When I Run Towards You: An Excerpt from "当我飞奔向你"
etn "当我飞奔向你" is a poem by a famous Chine poet, Yang Shen. The poem tells the story of a love between two people who are parated by distance and time. The poet describes how he is running towards his lover, faster and faster, until he reaches her. He feels like he is flying, and he can"t wait to hold her in his arms.
In the English translation of "当我飞奔向你," the poet"s emotions are portrayed more explicitly. The translator writes, "When I run towards you, my heart is like a bird flying high, free and happy. I can"t wait to land on your shoulders and hold you clo."bct
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The poem captures the esnce of love, which is often described as a force that can drive us to incredible lengths to reach our loved ones. It also shows the power of physical contact and the importance of feeling connected to someone el. Whether you"re running towards a lover, a friend, or a family member, the poem suggests that there is no greater feeling than reaching out and feeling the warmth of another person"s hand in yours.
enterpri culture "当我飞奔向你"是一首由著名的中国诗人杨 Shen 写的诗歌。这首诗讲述了两个人之间的爱情,由于距离和时间的分隔而分离。诗人描述他正在奔跑向爱人,越来越快,直到到达她身边。他感觉自己在飞翔,并且他不能等待太久,他要在她的肩膀上着陆,紧紧地拥抱她。
mistake是什么意思 这首诗捕捉了爱的本质,常常是描述为一种力量,驱使我们到我们所爱的人身边。它还强调了身体接触的重要性,以及感受到另一个人的温暖的重要性。无论是在奔向爱人、朋友还是家人的时候,这首诗都告诉我们,找到连接是很重要的。