accident怎么读remedy>cleverestBadass是什么意思?褒义还是贬义?Badass在美语中是⼀个⾮常流⾏的⼝语单词,你经常可以听到⼈们⽤badass来形容不同的⼈、或者物,⽐如:I heard this guy’s a real badass, so you better stay away from him。⼜⽐如:Maggie Q plays a badass character in the hit TV show Nikita。还有,That’s a badass sports car you got over there。由于构成badass的词bad和ass似乎并⾮褒义,使得badass看起来更具负⾯意义。那么badass是否真如它看起来那样,是个贬义词呢?
启蒙老师英语我们来看看权威怎么说。在,对于badass的名词含义有两种截然不同的解释:⾸先看负⾯的,A mean or belligerent person; a person with unpleasantly extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance(刻薄、好⽃者;具有使⼈反感的极端态度、⾏为、或外表者);再看正⾯的,A person considered impressive due to extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance(某⼈因特⽴独⾏或外表出众,⽽令⼈印象深刻)。
综合上⾯的英⽂解释,其实答案已经⽐较明了。Badass既可表达贬义,亦可⽤于褒义,取决于所处的语境。你可以尝试把它翻译为:⽜逼的、强悍(凶悍)的、厉害的、拉风的、狂拽酷炫的,或是狠⾓⾊。不过总体⽽⾔,在今天的语⾔环境下,尤其是在美国,badass所具备的褒扬、赞美含义要更多⼀点。它不仅可作名词,还可作形容词,⽤来修饰令⼈惊艳的事物(如前⾯例⼦⾥的:badass sports car)。在亚马逊,你随便就可以搜出⼀打含有badass关键字的畅销书,⽐如:《You Are a Badass》、《The Badass Life》、《The Badass Body Diet》等等。二建培训机构
翟田田我想,下⾯这篇来⾃Wikihow,名为How to Become a Badass⽂章的精彩开头,颇能概括如今⼈们对badass⾓⾊的喜爱之情吧(⼤家可以阅读体会⼀下,相当有画⾯感):recommendation
“You know the guy — he parks his motorcycle and walks fearlessly into the bar, clad in black leather. He opens his jacket, revealing tattooed sleeves. He puts a bill on the table, which the barkeep accepts, putting a shot in front of him. You catch a glimp of the man’s a devil-may-care look in his eye before you quickly look away. You’ve just en a badass, and you like the idea of becoming one yourlf.”