英美文学名词解释Terms in English Literature
1.Allegory (寓言)成都彩妆培训
A tale in ver or pro in which characters, actions, or ttings reprent abstract ideas or moral qualities.
2.Alliteration (头韵)
Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.
ndf3.Allusion (典故)
A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.
syp4.Analogy (类比)
A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.
5. Antagonist (反面主角)
The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine of a narrative or drama.
6. Antithesis (对仗)
The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or ntences.
7. Aphorism (警句)
A conci, pointed statement expressing a wi or clever obrvation about life.
8. Aside (旁白)
A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and suppodly not heard by other actors on stage.
9.Apostrophe (呼语)
The direct address of an abnt or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the cour of a speech or composition.
10.Assonance (类韵)6 1儿童节手抄报
The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry.
11.Atmosphere (氛围)自学英语
The prevailing mood or feeling of a literary work.
12. Autobiography (自传)
A person‘s account of his or her own life.
13. Ballad (民谣)
A narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung.
14. Ballad Stanza (民谣诗节)
A type of four-line stanza, the first and the third lines have four stresd words or syllable
s; the cond and fourth lines have three stress.
15. Biography (传记)
A detailed account of a person‘s life written by another person.
16.Blank Ver (无韵体诗)
Ver written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.
17. Caesura (休止)
A break or pau in a line of poetry.
18. Canto (章)
One of the principal divisions of a long poem..
19. Caricature (夸张讽刺)
The u of exaggeration or distortion to make a figure appear comic or ridiculous.
20. Characterization (人物刻画)
The means by which a writer reveals the personality of a character.
21. Classicism (古典主义)
A movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome.
22. Climax (高潮)
The point of greatest intensity, interest, or suspen in a narrative.
23. Comedy (喜剧)
A dramatic work that is often humorous or satirical in tone and usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.
24. Conceit (奇想)
A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things.
25. Conflict (冲突)
A struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem.
26. Connotation (外延)
All the emotions and associations that a word or phra may arou.
27. Consonance (辅音韵)
The repetition of consonants or a consonant pattern, especially at the ends of words.
28. Couplet (双韵体)
A unit of ver consisting of two successive lines, usually rhyming and having the same meter and often forming a complete thought or syntactic unit.
29. Heroic couplet (英雄双韵体)
A couplet written in iambic pentameter is called a heroic couplet.俄语学习
30. Denotation (内涵)
The literal or dictionary meaning of a word.
31. Denouement (结局)
The final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot.