Lecture Seven: Regionalism, Mark Twain
Regionalism manifests a quality in literature, stressing fidelity to a particular geographical ction and a faithful reprentation of its habits, speech, manners, history, folklore, or beliefs. Being a subordinate order of realism, regionalism indicates that an author writes about what is unique in his or her living ction. Regional writing is something that has occurred throughout American history, but American regionalism became more popular after the Civil War.
Regionalism can also be viewed as resulted from the desire both to prerve distinctive ways of life before industrialization destroyed them and to come to terms with the harsh realities that emed to replace tho early times.
Basic Features of Regionalism:
1. Local color fiction prents a locale which is distinguished from the outside world. Therefore, local colorists concern themlves with portraying and interpreting the local character of their particular region.
2012福建高考英语2. Local color fiction describes the exotic and the picturesque.
3. Local color fiction glorifies the past.
4. Local color fiction also attempts to show things as they are.
5. Local color fiction stress the influence of tting on character. The local color writers t out with a thesis that in each region of the country, the tting is different, and therefore the people behave differently.
The life of Mark Twain:
马克·吐温(Mark Twain),原名塞姆·朗赫恩·克列门斯(Samuel Langhorne Clemens);(1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日)是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,亦是著名演说家。虽然其家财不多,却无损其幽默、机智与名气,堪称美国最知名人士之一。其交游广阔,威廉·迪安·豪威尔士、布克·华盛顿、尼古拉·特斯拉、海伦·凯勒、亨利·罗杰诸君,皆为其友。他曾被誉为:文学史上的林肯。海伦·凯勒曾言:“我喜欢马克吐温——谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,亦会钟爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其心灵里绘画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。”威廉·福克纳称马克·吐温为“第一位真正的美国作家,我们都是继承他而来”。其于1910年去世,年七十五,安葬于纽约州艾玛拉。
trendiest亲死于肺炎。接着的那一年,他成为一名印刷学徒。1851年,他成为一名排字工人,也有投稿,并开始给他哥哥奥利安创办的《汉尼拔杂志》(Hannibal Journal)写草稿。在他18岁时,他离开汉尼拔并在纽约市、费城、圣路易和辛辛那提市都当过印刷工人。22岁时,吐温回到密苏里州。在下密西西
buzz密苏里州是一个奴隶州,并被大部分人视为是属于南部的一部分,但密苏里州并没有加入联邦。当战争开始时,吐温和他的朋友加入了一队联邦的民兵部队(这在一部1885年的短故事“The Private History of a Cam paign That Failed”中有相关描述),并加入了一场战争,在那场战争中有一个人被杀。吐温发现他根本不能忍受自己杀任何人,因此他离开了。他的朋友加入了南军;吐温则到他的哥哥奥利安那里去,那时奥利安被任命成为内华达的州长的秘书并管理西部。
在他往欧洲和中东的旅程期间,他写了1869年收集成的著名旅行信件系列《傻子旅行》。他亦见了查尔斯·兰登(Charles Langdon)并看到兰登姊姊欧丽维亚(Olivia Langdon)的相片。吐温对她立即一见钟情。他们在1868年见面,并在一年后订婚,1870年于纽约市艾玛拉结婚。欧丽维亚生了儿子兰登,但兰登在19个月时死于白喉。
Mark Twain’s major Works:
The Notorious Jumping Frog of the Calaveras Country, A Tramp Abroad, The Prince and the Pauper, Life on Mississippi, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn.
The greatness of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn:
1. It is an initiation fiction: through such works as The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, Twain shaped the world view of America and had a profound impact on the development of American writing. His prentation of native American material, his art of vernacular idiom, his departure from the tradition of the 19th gentility, and his n of alienation influenced numerous American writers of the 20th century, among them Ernest Hemingway.
2. Satire: this novel shows Twain’s satire on southern culture before the Civil War, around 1850, when the Mississippi V alley was still being ttled.
3. Style: A. V ernacular language. Mark Twain wrote in his unpretentious, colloquial, and poetic style. He ud vernacular language, dialect with spelling reprenting pronunciation. B. Local Color. Twain depicted social life through descriptions of local places and people he knew best and believed that “the most valuable capital, or culture, or education usable in the building of novels is personal experience.” C. Crackerbarrel Philosopher. Twain adopted the moral stance of a crackerbarrel philosopher.
4. Significance: The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn displays the major achievements of his art: the carefully controlled point of view, with its implicit ironies expresd through the voice of a militerate boy; the masterful u of dialects; the felicitous balancing of nostalgic romanticism and realism, humor and pathos, innocence and evil, all united for a journey down the river that rves as the mythic center of the novel. This novel demonstrates his ability to capture the enduring, archetypal, mythic images of America and to create the most memorable characters in all of American fiction.
W. D. Howells called Mark Twain “the Lincoln of our literature.” Beginning as a local colorist, he wrot
e fiction which has become part of the American cultural tradition. Combining American frontier humor and rious storytelling conventions with his journalistic style, he produced a body of work of enduring value.