Unit 3Daily Activities (1) Go to the Toilet and Wash Up
Section One: Phonetic Practice语音练习。
1. Listen and imitate听并模仿。
[ʌ] cup luck but other come
[ɑ:]arm after party heart garden
[ə] ago agree worker focus doctor
[ə:] early bird shirt person perfect
The grass grew fast in the large garden in March.
Your car and mine are running side by side.
Don’t forget your camera.
It’s the early bird that catches the worm.
2. Tongue Twister: 绕口令。
If you understand, say “understand”.
If you don’t understand, say “don’t understand”.
But if you understand and say “don’t understand”.
How do I understand that you understand?
3.pronounciation rules:发音规则。
2、辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]: Can’t you:。。。。?
3、辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: Miss you
Did you e him? 你看见他了吗?
[ ′did ju ′si︰him]
在连贯说话中可以读成[′di dʒu′si: him]
I thought you would come.
[ai ′θɔ:t ju wud ′kʌm]
在连贯说话中可以读成[ai ′θɔ:tʃ u wud ′kʌm]
Section Two: Dialogues 对话
1.Pre-study Task读前任务
Many people have their good and bad habits. What are your good and bad habits in the daily life?(很多人都有自己的好习惯和坏习惯。在日常生活中,你有哪些好习惯和坏习惯?)
2. Short Dialogues:
It’s 10 o’clock in the morning. The children go back to the classroom to have a rest after outdoor activities.(上午十点,孩子们在户外活动后回到教室休息)
(1) Alex: May I go pee-pee, Miss Wu?
Miss Wu: Yes. Wash your hands after using the toilet, plea.
Alex: OK.
mba班培训(2) Miss Wu: Eric, come here and wash your hands. Oh, your hands are so dirty! Wash with some
Eric: All right.
Miss Wu: Remember to turn off the tap and dry your hands with the towel. Do you get it?
Eric: Yes, I got it.
It’s 12:30 in the afternoon. The children are going to take a nap. David sits at the table and feels a little upt. (中午12点半,孩子们准备睡午觉。大卫坐在桌子旁,感觉有点不舒服)(3) Miss Wu: What’s the matter, David?
David: It’s my stomach. I want to make poo-poo.
Miss Wu: OK. The floor is very slippery. Be careful, plea. Don’t slip and fall.
(Ten minutes later, David came back)
(4) Miss Wu: Are you better now, David?
David: Yes, Madam. Thanks.
Miss Wu: Do you usually wash your hands before meals?
David: Er… Sometimes.
Miss Wu: Well, that’s the problem.
3. Conversations(长对话)
Miss Wu: It’s pee-pee time. Anyone wants to go to the toilet?
Mark: I want to pee.
David: So do I.
Miss Wu: OK. Don’t push. Go pee pee one by one.
Susan: Miss Wu, I want a poo-poo.
Miss Wu: Get some toilet paper over there.
Susan: OK.
Miss Wu: Can you do it by yourlf?
Susan: Yes, I can.
Miss Wu: Remember to flush the toilet after using.
Susan: Yes, Madam.
Miss Wu: Girls go to the Women’s Room. Boys go to the Men’s room.
(Five minutes later)karcher
Miss Wu: Hi, boys. Did you wash your hands?
Mark and David: Yep.
Miss Wu: Show me your hands. Hmm, good boys.
Miss Liu: Good morning, kids.
Children: Good morning, Miss Wu.
Miss Liu: Time to wash up. Line up and follow me.
Children: Yes, Madam.
Miss Liu: Lily, roll up your sleeves and go wash your face.
Lily: All right.
Miss Liu: Peter, come here to brush your teeth. Slowly, like this. (Teacher demonstrates) Bend down a little. Don’t get wet.
Miss Liu: Don’t swallow the water, Alex.
Alex: OK, Miss Liu.
Helen: Miss Liu, I’ve done.
Miss Liu: Good. Let me comb your hair, honey.
Helen: Thank you.
厕所在美国一般都叫Restroom或Washroom, 在飞机上,则叫 Lavatory。 W.C.(water clot)是过去英国人用的冲水式厕所,现在的厕所都用toilet来表示。厕所区分男女,可以分别叫Men’s/ Women’s,Gentleman/Lady,Gent’s/Lady’s等。
在英语里的“上厕所”有一些委婉、文雅的表达方式,如go somewhere、wash one’s hands、go to the toilet / restroom / washroom / lavatory等。
英语中“解大便”一般用to make / have a bowel movement、to take a shit。小孩则多用to make a poo poo / doo doo / BM (bowel movement)。在幼儿园或家里,老师或家长要询问幼儿是否要大便,可以这样说:Do you want a poo-poo? 幼儿大便完后则可以说:I had / did a poo-poo。“解小便”或“撒尿”在英语口语中可以说to piss 、 to take a piss 、 to take a leak 和to empty等,医生和护士则喜欢说to urinate。小孩一般用pee-pee或wee-wee。口语中,年轻人也常用pee和wee这两个词。
2、go wash your face洗脸去
go do sth 相当于go to do sth,go do sth命令的语气更强。
Go comb your hair. 梳头去。
Go brush your teeth before you wash your face.先刷牙再洗脸。
Words and Expressions:
pee-pee [pi:pi:] n. 尿尿,小便
toilet ['tɔilit] n. 厕所,盥洗室
soap [səup]n. 肥皂
tap [tæp] n. 水龙头
公布英文towel ['tauəl]n. 毛巾,手巾;纸巾
stomach ['stʌmək] n. 胃,腹部
poo-poo [pu:pu:] n. (儿语)大便
slippery ['slipəri] adj. 滑的,不稳定的
slip [slip] v. 滑倒,失足;滑动
sleeve [sli:v] n. 袖子,袖套
brush [brʌʃ]v.刷n.刷子,画笔
swallow ['swɔləu] v. 吞下,咽下
comb[kəum] v. 梳头发n. 梳子
take a nap 午睡,睡午觉
roll up 卷起
bend down 弯腰,蹲下
Section Three: Practice
1.Game:Simon Says(游戏《Simon说》)766
Play in a group of six. Simon says the following words or phras and the rest do actions. Take turns to be Simon.(六人一组。Simon说出下列的单词或短语,其余的人做出动作。组员轮流扮演Simon)
2.Role-play 根据所给情景编制对话。
Situation A: 课间休息,请编一段幼儿教师Lily 组织幼儿上厕所的对话。
Situation B: 小班幼儿Alex不太讲卫生,刚从幼儿园的快乐农场玩耍回来,请编一段教师Lily教Alex怎样洗手洗脸的对话。
3.Discussion 讨论
Hygiene (卫生) is a term that refers to the steps you take to keep clean and healthy. Kindergarten teachers are responsible to keep children healthy and help them pick up some healthy hygiene habits. Work in groups to discuss how to encourage kids to learn basic hygiene and take care of their bodies and what good personal hygiene habits the kids should follow. Words for reference: cultivate(培养); get sick(生病); germ(细菌);keep clean and tidy(保持干净整洁)
Section Four: Daily Expressions 日常表达
1.Go to the toilet, plea. 去上厕所吧。
2.U the bathroom. 上厕所。
3.Plea turn the water tap down while washing. 洗手时请把水关小点。
4.Plea turn the water tap off after washing. 洗完手后请把水关掉。
5.Don’t play with the water. 不要玩水。
6.Don’t waste water. 不要浪费水。
7.Let me cut your nails. 我来帮你剪一下指甲。
8.Don’t spill water on the floor. 不要把水溅到地上。
9.Let me e who hands are the cleanest. 让我看看谁的手最干净。
10.This side for boys. 男厕所在这边。
11.This side for girls. 女厕所在这边。
12.Apply soap. 擦肥皂。
13.Wet your hands. 打湿手。
14.Dry your hands. 擦干手。
15.Rin your hands. 把手冲干净。
Section Five: Fun Activities趣味活动
Wake up
Here we go!
I wake up, I wake up
I wash my face, I wash my face
This is what I do when I wake up in the morning
This is what I do when I wake up
I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth
I comb my hair, I comb my hair
I have breakfast, I have breakfast
I go to school, I go to school
I wake up
I wash my face
I brush my teeth
I comb my hair
I have breakfast
I go to school
2. Story-telling讲故事
Read the story and then retell the story to your partner.读故事,然后向你的同伴复述这个故事。
Monkeys and the Moon in the Well
One day, a little monkey is playing by the well. He looks into the
we’ll and says :Oh! My God! The moon is in the well!” An old monkey runs over, takes a look, an d says, “My God! The moon is really in the
well!” An older monkey comes over. He is very surprid and cries out:
“The moon is in the well.” Many monkeys run to the well . They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon falls into the well! Come on!
Let’s get it out!”Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree upside down. And he pulls the next mo nkey’s feet with his hands. And they join each
other one by one down to the moon in the well. Before they reach the
moon, the oldest monkey es the moon in the sky, He shouts happily
“Don’t be foolish! The moon is still in the sky!”