All about IdocsÆ Communication
between BW and R/3
Applies to:
SAP BI 7.0.
Data acquisition from an SAP source system is a very common scenario in SAP BW. This process involves extracting the data using either standard business content-provided extractors or custom-built extractors. Data extraction from an SAP R/3 source system to BW begins when BW nds a request in the form of a request IDoc. The source system then extracts the data and nds it to the BW system. During this activity of data transfer, the two systems exchange additional information from time to time in the form of info IDocs. The info IDocs also transfer the information about the extracted data, such
as data source details, data package number, and number of records. Therefore, you should acquire a detailed understanding of the IDoc exchange process.
Author: Aadil Siddiqui
Company: Patni Computers Ltd
Created on: 21 January 2007
Author Biotheother
Aadil Siddiqui is currently working in Patni Computers Ltd. He is working on SAP BI 7.0 and is
mainly involved in Development and Enhancement work
Table of Contents
Basics of Idocs: (3)
Communication between BW and R/3 during Extraction (3)
Idoc Number and its Meaning (5)
start upTransactions Related to IDocs (7)
Related Content (9)
Disclaimer and Liability Notice (10)
Basics of Idocs:
An IDoc (intermediate document) is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI). IDocs are ud for the data interchange between SAP systems as well as between an SAP system and an external system. IDocs rve as the vehicle for data transfer in SAP’s Application Link Enabling (ALE) system. The contents, structure, nder, receiver, and current status of the IDoc are defined in the IDoc header.
Data acquisition from an SAP source system is a very common scenario in SAP BW. This process involves extracting the data using either standard business content-provided extractors or custom-bu
ilt extractors. Data extraction from an SAP R/3 source system to BW begins when BW nds a request in the form of a request IDoc. The source system then extracts the data and nds it to the BW system. During this activity of data transfer, the two systems exchange additional information from time to time in the form of info IDocs. The info IDocs also transfer the information about the extracted data, such as data source details, data package number, and number of records. Therefore, you should acquire a detailed understanding of the IDoc exchange process. Communication between BW and R/3 during Extraction
When BW executes an InfoPackage for data extraction, the system nds a request IDoc (RSRQST) to the Application Link Enabler (ALE) inbox of the source system. This IDoc (Figure 1) contains information such as the request ID (REQUEST), request date (REQDATE), request time (REQTIME), Info-Source (ISOURCE), and update mode (UPDMODE). The source system acknowledges the receipt of this IDoc by nding an info IDoc (RSINFO) back to the BW system. The status is 0 if it is OK or 5 for a failure.
Once the source system receives the request IDoc successfully, it process it according to the information in the request. This request starts the extraction process in the source system (typically a batch job with a naming convention that begins with BI_REQ).
The request IDoc status now becomes 53 (application document posted). This status means the system cannot process the IDoc further.
The source system confirms the start of the extraction job by the source system to BW by nding another info IDoc (RSINFO) with status = 1 (Figure 2).
Transactional Remote Function Calls (tRFCs) extract and transfer the data to BW in data packages. Another info IDoc (RSINFO) with status = 2 nds information to BW about the data package numbe
r and number of records transferred (Figure 3).
At the conclusion of the data extraction process (i.e., when all the data records are extracted and transferred to BW), an info IDoc (RSINFO) with status = 9 is nt to BW, which confirms the extraction process.
If no data is found in the source system for extraction, an info IDoc (RSINFO) communicates this to the BW system with status = 8.
some like you 歌词Idoc Number and its Meaning
0 Not ud, only R/2
1 IDoc generated
2 Error passing data to port
3 Data pasd to port OK
4 Error within control information of EDI subsystem
5 Error During Translation
6 Translation OK
7 Error during syntax check
8 Syntax check OK
9 Error during interchange handling
国字脸男生发型10 Interchange handling OK
11 Error during dispatch
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12 Dispatch OKerar的音标
13 Retransmission OK
14 Interchange Acknowledgement positive信件格式
15 Interchange Acknowledgement negative
16 Functional Acknowledgement positive
17 Functional Acknowledgement negative
18 Triggering EDI subsystem OK
19 Data transfer for test OK
20 Error triggering EDI subsystem
21 Error passing data for test
22 Dispatch OK, acknowledgement still due
23 Error during retransmission
24 Control information of EDI subsystem OK
25 Processing despite syntax error (outbound)
26 Error during syntax check of IDoc (outbound)
ignoremore27 Error in dispatch level (ALE rvice)
28 IDoc nt to ALE distribution unit retroactively
29 Error in ALE rvice
30 IDoc ready for dispatch (ALE rvice)