Deputy to the People’s Congress at provincial level:
1. Class time adjustment: next Monday’s (31st) class held on Saturday morning (29th),
no preparation needed.
2. 7th and 8th of Jan.: examination (Student number, two in a pair, 5-6 minutes / pair,
topics chon at random)
Persuasive Speeches
1. Ask students to talk about their findings on persuasive speeches in pairs.
2. What is persuasive speech?
Persuasive Speech and Persuasive Public Speaking is the art of using words to influence an
3. Begin class discussion on the purpos of a persuasive speech.
Establish a fact to convince
Changes a belief
Move the listener to action to actuate
4. Have the students recall and list their own experiences trying to convince their friends about
something, and then ask them to share the with the class especially about the reasons why they have succeeded or otherwi.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Ethos The qualification to speak on a subject. Qualification can come from education and career
Pathos: Appealing to the emotions of an audience. It can be in the form of a story with a moral, an
illustration, metaphor, simile, parable, or even an emotional claim that something is unjust.
extensiveLogos: The logical appeal using facts, figures and information to support the premi that is
being prented.
U all three, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos and you will have the best chance to move your audience to your most wanted respon.
5. Discuss sizing up of the audience: Different group attitudes require different methods of prentation!
What is the size of your audience?
What backgrounds and experience do they have? --- a) Education, b) Profession , c) Gender,
d) Age, e) Financial status, f) Religion
What’s important to them?
What are their opinions or beliefs on the topic to be discusd?
6. Discuss organizational devices.
A rhetorical question
A startling statement
A quotation
An illustration or story
A reference to the subject
A reference to the occasion
Reason(s) to Listen: Motivate audience interest in your subject by alluding to: The practical value of the information for your audience
A reason to listen
worry的过去式The audience’s n of curiosity外交部发言人秦刚
Speaker Credibility: Appear rational and establish your credibility by:
Using positive words such as "will" and "must."
Portraying yourlf as the authority figure
Know their material cold.
Supply enough information to prove their points
Alluding to any first-hand experience you may have had
Alluding to sources of information you have consulted
Appearing to be truthful.
Provide orienting material by:
Previewing main points
Defining any technical terms that you will be using
Thesis Statement
The thesis statement clearly states the main idea of your speech in one ntence. Be sure the thesis clearly reflects your view of the subject.
Don’t have more than two or three main points.
With each point, have two or three pieces of support, such as examples, definitions, testimony, or statistics.
Primary evidence is direct and immediate information from a source such as an
Secondary evidence is information retold by someone who did not directly experience the
event or issue such as a biography.
Organize your information. Build a logical quence of information.
Tie your points together with transitions, such as “First,” “Second,” or "Finally." U an internal
summary by simply including the point you just made and telling what you plan to talk about next.
“Now that we have talked about structure, let’s move on to the u of stories,” would be an example.
Restatement and Summary Developed by(u one or more of the following):
Restatement of main idea and summary of main points.
Statement of specific action or attitude change you want from the audience.
A statement of your personal intent to take the cour of action or attitude recommended.
A concluding statement to recapture interest (a reason to remember).
7. Distribute and discuss Persuasive Devices.
Analogy:Draw a comparison between two ideas, objects, people, etc., to help support the
author’s main idea.
Rhetorical Question: A question the speaker will ask the audience that is not meant to be
answered. This device can be ud to get the audience thinking or to debate an opposing view. Appeal to Emotion: The speaker will try to appeal to the feelings of the audience by using
emotionally charged words, phras, references or stories.
Anecdote: A short story the speaker may u to help support his/her main point.
nosmokingArgument: The speaker will try to support his/her main point by appealing to the audience’s n
of reason by using logic.
Call to Action: The speaker will try to motivate the audience to action by using emotionally
charged words or phras and by specifically suggesting a cour of action.
8. Discuss various uful vocal techniques for making a persuasive speech.
Speak with variety in your voice.
Pitch --- Pitch refers to the highs and lows of the voice. Go up and down in scale.
Volume - Volume is another good tool for a persuasive speech, but they should u it with caution. If they scream all the way through their speech, people will become accustomed to it and it will lo its effectiveness. On the other hand, a few well-timed shouts can liven up the speech! They must try to "project" or throw their voice out over the entire class --- or speak to
the last row. Be loud or soft.
Speed (rate) --- The speed, or pace, is an important variable to control.
2013年英语四级考试时间Between 140-160 words per minute is the normal pace for a persuasive speech.
amountsAny faster and they may appear to be glib; any slower and they sound like they are
Slow down for a dramatic point and speed up to show excitement.
Take on different tones to express varying emotions. It is important not to prent your
speech in a monotone.
Do not u a tone that is too soft, harsh or weak.
Let your current mood help dictate your tone. For example, you should u a tone that
displays excitement when you cover a point you are very passionate about.
Paus --- The pau is a critical persuasive tool. When they want to emphasize a certain word, have them just pau for one cond before; this highlights the word. If they really want to punch it, tell them to pau before and after the word!
Quality --- They must try to keep the vocal quality high; it is what parates their voices from everyone el's.
9. Discuss various uful bodily techniques for making a persuasive speech. Movement:
东莞北大青鸟Don’t just stand behind the lectern, but move a step away to make a point.
When you are encouraging your audience, take a step toward them.
It is okay to walk in front of the audience
Gesture to show how big or wide or tall or small an object is that you are describing. Facial Expressions
Show facial expression as you speak.
Smile when talking about something pleasant and let your face show other emotions as you tell about an event or activity.priscilla
Do not frown or look sad.
Eye contact
Look at the audience as you speak. If it is a small audience, you can look at each person in a short period of time. If it is a large audience, look at the audience in small “clumps” and move from one clump to another.
One way to insure good eye contact is to look at your audience before you start to speak. Go to the lectern and pau, smile, look at the audience, and then speak. This will help you maintain good eye contact throughout your prentation as well as commanding immediate attention.
One of the ways to have consistently good eye contact is not to read your speech. U note cards that have key words on them.
Common n should tell you that you should not look at the ceiling or the floor. Convince yourlf that the people in the audience are your best friends and look directly at them.
Look at the entire audience so that no one will feel like he or she is being singled out.