24 Being用法和判别
24 Being用法和判别
1.In the sun, matter is being changed to energy.物质在太阳中不断地变为能量。
2.When we came into the factory, our water pump was being repaired by an old worker.当我们进入工厂时,我们的水泵正由一个老工人在修理。
1.The instrument being made by the workers is a new type of measuring instrument.工人们正在制造的这台仪器是一台新型的测量仪。
2.The hou being built will be our new laboratory.正在盖的那所房子将是我们的新实验室。
3.Be sure that you have cleaned the surfaces of both the object being measured and the level.要确信,你已经把所测物体的表面和水平仪的表面清理好了。
1.Being very small, atoms cannot be en by ordinary methods.由于原子太小,用普通方法就不能见到原子。
2.(hhp是什么意思Being)Cooled in the air, this kind of steel becomes harder and harder.这种钢在空气中冷却时,就变得越来越硬。
3.(Being)Round and fat with a thick thin, the plant looks like a barrel.因为这种植物长得又圆又肥,还有一层厚皮,所以好像一个琵琶桶。
1.There are a large number of different shapes of files, each being made for some particu
lar kind of work.(伴随情况)各种锉刀的形状大不相同,每一种都是为特殊的一类加工而制作的。
2.The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit is low.(条件状语)如果电阻很大,则电路内电流就小。
3.Pumps are built in various types, their functions being the same.(让步状语)泵可制成各种形式,虽然其功能相同。
4.That being the ca, we will have to make some alternations in the plan.(原因状语)情况既然这样,我们就得把计划作一些更改。
5.The temperature being 100℃, water boils and turns into steam.(时间状语)当温度为100℃时,水就沸腾并变为蒸气。
1.The pressure of a gas varies inverly as its volume, with temperature being constant.在温度不变条件下,气体压力是和其体积成反比的。
2.The current produced is the result of chemical energy being changed to electric energy.所产生的电流是化学能变为电能的结果。
3.They insisted upon their device being tested under operating conditions.他们坚持他们的装置要在运转条件下进行试验。
4.We are plead at them being successful.(用their代替facebook是什么意思them,则后面being为动名词。)我们为他们成功而感到高兴。
1.Water has the property of dissolving sugar, sugar (has)the property of being dissolved by water.(介词宾语)水具有溶解糖的特性,糖则具有被水溶解的特性。
2.The object is at rest and resists being moved quickly.(动词宾语)物体静止时,它就阻止对它的迅速移动。
3.This compound is readily decompod by being heated.(介词宾语)这种化合物(通过)受热就易分解。
4.On being heated, the two substances form a new compound.(介词宾语)这两种物质一遇热就生成新的化合物。
1.He is not being modest today.他今天这样不太谦虚。
2.They are being friendly.他们这样做就是为了表示友好。(意译)
3.He is being a good boy today.他今天可是个好孩子。
Many substances are capable of being dissolved in water.许多物质能(被)溶于水。(句中去掉being dissolved in water,则介词of就缺少宾语,故这个being……为动名词短语。)
The rate of heat production depends also in the power being ud in the heating element, this power being measured in watts.(第一个energy meterbeing短语为定语,第二个being结构为独立分词结构。)热量产生的速率也决定于加热元件内所用的功率,而该功率以瓦特计量之。
Ⅲ.注意带being的固定词组“for the time being(暂时)”:
1.He will be in charge of that work for the time being.他将暂时负责那项工作。
2.For the time being, you can't tell him about the news.你暂时还不能把这消息告诉他。
posted @ 2009-05-26 09:58 ariosto 阅读(324) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 所属分类: 科技英语阅读手册 leisurely网摘收藏
匿名 回答:2 人气:2 解决时间:2009-08-07 18:16
Being 與 Been 這兩個都是 BE 動詞的分詞體系
Being 是來強調現在或是過去的某一時刻正在發生的事情
Ex: (強調現在) Rafael is being attacked by a dog now. 羅法歐正被一隻狗攻擊
Ex: (強調過去某一時刻正發生的事情) Rafael was being attacked at the same time by t
he same dog yesterday. 羅法歐作天的同一時間也正被同一隻狗攻擊
Been 是與完成式 ( have, has, had ) 搭配使用
Ex: Ricardo has been out for two hours. 瑞卡多已經出門大約兩個小時了
Ex: Ricardo and Vinicius have been talking since yesterday. 瑞卡多與凡尼西爾思已經從昨天講到現在