1. GENERALjaya
1.1 Application of the General Specification
1.1.1 Without prejudice to Clau 7.1 of the GCC, in the event of any ambiguity or
discrepancy, the provisions of the GCC, the PS and the Employer’s Drawings
shall prevail over the GS.
1.1.2 The provisions of the GS shall prevail over the provisions of the International
Standards, European Standards, British Standards, British Standard Codes of
Practice and similar standard documents stated in the Contract.
1.1.3 This GS shall be read in conjunction with the other documents constituting
the Contract.
1.2 Abbreviations and Definitions
1.2.1 Abbreviations ud in the GS shall have the following meanings:
ABWF : Architectural Builders’ Works and Finishes
APCO : Air Pollution Control Ordinance
BS : British Standard
CADD : Computer Aided Design and Drafting
CAR : Corrective Action Request
CBT : Computer Bad Interactive Multi-media Training
CIF : Cost Insurance and Freight
CITA : Construction Industry Training Authority
CNP : Construction Noi Permit
CPM : Critical Path Method
CV : Curriculum Vitae
DID : Detailed Interface Documents
DLP : Defects Liability Period
DNV : Det Norske Veritas
baoDVT : Design Verification Table
E&M : Electrical and Mechanical
EIA : Environmental Impact Asssment
EM&A : Environmental Monitoring and Audit
EMC : Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMIS : Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule EMP : Environmental Management Plan
EMSD : Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
(Government of the HKSAR)
EMU : Electric Multiple Unit
EP : Environmental Permit
EPD : Environmental Protection Department
(Government of the HKSAR)
FAI : First Article Inspection
FAT : Factory Acceptance Test
GCC : General Conditions of Contract
GS : General Specification (this document)
HKCA : Hong Kong Construction Association
HKRI : Hong Kong Railway Inspectorate
HKSAR : Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
IC : Integrated Circuits
IEE : Institution of Electrical Engineers
IMP : Interface Management Plan
IP : Ingress Protection
ISO : International Organisation for Standardization ISRS : International Safety Rating System
KCR : Kowloon-Canton Railway
KCRC : Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
MCB : Miniature Circuit Breaker
MTR : Mass Transit Railway
MTRCL : Mass Transit Railway Corporation Ltd.
OSHC : Occupational Safety and Health Council
OSR : Operational Safety Report
P3 : Primavera Project Planner
PAT : Partial Acceptance Test
PDM : Precedence Diagramming Method
PPE : Personal Protective Equipment
PS : Particular Specification
PVC : Polyvinyl Chloride
QA : Quality Assurance
SAR : Special Administrative Region
SAT : System Acceptance Test
SI : The International System of Units
SIL : Safety Integrity Level
SRR : Submission Review Record
SRS : System Requirement Specification
SSMR : System Safety Management Requirements for Contracts
SWA : Steel Wire Armoured
T&C : Testing and Commissioning
TPN : Triple Pole and Neutral
TRIP : Track Related Installation Programme
WCZ : Water Control Zones
WPCO : Water Pollution Control Ordinance
1.2.2 Abbreviations of units of measurement ud in the GS shall have the
meanings as defined under the SI system of units.
1.2.3 Definitions The following terms are defined in the GCC and shall have the same meaning
assigned to them in this GS:
“Arbitration Rules”
“Articles of Agreement”
“Buildings Ordinance”
“Completion Test”
“Contract Rate of Interest” “Contractor’s Equipment”
“Cost Centre”
“Cost Centre Value”
“Date for Commencement of the Works” “Defects Liability Certificate” “Defects Liability Period”
“Design Documents”
“Employer’s Drawings” “Enactment”
“Engineer’s Reprentative”
“Final Certificate”
“Final Contract Sum”
“Form of Tender”
“General Conditions”
“General Holiday”
“Handing Over Certificate”
“Interim Payment Schedule”
“Key Date”
“Letter of Acceptance”
“Master Programme”
“Mediation Rules”
“Monthly Progress Report” “Operation and Maintenance Manuals” “Option”
“Performance Tests”
“Permanent Works”
“Pricing Document”
“Project Contractors”
“Provisional Sum”
“Relevant Authority”
“Retention Moneys”
“Schedule of Milestones”
“Special Conditions”gotosleep
“Stage Certificate”
“Substantial Completion Certificate”
“Substantial Completion Certificate for the Works”
“Temporary Works”
“Tender Total”
“Works Programme” Except where the context otherwi requires, terms defined in any other part
of the Contract shall have the same meaning in this GS and the following
words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them:
“Additional Spares” means the spares propod by the Contractor.
“Associated Documents” means documents forming part of the Contract
and listed in an Appendix to the PS.
“Chapter” means a chapter of this GS.
“Combined Services Drawings (CSD)” means the combined rvices
drawings prepared by a civil works Project Contractor;
“Commissioning Panel” means the panel organized by the Employer to
manage and co-ordinate commissioning activities under the Contract and
between the Contractor and other interfacing parties including Project
Contractors and the Employer’s reprentatives of the Operating Railway as
described in Paragraph 16.6.
“Commissioning Plan” means the plan described in Paragraph 16.2.
“Commissioning Programme” means the programme described in
Paragraph 2.7.预测
“Commissioning Spares” means the spares which the Contractor shall keep骑缝章英文
on the Site throughout the installation, erection and commissioning periods,