0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
líng, yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí
零 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
100 - 一百 yī bǎi
101- 一百零一yī bǎi líng yī (When there is a zero in a number, it must be stated)
1000 – 一千yì qiān
1001 – 一千零一yì qiān líng yī
两Special number “2- liǎng ” – when ud to count or measure.
Numbers such as two-hundred, two-thousand, and twenty-thousand take the liǎng form.“ 二èr” is ud as a digit at the end of a number.
200 – 两百liǎng bǎi
2000- 两千liǎng qiān
20,000 – 两万liǎng wàn
11 (10.1) | 十一 | Shí yī | 20 (2.10) | 二十 | Èr shí |
23 (20.3) | 二十三 | èr shí sān | 45 (40.5) | 四十五 | Sì shí wǔ |
| | | | | |
How old are you? – 你几岁?Ni3 ji3 sui4? (Nǐ jǐ suì)
(you how many age)
I am 34 years old。我34岁。 wo3 san1 shi2 si4 sui4. (wǒ sānshí sì suì)
(I thirty four age)
What’s your cell number? 你手机几号? Ni3 shou3 ji1 ji3 hao4 (nǐ shǒujī jī jǐ háo)
You cellphone what number)
My number is – 我的号码是。。。 wo3 de5 hao4 ma3 shi4 (wǒ de5 hào mǎ shì)
My number is
几 – question word for numbers
What time? – jǐ diǎn 几点
How many? – jǐ gè 几个
How old? – jǐdudley moore suì 几岁
How many days?- jǐ tiān 几天
Which day? - xīngqī jī 星期几 (week which?)
How many weeks? jǐ gè xīngqī 几个星期
How many months? jǐ gè yuè 几个月
Which month? jǐ yuè 几月
How many years? jǐ nián 几年
个- measure word
In Chine there are different measure word for items depending on the shape of the object. (A slice of lemon, a piece of cake) “Ge” is the most common measure word.
Yī gè 一个 (a unit of) | 人rén | Person |
twitter是什么苹果 píng guǒ | Apple |
石家庄少儿英语培训 西瓜 xī guā | Watermelon |
橘子 júzǐstay up | Mandarin fruit |
| | |
Shopping and money
I want – 我要wǒ yāo
I don’t want – 我不要wǒ bù yāo
Give me one – 给我一个géi wǒ yí ge
How much? 多少钱?duō shǎo qián (钱qián – money)
Or 几块钱?jǐ kuài qián (how many pieces of money?)
It’s too expansive! 太贵了!tài guì le (贵guì – expensive)
Do you need (want) a bag? 要袋子吗?yào dài zi ma?
Exerci: At the fruit stand
Put the ntences in the correct order with numbers.
Wā! (wow) tài guì le!
哇 ! 太 贵 了 !
yī gè pínggu再见了母校ǒ duōshǎo qián?
一 个 苹果 多少 钱 ?
指标英文Búyào, xièxiè.
不要 , 谢谢 。
你好 !
Nǐhǎo! yào shénme?
你好档案的英语 ! 要 什么 ?
Hǎoba, wǒ yào yī gè.
好吧 , 我 要 一 个 。
qī kuài qián
七 块 钱
bú guì, zhè shì FUJI píngguǒ, hěn hǎo chī de.
不 贵 , 这 是 富 士 苹果 , 很 好 吃billionaire 的 。
yào dàizi ma?
要 袋子 吗 ?
Exerci 2:
Listen to the teacher’s dialogue and answer the questions.
1. How many apples did she want?
2. How many watermelons did she want?
3. How many mandarinsuuid did she want?
4. How much was the total?
5. Did she need a bag?
一斤多少钱?yì jīn duō shǎo qián (How much is it for 500grams?)
晚餐英语One jin how much
斤 – jīn – 500g
公斤 – gōng jīn – 1 kilo (kg)
这个一斤多少? zhè ge yì jīn duō shǎo (How is this by the jin?)
甜吗? - tián ma? (Is it sweet?)
甜!- tián! (It’s sweet!)
好吃吗?- hǎo chī mā? (Is it tasty?)
很好吃! - hěn hǎo chī! (It’s very tasty!)
这个叫什么?- zhè ge jiào shé me?(What is this called?)
Now do a rule play between fruit ller and buyer.
∙ Learn your pinyin and numbers!
∙ Write 1-10 ten times in Chine characters on a page.
∙ Go and buy some fruit and record the dialogue! I want you to note down:
1. The conversation (even if you didn’t understand everything, try to record it with your cell phone and later write down the ntences in pinyin)
2. The price per 500gram and the name for the fruit that you’ve purchad!
3. or ask a Chine friend to try and figure out the meaning of one unknown ntence.
4. Next lesson I’ll pick 2 random students to share his/her findings with us.