Lesson Three The Inaugural Address
1. pant1. During the 1960s and 1970s, Johnson and Nixon backed legislation to temper industrial growth with a concern for the prervation of the planet…. (make…less vere 缓和)
A. consolidate B. moderate (demand)
C. regulate D. alleviate (suffering/problem)
2. The discussion is well verd and polite, never devolving into dismissive invective,….
A. reproach B. consultation C. injury D. assault
3. A style that is too unconventional, too lf-consciously showy can subvert the writer’s purpo.
A. upt B. distract C. weaken D. twist
4. Living beyond our means was at odds with my definition of responsibility,
梦工厂电影大全 A. opposite to B. exclusive of (不包括) C. distinct from D. subject to
bleaching5. For a trip within the US, an airline can invoke a ceiling of $ 3300 a pasnger…(amount)
A. negotiate B. presume C. claim D. arou (提出要求)
6. Since leadership development is a very personal journey, it is difficult to prescribe a t of activities….
A. impo B. nominate C. confirm D. specify
7. Sports em to be such an uplifting thing that they make people step away from the pain and tribulation of their lives,
A. discontent B. miry C. poverty D. failure
8. Public concern for safe schools combined with evidence of decread 荆轲刺秦王 翻译civility has….
A. courtesy B. curity C. creativity D. industry
9. As war threatened to the scarlet letterengulf Europe, Roovelt issued …..托业培训
A. hang over B. plunge into C. swallow up D. march on
10. Rather than heed president Obama’s appeal for pragmatism, the congress is losing …
A. obey B. catch C. hear. D. obrve (注意,准守)
11. Americans are bent on long-term occupation and ek to eradicate their religion…
A. displace B. eliminate C. convert D. innovate
12. No matter how much the Clintons belabor their religious faith, they can not overcome..
A. repeat B. relate C. elaborate D. explain
13. Americans are willing to spend trillions to undo the recession…(消除)
A. loon B. prevent C. resolve D. cancel 泥塑木雕
14. Melody Meyer said she was not familiar with the questions at issue,…
A. in suspen B. in dispute C. under suspicion D. under waypermitting
15. Republicans would rejoice to e the most powerful democrat in Congress fall,
A. be contented B. be amazed C. be relieved D. be perplexed