辽宁体育科技LIAONING SPORT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.42No.2Mar.2020第42卷第2期2020年3月摘要:目的:观察骨骼肌不同表层温度对其表面肌电信号的影响,对深入了解人体运动时,尤其运动疲劳时表面肌电信号的变化机制具有重要意义。方法:以11名男性大学生为研究对
肌电、均方根振幅、频域指标平均功率频率和中位频率进行分析。结果:在时域指标RMS 、IEMG 在表层平均温度16℃时幅值要比平均35℃、42℃显著升高(P <0.01),而频域指标MF 、MPF 幅值在16℃时比35℃、42℃显著降低(P <0.01)。结论:随着皮肤表层温度的降低,时域指标IEMG 和RMS 呈显著上升趋势,而频域指标MPF 和MF 呈显著下降趋势,可见,骨骼肌温度new look
平安夜的英文中图分类号:G804.2文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-6204(2020)02-0048-05
收稿日期:2019 08 26;修回日期:2020 02 27
英语六级高频词汇A study on the effect of different temperature on SEMG signal during the surface
skeletal muscle contraction ZHANG Tianyu,LIN Tengfei
(Shenyang Sport University,Shenyang 110102,Liaoning,China )
Abstract :Objective:Obrving the effect of different surface temperatures of skeletal muscles on the surface EMG signals is of great significance for understanding the mechanism of changes in surface EMG signals during human exerci,especially exerci fatigue.Methods:Taking 11male college students were ud to make the surface muscle of the left biceps brachii muscle contract at different temperatures by three different methods:heating,ice compress and room temperature,u the ME6000surface electromyograph to collect the surface EMG signal of the left arm biceps.For tim
e domain indicators,integrated electromyography (IEMG),root mean square amplitude (RMS),frequency domain indicators mean power frequency (MPF)and median frequency (MF)For analysis.Results:The amplitude of the time domain indicators RMS and IEMG at the surface temperature of 16℃is significantly higher than the average of 35℃and 42℃(P <0.01),while the amplitude of the frequency domain indicators MF and MPF at 16℃is higher than 35℃,Significantly decread at 42℃(P <0.01).Conclusion:As the
skin surface temperature decreas,the time domain indicators IEMG and RMS show a significant upward trend,while the frequency domain indicators MPF and MF show a significant downward trend.It can be en that the skeletal muscle temperature has an effect on the time and frequency domain indicators of myoelectricity May affect the judgment of muscle fatigue on the surface EMG signal.Key words:surface electromyography;superficial muscle temperature;IEMG;RMS;RMS;MF ··48加油 日语>inc