Figures of Speech
1.Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. (William B. Yeats)(metaphor)
2.My room isn't very messy besides that there are about twenty books scattered around the room with ten or so pants or shirts hanging around my bed area. (understatement)
3.It was reported that China won the volleyball match.(synecdoche)
4.There was a short, thoughtful silence. (transferred epithet)
5.There was something simple, sincere in that voice. (alliteration)
6.My heart almost stopped beating when I heard my daughter’s voice on the phone. (overstatement)
7.I was kind of sick the other day; it really wasn't that bad besides that I broke my arm and my leg.莫言的获奖作品 (understatement)
8.Still the land could not tie them down or call them back. (personification)
9.Wall Street expects high earnings from industrial stocks. (metonymy)
10.Love goes towards love, as蒂朵 school boys from 指令英文their books; but love from love, towards school with heavy books. (simile)
11.All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. (William Shakespeare) (metaphor)
12.The bus in America are on strike now. (metonymy)
13.All of a sudden, I saw a sail in the distance. (synecdoche)
14.Failing the final exam is not my favorite thing. (understatement—litotes)
15.His rich parents bought him a t of wheels. (synecdoche)
16.jegoParting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be tomorrow” (oxymoron, alliteration, homeoteleuton)
17.Sometimes, they get bullied and insulted, and it is like a knife piercing my heart. (simile)
18.The pen is mightier than the sword. (metonymy)
19.The university has announced plans to increa the number of students from minority and disadvantaged groups. (euphemism)
20.Long and loudly little Lily laughed. (alliteration)
21.People all hate tho who take other people’s things without permission. (euphemism)
22.Many eyes turned to a tall,20-year black girl on the U.S. team. (synecdoche)
23.Slowly the old lady stooped to pick the check up. Her prent, her lovely prent. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits. (irony)
24.Public money is like holy water, everyone helps himlf to it. (simile)
25.If not always in a hot mood to smash, the a is always stealthily ready for a drowning. (personification, transferred epithet)
26.Have you asked your brother to do the dishes?
Yes, a thousand times. (百度翻译机overstatement)
27.German guns and German planes rained down bombs,shells and bullets. (metaphor)
28.We’re all tired to death. (overstatement)
29.on the wayThey share the same roof. (takahirokianasynecdoche)
30.One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. (overstatement)
31.Downing Street announced last night that peace talks with the IRA had lead to a breakthrough. (metonymy)
32.A drop of ink may make a million think. (metonymy & overstatement)
33.Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. (simile)
34.But above all I love the long purpoless days in which I shed all that I have ever been. (transferred epithet)
35.She is as slender in the middle as a cow in the waist. (simile and irony)
36.The tree was covered with yellow ribbons, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome. (simile)
37.The hawk was standing gloomily in the corner of his cage, glaring at us with his sardonic bronze eye. (personification)
38.He clod his busy life at the age of sixty. (euphemism, metaphor and transferred epithet)
39.It is hard to earn a dollar the days. (synecdoche)
40.The street was full of children and disturbing nois shook the air. (overstatement)
41.This is the cheapest market in this country. (transferred epithet)
42.They emed to respect each other, and simply agreed to disagree. (oxymoron)
43.We nd missionaries to China so the Chine can get to heaven, but we don't let them into our country. (irony)
44.I could sleep for a whole year. (oem是什么overstatement)
45.How and why he had come to Princeton,New Jery is a story of struggle, success,and sadness. (alliteration)
46.Even though I was the president of the class, I did not do much besides organizing all the events during the school year, and helping out fellow classmates. (understatement)
47.Many hands make light work. (synecdoche)
48.The public is wonderfully tolerant—it forgives everything except genius. (irony)
49.It’s a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. (overstatement)
50.This hard-working boy ldom reads more than an hour per week. (irony)