al Number
Name Location Localization
LU01zhongfu in the superior lateral part
of the anterior thoracic
wall,1 cun below the
Yunmen(LU 02),parrale to
the 1st intercostal space,6
cun lateral to the anterior
localized in the erect
or supine sitting
position,3 ribs above
the nipple and 2 cun
lateral to the
mammillary line or the
midclavicular line
in the superior lateral part
of the anterior thoracic
wall,interior to the coracoid
process of the scapula, in
the depression of the
inferior part of the clavicle,
6 cun lateral to the anterior
localized in the erect
or supine sitting
position, 1 cun above
the Zhongfu(LU 01),2
cun lateral to the
mammillary line or the
midclavicular line
on the medial side of the
arm and on the radial
border of the biceps muscle
of the arm,3 cun below the
anterior end of the axillary
localized with the arm
extended and the palm
upwards,3 cun from
the anterior end of the
axillary fold directly
towards Chize(LU 05).
on the medial side of the
arm and on the radial
border of the biceps muscle
of the arm,4 cun below the
anterior end of the axillary
fold,or 5 cun above the
cubital crea.
localized with the arm
extended and the palm
upwards,5 cun above
the cubital
crea(Chize ,LU 05)
LU05Chize in the middle of the cubital
crea,,in the depression of
the radial side of the biceps
muscle of the arm.
localized with the arm
extended and the palmchillin
upwards,in the center
of the cubital
crea,slightly to the
radial side and between
the two tendons.
on the radial side of the
palmar surface of the
forearm,and on the
connecting Chize(LU
05)and Taiyuan(LU 09),7
cun above the cubital
localized with the arm
extended and the palm
upwards,7 cun above
the carpal
and directly towards
Chize(LU 05)
on the radial side of the
forearm,in the superior
lateral part of the styloid
process of the radius,1.5
cun above the carpal
广告设计培训crea,between the tendons
of the brachioradial muscle
and the long abductor
muscle of the thumb.
when the patient is
asked to cross the
index fingers and
thumbs of the both
hands with the index
finger of one hand
placed on the styloid
process of the radius
of the pther hand,it can
be localized in the
depression exactly
under the tip of the
index finger.
on the radial side of the
palmarsurface of the
forearm,in the depression of
the styloid process of the
radius and the radial
artery,1cun above the
carpal crea.
localized with the arm
extended and the palm
upwards,1 cun above
the carpal
and opposite to
Chize(LU 05)
LU09Taiyuan on the radial side of the
carpal crea, where the
radial artery is.
localized with the arm
extended and the palm
upwards,directly below
Jingqu(LU 08),on the
radial side of the carpal
crea, where the
radial artery is.
LU10Yuji in the depression proximal
to the 1st
joint,on the radial side of
the midpoint of the 1 st
metacarpal bone,on the
junction of the red and
white skin
localized with the palm
upwards,in the
depression proximal to
the 1st
joint,on the radial side
of the midpoint of the
1 st metacarpal
bone,on the junction of
the red and white skin
on the radial side of the
thumb, 0.1 cun
posteriolateral to the corner
of the fingernail
localizaed with the fist
clenched and the
thumb up, 0.1cun to
the radial corner of the
on the radial side of the
index finger, about 0.1 cun
posterior to the corner of
the fingernail
localized with the palm
downwards,on the
radial side of the indexonlylove唯爱歌曲
finger, about 0.1 cun
posterior to the corner
of the fingernail
LI02Erjian hold the fist slightly,on the
radial side of the index
finger, in the depression
not authorizedproximal to the
metacarpophalangeal joint
localized with the
finger flexed, on the
junction of the red and
white skin of the
crea end proximal to
anacondathe radial side of the
joint of the index
LI03Sanjian hold the fist slightly,on the
radial side of the index
finger, in the depression
proximal to the
metacarpophalangeal joint
localized with the
finger flexed,on the
在线一对一radial side of the index
finger, in the
depression proximal to
LI04Hegu on the dorsum of the hand,
between the 1st and 2nd
metacarpal bones,
approximately in the center
of the 2nd metacarpal bone
localized with the hand
in flat position and
with the thumb and
index finger spread,in
the slight depression
between the 1st and
2nd metacarpal bones
at the radial end of the
crea of the wrist,in the
depression between the
extensor and long extesor
muscles of the thumb
localized with the plam
in flat position, in the
depression between the
two tendons proximal
to the 1st metacarpal
bone when the index
finger and the thumb
are extended and the
thumb is tilted
LI06Pianli on the dorsal surface of the
distal part of the
radius,between the short
radial extensor muscle of
the wrist and the long
abductor muscle of the
thumb, 3 cun above
Yangxi(LI 05)
localized with the
elbow flexed, in the tip
of the middle finger
when the two hands
are crosd
the elbow flexed, on the
radial side of the dorsal
surface of the forearm,on
contrastthe line connecting
Yangxi(LI 05) and
Quchi(LI11), 5 cun above
carpal crea
localized with the
elbow flexed, on the
dorsal side of the
radius, between the
short radial extensor
muscle of the wrist and
the long abductor
muscle of the thumb,5
cun posterior to the
on the radial side of the
dorsal surface of the
forearm,on the line
connecting Yangxi(LI 05)
and Quchi(LI11),4 cun
below cubital crea
localized with the
elbow flexed,3 cun格列夫游记
above Wenliu(LI07)
on the radial side of the
dorsal surface of the
forearm,on the line
connecting Yangxi(LI 05)
and Quchi(LI11),3 cun
below cubital crea
localized with the
elbow flexed,1 cun
below Xialian(LI08)
on the radial side of the
dorsal surface of the
forearm,on the line
connecting Yangxi(LI 05)
and Quchi(LI11),2 cun
below cubital crea
localized with the
elbow flexed,1 cun
above Shanglian(lI09)