Lesson 1 Monkey tricksmatch是什么意思
The children went to the zoo.
They looked at the giraffes.
profitThe giraffes were tall。
They looked at the als。
The als were hungry。
They looked at the crocodiles。
The crocodiles were sleep.
They looked at the parrots。
The parrots were noisy.
They looked at the elephants
welcome的用法The elephants were big。
They looked at the monkeys.
The monkeys were funny.
They looked for kipper.广东高考分数段>颜色表
Kipper looked like a monkey.
Lesson2 A sinking feeling
The children were in the pool。
Wilma climbed on the duck.
“Get on,” said Wilma.
Wilf climbed on.
“Get on,” said Wilf。
Chip climbed on。
“Get on,” said Chip。
Biff climbed on。
“Get on,” said Biff.
Kipper couldn’t get on。
“Get on," said everyone。
Kipper couldn't get on。
“Get on,” said everyone.
Kipper climbed on.体育英语
Oh no !
Lesson3 N2013北京高考英语aughty Children
Two children came.
They climbed on the furniture。