5Prentation — Other Policy-Level Decisions
• Bottom-line positions, when to begin and stop, costs willing to bear, overall form of struggle
10Prentation — Strategy — Why you will accomplish your goals, the “Ways”
• Forces contributing to success or failure (especially opponent’s weakness and your strengths)
• Steps: (1) Brainstorm a list of opponents, (2) brainstorm a list of supporters, (3) brainstorm opponents’weakness, (4) brainstorm supporters’ strengths, (5) find matches and asss most imp
ortant factors
(especially opponents’ critical vulnerability), (6) brainstorm opponents’ strengths, (7) brainstorm
supporters’ weakness, (8) choo strategies that rely on supporters’ strengths and challenge opponents’
weakness while also, if possible, protect or avoid supporters’ weakness and undercut opponents’
20Exerci — Force Field Analysis — Wallchart
2Explain exerci
2Brainstorm — Who are opponents?
2Brainstorm — Who are supporters?
2Brainstorm — Opponents’ weakness
2Brainstorm — Supporters’ strengths
4Analyze — Find matches between opponents’ weakness and supporters’ strengths
2Brainstorm — Opponents’ strengths
2Brainstorm — Supporters’ weakness
2Analyze — Choo main strategies
5Prentation — Other Strategy-Level Decisions
• Ebb and flow of campaign, when to begin, timeline, initial methods, later methods, who will execute all aspects, how decisions will be made, opponent’s likely actions and how to respond, how to respond to
10•• Stretch break
• Backrubs, game of knots, jelly roll, sitting in laps, mwaaa, song
10Prentation — Tactics — How you will enact your strategies, the “Means”
• Particular action in a specific location and time with a specific goal木乃伊是什么意思
• Must match strategy and goals
• Myth-breaking demonstration displayed in a picture; dilemma tactic; give opponent a graceful out
• Nine main categories of nonviolent action methods and examples — Wallchart
• For each tactic, fill out this influence ntence: “This action is designed to influence ____________ to do ____________ by using ____________ becau we have determined this is the most efficient and effective
u of our resources toward achieving our goals.” — Wallchart
15Small Group Exerci — Specify a Tactic
2Break into groups of about 5 people; explain exerci
10For a particular strategy, choo a tactic and fill in the blanks in influence statement. For this exerci, assume news media will not cover your event and you cannot hang a banner, blockade, march, or rally.
微软删人脸识别库3Each group reads back its statement
3Prentation — Decision Making and Coordination
• Single hierarchical organization: top decides and tells rest
• Coordinating Council of autonomous groups
• Strategy committee prepares specifics to be ratified by CC
英语辅导书10Evaluation — Goods, bads, improvements
Closing Circle — Group mwaaa
4 hours, 0 minutes
Alternate Agendas for Different Occasions
4 Hr.
5 Hr. 3 Hr. 2 Hr.
1010105Prentation — Introduction to the Workshop
555—Decision — Agenda Review
Organizing for Nonviolent Social Change
加班英语20202015Prentation — Organizing Campaigns for Nonviolent Social Change 1010——Questions
10151010Prentation — Building Social Change Organizations and Movements
wonderful world
1520——Small Group Discussion — Your Thoughts about Organizing for Change 1010— —Stretch break
Strategic Planning
5533Prentation — Why Strategy is Important
5522Prentation — Overview of Five Levels of Strategic Planning
51055Prentation — Policy (Goals)
202520—Exerci — Goals
555—Prentation — Other Policy-Level Decisions
findwindow——10 —Stretch break
10151010Prentation — Strategy
20302020Exerci — Force Field Analysis
5555Prentation — Other Strategy-Level Decisions
1010——Stretch break
10151010Prentation — Tactics
1520——Small Group Exerci — Specify a Tactic
353—Prentation — Decision Making and Coordination
10101010Evaluation — Goods, bads, improvements
4 hr
5 hr 3 hr 2 hr
— Prepared by Randy Schutt, P.O. Box 608867, Cleveland, OH 44108 <www.vernalproject>. I revi this paper every few years and appreciate your comments and criticisms. OK to copy for non-commercial purpos.
StratAgenda-3.4W RDS 8-10-01