Everyday Etiquette for Office Life
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Many offices are virtual beehives of social life, complete with their own patterns of gift giving, party schedules, and customs and traditions.
Collections It is the custom in many American offices to take up collections to buy prents for births, weddings, birthdays, and other happy occasions. Many people willingly participate in this tradition, but many more undoubtedly rent the continual expen.
Office collections only work among coworkers who genuinely have some fondness for one another and when the demands aren't too high. They don't work when you're in an enormous office and you barely recognize the person to whom you're expected to give money. They also don't work when a t amount, which is often beyond some people's means, is expected. Asking people to kick in a dollar or two is okay.
requestcodeAsking for ten or twenty dollars usually is not. Tho who know the person and want to giv
e more money may, but no one should ever feel obliged to give more than a dollar or two to an office collection.
If you're taking up the collection, you can ea the situation by asking only tho who really know the recipient to participate. Rather than exclude anyone, though, offer the choice to someone who may not want to contribute:“ I'm taking up a collection to buy Mary a wedding gift, but I know you don't know her, so I don't feel it's right to ask you.” That leaves the decision entirely in the hands of the giver. From the giver's point of view, once someone has let you off the hook in this way, you should feel no pressure to contribute. Another solution ud in some offices is to pass around an envelope. Each person may anonymously contribute what he or she likes.
Office Parties Another office tradition is giving parties to celebrate big events tenacy baby showers,wedding showers, retirement parties,and the ubiquitous birthday parties. Strictly speaking,the ought not to be held on office time or premis,but they often are.Whenever possible,give major parties for coworkers at another location.Parties that t
ake place at work, say, for a retirement or a birthday, should be kept fairly brief and subdued10. Some large offices merge11 events that is,they have one birthday party in a month rather than a ries of birthday celebrations.
Gifts Most offices indulge in some form of gift giving, usually at holiday time. Boss typically give gifts to their staff members, while employees are not obliged to give gifts in return. The exception is the cretary or personal assistant who wishes to give the boss a prent. This gift can be very modest, even if the boss's gift was lavish. It would, in fact, be inappropriate for an employee to give an employer an elaborate or expensive gift. Some offices have a grab bag gift exchange, where everyone puts his name in a bag also draws the name of another worker. When the are the custom, the gifts should be small, and it is a good idea to t a dollar limit, usually five to ten dollars.
The best office gifts are impersonal but clearly chon with an individual's interests in mind. Books, compact discs, food, desk accessories, datebooks, umbrellas, and impersonal items of clothing such as scarves and gloves are all acceptable. Joke gifts are fine and popular in many offices as long as they are not overly offensive.
Employers should also keep in mind that a bonus is not a prent. It is part of the reimburment package and as such should never be referred to or considered a prent. Apart from any specific office rituals, gift exchanges among coworkers are the same as gift exchanges among friends.