1、Time: The period of the Romanticism from 1798(the publication of "Lyrical Ballads"抒情歌谣集)to1832(Scott's death);2、The features of the Romanticism are summarized as follow: It is the cond great age in literary history; It shows negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions; It has a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18thcentury writers and philosophers; Romanticism constitutes a change of direction to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit.
、the Byronic hero(拜伦式英雄):
1、The characteristics of the Byronic hero are people who have a proud, mysterious, rebel feature of noble origin;(拥有孤傲,神秘,充满反叛的高贵出身)2、They have immen
superiorities in passions and powers.(激情和战斗力方面具有很强优越感);3、They carry on their shoulders with the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and they fight against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.(肩负使命,坚持同政府,宗教和道德准则中的社会腐败和残暴统治作现象不屈不挠地做斗争);4、One of the rebellious individuals against outworn social systems and conventions.(以最具反抗精神的个人形象同陈旧的社会体制和习俗作斗争);5、The figures is modeled on the life and personality of Byron himlf.(以拜伦自己为原型塑造性格人生)
、the Critical Realism(批判现实主义)
suspended翻译1、Time: The critical Realism of the 19th century flourished in the 40th and in the beginning of 50th. 2、Features: the Critical Realism is a new literary trend appears in the early Victorian Age which is from the Reform Bill(改革法案)of 1832 to 1868.The new trend of literature criticize capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated the crying contradictions of bourgeois reality .(用民主观点批判资本主义社会并描绘资产阶
级的现实矛盾)3、The greatest realist of the time is Charles Dickens. Other realists carrying their duty to the criticism of the society and the defen of the mass.
、William Wordsworth:(1770-1850)威廉 华兹华斯
1、Genre(流派):William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry, he is a Lake Poet. 2、Features(主要创作特点):His poetry has characteristics of romanticism; His poetry is clo to nature; His poetry deliberate simplicity and refusal to decorate the truth of experience.(简介直白描述);The poetry applies the scenes and events of everyday life and the speech of ordinary people.3、创作内容:His short poems can be classified into 2 groups. One is about nature and the other is about human life. 4、代表作:Reprentative poets of him are: Lucy Poems《露西组诗》, The Solitary Reaper《普通的割麦者》and I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud《我是一朵孤独的云》.
、Walter Scott(1771-1832)华南理工网络学院瓦尔特 司各特
1、Genre(流派):英文讣告Walter Scott is a realistic and romantic novelist, as well as a poet.(跨
浪漫与现实的作家和诗人).He is the father of English historical novels, even the father of West Europe historical novels.(英国历史小说之父和欧洲历史小说之父).He is the creator and a great master of the historical novels.(历史小说鼻祖和创作大师)2、Writing strategy and influence(创作特点及影响):His novel give a panorama of feudal society from its' early stages to its' downfall and the different phas of its' epoch;(小说展现封建社会早期到衰退时期全景以及开创新纪元的各个不同阶段)He us an extraordinary power in the definition of the characters and the description of natural scenery;(使用非同寻常的手法诠释角色和描述自然景色)His historical novels paved the path for the development of the realistic novel of the 19the moveth century.(为19世纪的现实主义小说铺平道路).3、Major works(创作内容):He wrote7 narrative poems,27 historical novels, some novelettes(中篇小说), short stories, historical works and biographies(传记).4、reprentative novels(代表作):The Black Dwarf《黑侏儒》,The Abbot《修道院长》and The Antiquary《古董家》.
、Charles Dickens(1812-1870)查尔斯 狄更斯
1、Genre(流派):He is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age.2、Writing Strategy(写作特点):His writing adeptness(熟练)is ud by the vernacular(本国的) and large vocabulary; His inexhaustible humor and wit mingled with pathos(惆怅中夹杂自己的幽默文笔).Characters in his novel are true to life and larger than life.3、创作内容:Innocent ,virtuous(善良的),percuted(被迫害的)and helpless child characters are his most distinguishing feature of his works.4、代表作:Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》In Little Dorrit《小杜丽》and A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》.
、Robert Browning(1812-1889)罗伯特嘉纳 勃朗宁
Genre: Robert Browning is another great Victorian poet during the Victorian Age. He is also the most original poet of the time. He is a master of dramatic monologue(戏剧独白大师).2、写作特点:His poets appears rough, grotesque and disproportionate.(诗歌看似粗糙,古怪,不协调);His poetry is obscure(晦涩的)becau the simile and illustrations appear too profuly(丰富的) so that it is not easy to read; His style is highly individual and often more intent on meaning than on form.3、创作内容:He us dramatic monolog
ue(戏剧独白)福步外贸论坛网in his works. He choo a dramatic moment or a crisis in which characters are made to talk about their lives,their minds and hearts.4、代表作:Reprentative poems of him are Men and Women《男男女女》,Dramatic Lyrics《戏剧抒情诗》and Dramatic Romances《戏剧故事》.
、Thomas Hardy(1840-1928)托马斯 偏僻的意思哈代
Genre:Thomas Hardy is the last and one of the greatest of Victorian novelists.He is a naturalistic writer, a critical realist writer,and a poet.He is a transitional writer who works are influenced by both the Victorian and the Modern.2、写作特点: His novels give a vivid description of vicissitude(兴衰,变迁)of people menaced(威胁)词根词缀大全by the forces of invading capitalism(资本主义侵略).His best local-colored words,known as "novels of character and environment"(性格与环境小说)are the most reprentative of him as both a natural and a critical realist writer女士们先生们;In his hand, nature assumes the form of life and becomes a most powerful ction.3、Writing content(写作内容):On one hand,he mourns(哀悼)over the poor's failure and misfortune by his novels;On the other hand,He
has an immen impact on scientific discoveries and modern philosophic thoughts.He wrote over ten local-colored novels,8 volumes(卷)of poetry.4、Major novels: