Experimental Investigation of Combustion Characteristics and Emissions for a Pilot-Scale Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustor Fueled by Biomass Chips of Sesame and Broad Bean Stalks 期刊名称: Combustion Science and Technology
at times作者: El-Sayed,Noir欧美经典电影
年份: 2019年
关键词: Sesame stalks;broad bean stalks;biomass chips;bubbling fluidized bed例如英语
combustion;combustion characteristics;emissions
摘要:The study work investigated the combustion characteristics and gaous
封闭式问题emissions during burning chips of same and broad bean stalks in a pilot-scale
agenda什么意思Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustor (BFBC). The effects of the startup temperature,
excess air percentage, moisture content, and injection location of condary air on
axial temperature profiles along the combustor and flue gas emissions were
peer review
studied. The results indicated that biomass fuel characteristics have a significant
evolverole in the distribution of axial temperature along the reactor height. A great effect
on the axial temperature profile was detected when the startup temperature was
changed. The 30% and 100% excess air reprent the near percentages for better
combustion characteristics for burning the stalks of broad bean and same,初中学历怎么考大专
respectively. Enhancement was obrved
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