本节课的整体设计思路:前半部分围绕taste一词,带领学生欣赏各种形式的幽默,分析其中比较明显的特点和技巧;后半节课,围绕幽默的另一层含义the quality to e and understand humor, and the ability to show funny things开展各种活动,启动学生智慧,创设情境,给予学生展示幽默的舞台,感受幽默的魅力,陶冶情操,从而以一种积极轻松的心态面对生活,在完成各项任务的过程中体现学生综合运用语言的目的。
Teaching content:
Warming-up(page17), reading and speaking(page22), writing(page23)
Teaching goals
1. Talk about kinds of humor, and taste some of them.
2. Help improve the ability to understand, analyze and show humor.
3. Feel the charm of humor and lead a happy life
Teaching methods
Using pictures, reading, discussion, acting and imitation
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming-up( talk about different kinds of humor)
What kind of humor do you know in China?
Besides sketch and cross talk what other forms of humor do you know?
Lets' taste some of them!( tongue twisters, funny poems and jokes )
Step 2 .Reading
1.Read three jokes on page22 and match with the explanation.
2.Read the funny story about the detective Holmes and doctor Watston.
3. One more funny story. Find out the punchline!
Step 3 A test
Humor refers to something funny and the quality to understand and show something funny. Let's have a test whether you have the ability.
Behind each picture there is a question waiting for you. Each group choo your favorite one. If you can't do it, other groups can ize the chance.
merrellStep 4 Group work and act it out!
lb是什么Share your jokes in your group and choo the funniest one to act it out!
Step 5 Share a poem
If you want to impress somebody, make him laugh.
If you want to connect with someone new, make him laugh.
If you want to get a rai from your boss, make him laugh.
If you want to take yourlf out of a mirable situation, make yourlf laugh.
If you want to stay healthy and relaxed, make yourlf laugh.
And if you want to change the world, make the world laugh.
What’s the easiest way to make someone laugh?
吸血鬼日记塞拉斯Show your n of humor, and you will harvest a happy life!
Step 6 Project: a collection of funny stories.
This week we're to make a collection of funny stories. So each of you have to write down your favorite funny story either you've heard or from a book, or you make up one by yourlf. You have to write it in a logical line. For example, first you need to explain the situation, than what happened, at last show the punchline.mouth
Step 6 Homework
Write down your story in a logical order! And then swap it with your neighbor to correct the errors.
本班学生比较踏实勤奋,平时上课气氛不是很活跃,但本单元的话题是关于“幽默”,相信同学们应该会对这一话题比较感兴趣。幽默虽然是个轻松的话题,可是用英语来表达还是会有一定难度的,需要做好必要的预习。 对于高一学生来说, 大部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础, 能够在老师的引导下运用所学知识表达自己的观点看法,但对于临场发挥的能力还是明显不具备,本节课要涉及到运用英语讲一个笑话或者表演幽默故事,这一环节还是有难度的,需要学生提前做好准备,然后在课上分享材料。 教师在预设的任务中, 注意引导学生在交际中的动态生成, 让学生有话可说, 乐于合作分享, 这样更有利于他们更好的运用课本知识, 达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。
通过本节课的学习,学生基本了解了幽默的形式和特点, 启动智慧欣赏、理解幽默, 进而通过感受幽默的魅力,陶冶情操,以积极轻松的心态面对生活,较好的完成了教学的三维目标。
在课堂表现方面,尽管是一节录像课, 但因为话题是幽默,如果提前告诉学生相关内容,幽默的效果就打折扣了,所以这的确是一节新授课,开始老师和学生多少有些紧张,随着内容的深入,逐渐放松。课间,听着欢快的音乐,看着搞笑的图片,达到让学生以轻松愉
悦的心情进入学习状态的效果。在体会各种幽默形式的幽默的过程中,不仅仅是读一读各种形式的幽默,同时分析了常见的三种幽默形式 funny poem的结构特点 jokes中所用的play on words 这一技巧, 以及有时需要智慧才能理解的funny stories。在test环节中,学生虽然都有自己的理解和想法,但发言不够踊跃,没有竞争的氛围,未达到理想的效果。在最后表演环节中,几个同学的表演灵活而幽默,烘托了气氛。最后,讲幽默,作为老师,如果本身很有幽默感,会很容易拉近师生间的距离,带动课堂气氛,真希望我的幽默细胞在多些!
“幽默”一词一般有两层意思:一是指使某事物可笑或戏剧性的因素(the quality in something that makes it funny and makes people laugh);二是指看出、欣赏或表达喜剧性事物的能力(the ability to think that things are funny, or funny things you say that show you have this ability)。幽默的种类很多,它的载体可以是以语言文字,也可以是视觉造型艺术或听觉艺术,或者是综合性艺术。尽管幽默的表现形式因地域和文化差异而有不同,
根据教材内容,我把warming up(page17),using language(page22),writing(page23)整合成一节语言综合运用课。
WARMING UP中提出了三个问题:How many kinds of humour do you know?Do you know the kinds of humour? Do you have other kinds of humour in China?这三个问题直指本单元中心话题-----幽默的表现形式。
USING LANGUAGE部分 是围绕英语笑话和幽默故事展开的。练习一时把发生在顾客与服务员之间的三个小笑话和对应的解释相匹配,理解 play on words。练习2是选自福尔摩斯的小说,让学生表述他们是喜欢短小的笑话还是喜欢故事性较强的且较长的幽默故事。
WRITING 部分是指导学生整理自己所知道的幽默故事。一个完整的幽默故事应该按一定的逻辑顺序展开,先介绍背景,然后发生了什么,最后抖出“包袱”(the punchline)。
Name some types of humors you know.
youwenTypes of humor | Examples of English humor | Chine humor |
nonverbal mime | Charlie Chaplin Mr. Bean | |
verbal 托福听力课程jokes funny stories funny poems | Mark Twain Edward Lear | |
| tomia | |
设计本节课的初衷之一是想尝试一下对教材的整合,从内容上来说,warming up部分和课文联系不大,但是和using language 部分的联系更紧密,是幽默种类的具体呈现;原因之二是想尝试一除出阅读课这一常规课型之外的课型,虽然完成了预定的任务,但还是有很多遗憾。