Unit 1:
1.Yuppies often have beepers which allow their offices to reach them no matter where they are. 译:雅皮士配有呼机,这样无论他们在哪里,办公室都能与之保持联系。
材料科学与工程专业英语2.Traditionally ,the hard-driving professional has been a male with and family in the suburbs,but in the 1980’s a new generation of executives has emerged-young ,aggressive, single- minded and either male or female.
3.In order to be a true Yuppy--in addition to being a young person with a professional-level
zoocareer-one must have a philosophy of life which focus on individual achievement in his or her profession and on “living the good life” outside of work.
4.The classic Yuppy has the good qualities of being an extremely hard worker with an unsurpasd drive for success.
5.Although earning a lot of money is not the primary goal of the true Yuppy,it is an outcome of his or her hard work.
6.他做五金生意。(deal in )
译:He deals in hardware.
7.颜色好像是绿色,不是蓝色。(rather than)酒英语
译:The colour ems green rather than blue.
译:I was qualify as a doctor after I was 33.
9.不管天气条件如何,这块地总是保持高产稳产。(regardless of)chandelier
译:Regardless of any climatic circumstances,the field always keeps high stable yields. 10.除英语外,他还得学第二外语。(in addition to )
译:In addition to English ,he has to study a cond foreign language.
Unit 2:
1.The family thus hae money to live on even though the father or mother is no longer there to support them.
2.Spaulding first entered the business world with a group of men who wanted to start a grocery business.
译:起初,Spaulding 和一帮想开杂货店的人在一起经商。
3.The business soon went broke,The other men left Spaulding with debts.
4.So Merrick and Moore had to dig into their own pockets to pay her.
5.He built this life insurance company into one of the most important in the United States. 译:他把这个人寿保险公司发展成为美国最大的公司之一。
6.刑满释放后,亚历山大开办了一家洗衣店。(t free) 译:After he was t free ,Alexander formed a laundry.
7.他替公司管账。(keeps books)
译:He kept books for the company.
8.父亲去世后,他们靠母亲微薄的收入生活。(live on)
译:After they father died ,they lived on their mothers poor salary.
9.破产后,他偿还了全部欠债。(pay off)
译:After the company went broke and he paid off all the debts.
10.汤姆退休后,由儿子接替公司工作。(take one’s place)
昌平龙德广场译:His son took his place after the retirement of Tom.
Unit 3:
remark用法1.The founders stated the ideals of the new nation in the Declaration of Independence .
2.This philosophy led them to create a system in which all children had equal access to education.
3.For this reason,elementary and high schools are free to students and are supported by taxes,and for this reason ,there are no entrance examinations for the various levels of education through Grade 12.
4.First,the system of government in the United States requires that citizens be educated and informed so that they can make good decisions and express their views by voting.
5.If people are created equal ,they should have equal opportunities to become wealthy and influential, and the founders believed that equal opportunity could only come through equal education.
6.我们应该使政教分离。(parate from)
译:We should parate the religion from the politics.
译:Students must have access to good books.
译:I heard that they intend to get married.
9.你赞同这个计划吗?(in favor of)
译:Are you in favor of this plan?
10.他非常详细地讲解这首诗,以便学生能够理解。(so that)
译:He explained this poem in great detail so that the student could understand it.
Unit 4
1.He now believes that every young person should be required to spend at least half a year in the world of work before starting university studies.
2.Even though pay was important .what brought the greatest satisfaction was knowing that someone had noticed how a job was being done.
3.As a college president you begin to take yourlf very riously and to think you have power you don’t.