序号 | 标识符号 | all good things 中文标识名称 | 英文名称 | 中文解释 | 英文解释 |
可试性Spongeability | 可试 | Spongeable at time of hanging | 施工时溢出表面的胶可用海棉擦试,而不会损坏墙纸。不具有任何可洗性。 | Wallcovering from which the hanging adhesive may be wiped off the front face with a damp cloth or sponge at time of hanging without causing visible damage providing it is done whilst the adhesive is still damp .No subquent washability is claimed or implied | |
可洗性 (washability) | 可擦洗 | Washable | 墙纸在使用中,污垢及水性污渍可以用中性洗涤剂擦掉,油性污点不能清除 | Finished wallcovering from which dirt and some domestic water bad stains may be cleaned carefully from the front face with a damp cloth and soapy water .oils,fats and solvent bad stains are not expected to be removable. | |
cg是什么意思的 特别可擦洗 | Extra washable | 墙纸在使用中,家中水性污水点可以用中性洗涤剂擦掉,油性污点不能清除.但有些油腻污点,污染后马上清理能清除掉 | Finished wallcovering from which dirt and some domestic water bad stains may be cleaned with a wet cloth and soapy water. oils,fats and solvent bad stains are not expected to be removable.but some greasy stains can be removed if action is taken immediately after contamination | ||
可刷洗 | Scrubbable | 墙纸有优异的可洗性,污垢或家中的水性污渍都可用中性洗涤剂或去污粉用海棉擦或软刷去除干净。油污或溶剂类污渍立即处理可去除干净。 | Finished wallcovering of superior cleanability from which dirt and most domestic water bad stains may be cleaned from the front face with a sponge or soft brush and a mild detergent or a mild abrasive.Oils,fats and certain solvent bad stains can also be removed if tackled immediately after contamination | ||
特别可刷洗 | Extra -scrubble | 在可刷洗的基础上,可以在刷洗时增加强度 | Finished wallcovering superior cleanability from which dirt and all domestic water bad stains may be cleaned from the front face by intensive treatment with a sponge or a soft brush and a mild detergent or a mild abrasive.Oils,fats and certain solvent bad stains can also be removed if tackled immediately after contamination | ||
光老化性能 (Colour fastness to light) | 中等 枇杷的英文 | Moderate | 光老化性能达到欧洲标准EN ISO 105-BO2的3级水平 | Colour fastness to light of numerical rating 3 when this property is determined by the method given in EN ISO 105-BO2 | |
满意 | Satisfactory | 光老化性能达到欧洲标准EN ISO 105-BO2的4级水平 | Colour fastness to light of numerical rating 4 when this property is determined by the method given in EN ISO 105-BO2 | ||
好 | Good | 光老化性能达到欧洲标准EN ISO 105-BO2的5级水平 | Colour fastness to light of numerical rating 5 when this property is determined by the method given in EN ISO 105-BO2 | ||
很好 | 青云翻译网Very good | 光老化性能达到欧洲标准EN ISO 105-BO2的6级水平 | Colour fastness to light of numerical rating 6 when this property is determined by the method given in EN ISO 105-BO2 | ||
优异 | Excellent | 光老化性能达到欧洲标准EN ISO 105-BO2的7级水平 | Colour fastness to light of numerical rating 7 when this property is determined by the method given in EN ISO 105-BO2 | ||
六级作文模板施工对花(Pattern matching) | 没有对花单元 | Free match | 相邻的两张墙纸张贴时没有对花要求 | Wallcovering is not intended to be matched in any specific longitudinal relationship between adjacent lengths. | |
郑州无忧雅思 | 按单元左右直接拼接对花 | Straight match | 对花单元一幅纸左右可以直接拼接。 | When the patetern details are such that adjacent lengths are intended to be hung without any longitudinal displacement in order to give the correct side join matching. | |
按长度方向移动位置对花 | Offt match | 两幅纸对花张贴时,要纵向移动一定的距离才能对上单元花。 | When the patetern details are such that adjacent lengths are intended to be hung with longitudinal displacement in order to give the correct side join matching. | ||
交替换向对花拼接 | Rever alternate lengths | 调头张贴,第张纸竖向向上,第二张纸竖向向下,第三张与第一张纸相同方向以此类推。 | Method of hanging a wallcovering whereby adjacent lengths are reverd | ||
竖纸横向张贴对花拼接 | To be hung horizonta-lly | candela 竖纸横向张贴的方法 | Method of hanging a wallcovering whereby the lengths are hung horizsontally | ||
使用方法 Means of application | 墙纸背面刷胶水 | Adhesive to be applied to the wallcovering | 在墙纸背面刷胶 | Adhesive to be applied to the wallcovering | |
墙面上刷胶 | Adhesive to be applied to the support to be decorated | 在要贴墙纸的墙面上刷胶 | Adhesive to be applied to the support to be decorated | ||
预涂胶墙纸 | Prepasted (ready pasted) | 在生产时,已经在墙纸纸面涂胶,干燥。在施工时,浸水后使背胶有一定的胶性 | Wallcovering that carries its own factory-applied adhesive that normally has to be activated by water at the time of hanging | ||
去除旧墙纸方法 Method of removal | 完全剥离 | Strippable | god is girl歌词去除旧墙纸时,能够手工在干的状态下,从墙上整片的剥下 | Wallcovering that can be removed manually in a dry state ,substantially in one piece ,by pulling it away from the support on which it was hung | |
剥去表皮supermarket的读音 | Peelable | 去除旧墙纸时,在干燥状态能够手工将墙纸的表面保护层大片剥离,基纸还留在墙上。 | Wallcovering from which the decorative or protective surface can be removed manually from its ba web in a dry state substantially in one piece .The ba web remains on the support on which it was hung | ||
湿去除 | Wet removable | 墙纸从墙上剥离时,先用水或剥离剂进行浸泡或蒸汽蒸;然后去除掉。 | Wallcovering that can be removed from the support on which it was hung by soaking it with water or a proprietary stripping agent or by steaming it and then scraping off the soaked material. | ||
杂项miscellaneous | 搭接裁切 | Overlap and double cut | 施工时,两幅墙纸边重迭并对好花,用锋利的壁纸刀,从上到下一刀连续裁透两层墙纸,然后打开接缝处,将裁掉的边,拿下,再处理好边缝。主要用于布基壁纸与宽幅纸基壁纸。 | Method by which the edges of adjoining lengths of wallcovering can be made to butt together.The adjoining edges of adjacent lengths of wallcovering are overlap on the support during application and both thickness are cut through in a continuous movement with a sharp knife.The joint is opened and surplus wallcoveing material removed before the adjoining edges are realigned | |
双面压纹 | Duplex embosd | 由两层基材通过胶复合同时机械压花而成的浮雕墙纸 | Mechanically embosd relief wallcovering made from two webs which have been laminated with an adhesive at the mechanical embossing state | ||
耐冲击 | Impact resistant | 在冲击的试验条件下,能够保持表面效果完好 | Ability of a heavy-duty wallcovering to maintain its surface intact under the effect of impact | ||
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