中国企业开拓越南中药材市场traci lords>法学考研科目
成分英语作者:陈德英 邱家学corona
来源:《健康必读·下旬刊》2012年第06期odysy>gretchen wilson
【中图分类号】R932 【文献标识码】C 【文章编号】1672-3783(2012)06-0342-01
mox 【关键词】:越南中药材市场,中国中药企业,开发市场。
Chine enterpris to explore the Vietname market for Chine medicines
Chen De Ying Qiu Jia Xue
(China Pharmaceutical University,JiangSu NanJing)
礼物 英文
导演李晓 【Abstract】: In recent years, Chine pharmaceutical companies in the development of the Vietname market effect is not ideal. The process of development of the Vietname market, according to the current situation of Vietname medicine and Chine herbal medicine market in order to promote the development of the Vietname pharmaceutical market.
【Key words】: the Vietname market for Chine medicines, Traditional Chine Medicine Enterpri, the development market.