今天我们继续阅读:“Green Island”
Let's review the story first.
Mr Johnson and Mrs May took the children to go outing.
They went to a big hou called Seabay Hou.
The children learnt how to read a map.
They did houwork by themlves.
The next day, the children did a beach study.
Some children worked with Mr Johnson.
Some children worked with Mrs. May.
Chip and Anneena found a agull.
They took this poor old gull to e Mrs Honey.
She worked for animal rescue.
Could she rescue the agull?
What will happen next,
turn to page 12
"Oil is terrible stuff, "said Mrs Honey.
"You can e what it does to animals and birds if it spills into the a." Honey 太太说:油是可怕的东西 terrible stuff,
你可以看到,如果它泄漏到海⾥ if it spills into the a,
你可以看到,如果它泄漏到海⾥ if it spills into the a,
会对动物和鸟类产⽣什么影响 what it does to animals。What did Mrs May do to the children?
She tried to get the oil off Chip and Anneena.
"It is terrible, "said Mrs May.
Mrs May 说:太可怕了。
Why did Mrs May say it's terrible?
"I'm having trouble getting it off Chip and Anneena. '“
"I feel really sorry for the agull, "said Chip.
为什么 Mrs May 会说:太可怕了?
她说:我帮 Chip 和 Anneena 弄掉油渍的时候就很⿇烦。Chip 说:我真为海鸥感到难过。
"What will happen to the agull?" asked Wilf.
Wilf 问:海鸥会怎么样?
"It's feathers will be damaged, "said Mrs Honey.
Mrs Honey 说:它的⽻⽑会被损坏。
What would Mrs Honey do to the agull?
"So first we'll clean the oil off.
Then we'll look after it for a week or two.
It has to get strong again, and its feathers have to get better. Then we'll let it go."wasp
Mrs Honey 说:所以我们先把油洗掉,
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Mrs Honey looked after all kinds of animals. Becau She worked for the animal rescue.
Mrs Honey 照料各种动物。
对了,animal rescue,动物救援的地⽅
She showed the children an otter.中小学生安全教育日
Then she gave it some fish.
"She's a a otter, "she said.
"I call her Fiona. She was hurt by a boat.
Now she's better, I'm going to let her go."
我叫她 Fiona。她被⼀只⼩船弄伤了。
"Sea-otters live on Green Island," said Mrs Honey.
except"If you like, you can come to the island with me
and watch me let Fiona go."
Mrs Honey 说:海獭⽣活在绿岛上。
如果你愿意,你可以和我⼀起到岛上,看着我放⾛ Fiona。The children were happy to watch Mrs Honey let Fiona go. They were getting onto Mrs Honey's boat.suits
Mrs Honey had a boat.
"There's room for everyone, "she said.
"If we're lucky, we may e some more a-otters."
Mrs Honey 有⼀条船。
这⾥的 room 是空间的意思
There's room. 有空间,可以容纳每⼀个⼈。
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The children went across to Green Island in the boat.