1.Aba to humiliate
2.abberration something that differs from the norm.
3.Abhor to hate
4.Abjure to reject
5.Abscond to sneek away and hide
6.Abstru hard to comprehend
7.Accolade high prai
8.Acerbic bitter in tone or taste
9.Acquiesce to give in to others
10.Affable friendly; amiable
11.Amalgamate unite; bring together
12.Ameliorate to improve
13.Anathema detested person
14.Antithesis abosolute opposite
15.assail to attack
16.banns public announcement of intention to marry
17.Beguile to trick; deceive
18.Bilk cheat; defraud
19.Boisterous loud and full of energy
20.Bombastic excessively confident
21.Boon gift or blessing
22.Cacophony tremendous noi; disharmonious sound
23.Candor honesty; frankness
24.Capricious fickle; subject to whim
25.Catalyze to charge; inspire
26.Chasti criticize verely
27.Clairvoyant able to perceive things normal people cannot
28.Clandestine cret
29.cleave to divide into parts
30.Clemency mercy
31.Colloquial characteristic of informal conversation; slang
32.Conci brief and direct
33.Corpulence extreme fatness
34.Dearth lack or shortage
35.Deba to lower the quality or esteem of something
36.Debunk to expo the falness of something
37.Decorous socially proper; appropriate
38.deft dexterous, skillful 39.Defunct no longer ud or existing
40.Delineate to describe, outline, shed light on
41.Demagogue a leader who appeals to people's prejudices
42.Demure quiet, modest, rerved
43.Destitute impoverished, extremely poor
44.Diligent showing care in doing one's work
45.Diminutive small or miniture
46.Dirge mournful song
47.Dither to be indecisive哈尔滨补习班
48.Docile easily taught or trained
49.Dubious Doubtful
50.ebullient extremely lively, enthusiastic
51.Eclectic consisting of diver elements
52.Edict order, decree
北京新东方住宿部53.Emaciated very thin
54.Empathy nsitivity to another's feelings as if they
were your own
55.Emulate imitate
56.Enigma cryptic; puzzle
57.Ennui boredom
58.Ephemeral short-lived
59.Eschew to shun, avoid
61.fatuous silly, foolish
62.Fetter to chain
63.Fickle shifting in character; inconstanttechsavvy
64.Fidelity loyalty
65.Figurative symbolic
66.Flaccid limp, not firm or strong
67.Forbearance patience, restraint, tolerance
68.Fortitude strength, guts
69.fractiousness quarrelsomeness
70.Goad to urge, spur on
71.Hapless unluckyempty什么意思
72.Harangue ranting speech
73.hardy capable of survival
74.Haughty disdainfully proud
75.hulking large and threatening
76.Idiosyncratic peculiar to one person
77.Illicit forbidden, not permitted
78.Immutable not, changeable
79.incredulously with disbelief
80.Indefatigable incapable of defeat or decay
81.Indigenous originating in a region; native
82.Indigent very poor
83.Ineffable unspeakable
84.innate inborn, native
85.Innocuous harmless
86.Innuendo hint
87.insatiable incapable of being satisfied
88.Jubilant joyful, happy
专业化妆培训89.Juxtaposition side by side comparison
90.Knell solemn sound of a bell; usually indicating
91.Languid sluggish from fatigue
92.languidly slowly and listlessly
93.Larceny obtaining another's property by theft
94.Lavish to give without limit
95.Maudlin weakly ntimental
96.Maxim common saying expressing a principle of
97.Mitigate to make less violent
98.Myriad Consisting of a very great number
99.Nadir lowest point of something
100.Nascent in the process of being born, or coming into
101.Neophyte someone young or inexperienced
102.Obstreperous nosiy, unruly
103.Obtu lacking quickness or intellect
105.Oscillate to sway from side to side
106.panacea remedy for all ills
107.partisan a follower
108.pathos an emotion of sympathy
109.paucity small in quantity
110.pejorative derogatory
111.penultimate next to last 112.peremptority in a harsh decisive manner, allowing no
113.pert flippant; bold
114.pithy concily meaningful
115.platitude an uninspired remark; cliche
116.poignant deeply affecting; moving emotionally 117.pragmatic practical
118.precocious advanced; developing ahead of their time 119.primeval original, ancient
120.proclivity strong inclination towards something 121.procure obtain; aquire
122.prowess extraordinary ability
123.pulchritude physical beauty
124.putrid rotten; foul
125.quagmire a difficult situation
126.quaint charmingly old-fashioned
127.quixotic idealistic; impractical
is superior to others