Poets tell us that the eye is "the window of the soul". That means the eye shows a great deal about a person. Every good portrait painter knows a simple truth, "words can not tell us as much about a man as a picture", but many special phras on the eye ha ve been created to describe a man’s personality.
This week’s topic is all about the eye. I will tell a story about a man and a woman who are teachers at the same school.
The woman is interested in the man. She us many methods to catch his eye, or get him to notice her. Once he ts eyes on her, or es her, she might try to get him interested in her by acting playful. In other words, she might try to make eyes at him or give him the eye. Let us suppo that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong effect on him. He wants to spend time with her and get to know her better. He asks her out on a date. She is so hap-py that she may walk around for hours with stars in her eyes. She is extremely happy becau this man is the apple of her eyes, a very special per
son. She might tell him that he is the only person she wants, or "I only have eyes for you."
On their date, the couple might eat a meal together at a restaurant. If the man is really hungry, his eyes might be bigger than his stomach. He might order more food than he can eat. When his food arrives at the table, his eyes might pop out. He might be very surprid by the amount of food provided. He might not even believe his own eyes. In fact, all eyes would be focud on him if he ate all the food. This might even cau raid eyebrows. People might look at the man with disapproval.
During their dinner, the couple might discuss many things. They might discover that they e eye to eye, or agree on many issues. They share the same beliefs and opinions. For example, they might agree that any person who has committed crime or made injury on other persons should be punished. That is, they firmly believe in the idea of an eye for an eye. They might also agree that it is wrong to pull the wool over a person’s eyes. This means to try to trick a person by making him believe something that is fal.
The next day, at their school, the woman asks the man to keep an eye on, or watch the young students in her class while she is out of the classroom. This might be hard to do when the teacher is writing on a board at the front of the classroom. To do so, a teacher would need to have eyes in the back of his head. In other words, he would know what the children are doing even when he is not watching them.
1. catch someone’s eye 引起注意he just not that into you
蓝天外语eg: A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his eye.第5页上的一处红笔印迹引起了他的注意。
2. t eyes on sb / sth 看到,注意到
eg: I didn’t know the man; in fact, I had never t eyes on him. 我不认识这个人,我压根就没见过他。名利场杂志
3. make eyes at sb / give sb the eye 向某人送秋波,向某人抛媚眼
eg: He makes eyes at every pretty girl he es.
4. hit between the eyes十分欣喜
eg: When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, it hit me right between the eyes.当我的妻子告诉我她已经怀孕了的时候,我真是欣喜万分。罗纳尔多过人
5. stars in one’s eyes 喜上眉梢,神采奕奕
eg: Mary gets stars in her eyes when she thinks of her boyfriend.玛丽一想起她的男
6. apple of one’s eyes 心肝宝贝,掌上明珠
eg: She is the apple of her father’s eyes.
7. only have eyes for / have eyes only for sb 只钟情于某人,只爱某人
eg: He’s only ever had eyes for his wife.
8. one’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach 眼大肚皮小,眼馋肚饱9. (not) believe one’s own eyes (不)相信自己的眼睛(不相信看到的是真的)
thaieg: She saw him there but she could hardly believe her eyes.她看到他就在那儿,但就是不敢相信这一切是真的。
10. e eye to eye 看法一致
eg: I think we e eye to eye on this subject.我认为在这件事情上我们的看法是一致的。
11. an eye for an eye(a tooth for a tooth)以眼还眼(以牙还牙)
eg: Churches teach that we should forgive people who hurt us, not following the rule of an eye for an eye.教会教诲我们应该原谅伤害我们的人,而不是以牙还牙。
12. pull the wool over one’s eyes 哄骗(使认为自己好),欺骗
eg: Bob tried to pull the wool over his teacher’s eyes, but she was too smart for him.鲍勃试图欺骗他的老师,但老师实在太聪明了(以至欺骗不了)。
13. keep an eye on sb / sth 照看,注意
eg: We’ve asked the neighbors to keep an eye on the hou for us while we are away. 我们已请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看一下房子。
14. have eyes in the back of one’s head 脑长后眼,眼光敏锐,什么都能觉察到
ptd /doc/8d4427729.html,/1/eye.html
come to
由动物的眼睛构成的习语中,有的是指人,但也有一些与人毫不相干。例如:英语an eagle eye或eyes like a hawk(鹰眼或鹰似的眼睛)指人的目光锐利,这种比喻和汉语相同,但an eagle eye还指"密切注视",如:keep an eagle eye on his wife(对他的妻子十分关注)。cat's eye猫眼,却是一种名叫"猫儿眼的宝石",还可指家庭用的防盗门上供窥视的小洞,还可指汽车后部装置的反光镜。sheep's eye(羊眼)指人的态度时意为"秋波、媚眼",如:Tom was casting sheep's eye at the pretty girl he met.(汤姆向碰到的漂亮姑娘抛媚眼)。fish eye(或fisheye鱼眼睛)也是一种名叫"鱼眼砧石"的宝石,同时还可以指人,如:give someone the fish eye指"给人一种猜疑的目光"。bull's eye(或bull's-eye公牛的眼睛)有很多意思,但都不指人,而是指事物。最主要的意思是指子弹射击时作为目标的"靶心"。美国俚语中的snake's eye(蛇眼)并不是指蛇的眼睛,而是指投骰子时两颗骰子都是"一对"或"两点"。