必修五 Unit1教案

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必修五 Unit1教案
必修5  unit 1  scientific achievements
negro的复数talk about science and scientific achievement
practi expressing intentions and wishes
learn about word formation (1)
write a persuasion essay
1talk about science and scientists
2.  practi expressing intentions and wishes
if i got the money, i would……
my plan is to…….
i hope that…….
i want/ wish/hope/intend/plan to……
i’d like to……
i’m thinking of……
 词汇 1. 四会词汇
engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution, likely, zone, private, grasp, master, perfect , arrange, rely, failure, locate, valley, brand, luggage, achieve, organ, boom, breakthrough, agency, announce, evolution, supercomputer
2. 认读词汇
neil armstrong, alexander g bell, eureka, economic, hi-tech, technological, overas, it, lenovo, founder, silicon, nokia, motorola, rejuvenate, impressive, genome, element, byte,
3. 词组
t foot (in), rely on, put forward,
significant, likely, private, grasp, master, perfect , arrange, rely, failure, locate, achieve,
breakthrough, announce
结构 word formation
1whatever great achievements the future may have in store for china, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern beijing.
2. not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they reprent are more important than money.
三、 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
通过学习了解人类的科学成就,帮助学生认识到这些成就深刻地改变了人类生产和生活的方式及质量,同时也深刻地改变了人类的思维观念和对世界的认识,改变并继续改变着世界的面貌,极大地推动了社会的发展。激发学生学科学,爱科学,把科学知识转化成科技成果,报效祖国, 为祖国的繁荣富强贡献自己的力量。
1.1  warming up 通过讨论一些科学成就,帮助学生认识到这些成就怎样改变了我们生存的世界,对我们又将有什么样的影响以及所有科学成就的共同之处是什么。
1.2  listening是一些科学发明的具体事例。
1.3  speaking是一个任务型教学活动。提供了4种科研项目,让4位同学做为代表发言,通过介绍和辩论,说明自己的项目最重要,从而学会表达自己的意图和希望。九年级上册英语听力
1.4  pre-reading是开放性问题,要求学生开动脑筋,勤于思考,小组讨论找出问题答案。
1.5  reading是关于中关村科技园的介绍。通过学习了解中关村的发展,激发学生的民族自豪感。教育学生要以振兴民族产业为己任,为改变中国这个拥有13田园日记音译歌词亿人口的大国的科技面貌产业,为由中国制造中国创造迈进而努力学习。
1.6  post-reading第一个题是5个选择题,目的是训练学生的事实核对能力;第二题是开放性问题比较中关村中国的硅谷和美国硅谷的异同,此题可以很好的培养学生自主学习的
1.7  language study 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,word study 是一个英语释义练习,旨在培养学生的英语思维能力,有助于养成英语思维的习惯。grammar构词法知识介绍。本单元的语法训练设计是从易到难,呈阶梯状,由构词法知识介绍到篇章中的猜词义连习,设计得非常科学,可操作性强。
打电话的英文1.8 integrating skills中的reading介绍了近十几年来中国在不同领域取得的一些重大成就。writing部分要求学生给《现代科学》(modern science)杂志写一篇关于最伟大科学成就的文章,说明原因并且解释为什么你认为它是最伟大的。
1.9 tips 介绍了怎样写persuasion essay
2. 教材重组
2.2warming up 作为speaking的热身练习,将warming upspeaking整合在一起,通过谈论科学成就,讨论最重要的科学成就,练习表达自己的观点和愿望,上一节口语课
2.3listening workbook listening 结合在一起,上一节听力课
2.4pre-reading, reading post-reading 放在一起上一节阅读课。
2.5  integrating skills 设计为一节综合实践课(一)
2.6workbook integrating skills设计为一节综合实践课(二)braggart

3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用6课时教完)
1st  period            grammar
2nd  period                warming up, speaking
pet是什么3rd  period                listening           
4th  period                  reading
5th  period                  integrating skills (1)
6th  period                  integrating skills (2)
the first period  grammar
teaching goals 教学目标
1. target language目标语言:
  learn the grammar--- word formation (i)
2. ability goals能力目标: study the ways of forming a word and enlarge students’ vocabulary.
3. learning ability goals学能目标:enable students to u context clues and what they know about word parts to guess the meaning of new words.
teaching important points教学重点
the ways of forming a word.
teaching difficult points coder教学难点
how to guess the meaning of a new word.
teaching methods教学方法
explaining and practising
teaching aids教具准备
1. a projector  2. a computer
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
step i  lead in
t: good morning afternoon, class!
ss: good morning afternoon,mr/ms…
t: in this class, we are going to start unit 11 scientific achievements .now pay attention to the two words. will you plea tell me how the two words are formed?
s1“scientific”is the adjective form of” science”.
s2:“achievement “ is the noun form of “achieve”.
t: obrve them carefully; can you explain how they are formed?
s3:” science” is a noun, if we add –fic to it, then we get its adjective.
元宵节笑话s4: “achieve” is a verb. if we add –ment to it, we get its noun.
t: excellent ! that is how the two words are formed. the basic part of any word is the root; to it, you can add a prefix at the beginning and/or a suffix at the end to change the meaning. for example, in the word "unflattering," the root is simply "flatter," while the prefix "un-" makes the word negative, and the suffix "-ing" changes it from a verb into an adjective (specifically, a participle).this is the grammar we are going to learn in this class.(show word formation on the powerpoint.)
step ii  grammar
ask students to obrve the given words carefully and find out how words are formed.
t: how do learners improve their vocabulary? there are no super shortcuts to vocabulary, but there are various forms of support. here is one example. increasing your vocabulary is so important that you just can't forget about it. don't bury your head in the sand. ok.. plea look at the following words and tell how they are formed. (show the following words on the powerpoint.)
• affix
• infix
• prefix
• suffix
teacher explains the following.
t: what do the words (nouns) have in common?
ss: all of them contain the root “fix”.
t: well, they do have a number of things in common. let's ttle for the most obvious, the 'f
ix' at the end. so if we split them, this is what we get
• af + fix
• in + fix
• pre + fix
• suf + fix    (the will be shown on the powerpoint)
t: what does 'fix' mean?
ss: fix means attach to, fasten, stick, glue.
t: what about 'af' , 'in' , 'pre' , 'suf' ? in' and 'pre' are understandable, aren't they ?
'in' a room, 'in' a ntence, 'in' a word. 
'pre' means before like in pre-war, pre-school, premature.
so what do infix and prefix actually mean? infix - to attach something inside (a word).prefix - to attach something at the beginning of (a word)
what about 'af' and 'suf'?
that's a bit more difficult to explain. 'af' is actually from the beginning the latin word 'ad', and the meaning is the same as the english word add. add 4 and 5 and you get 9.
'suf' is the latin word 'sub', like in submarine, subway, suburb. the meaning is under, after (outside).
why have the d in 'ad' and the b in 'sub' changed into f?
the reason is really quite simple. 'adfix' and 'subfix' are difficult to pronounce. there is economy in everything! you simply leave out the d and the b, but in order to mark their existence the words are spelt with an extra f .
so what do affix and suffix actually mean?
ss: affix - to attach something to (a word)
suffix -to attach something at the end of (a word)
t: we have now fixed the fixes, haven't we? affix - something you add (stick) to a word
there are three kinds of affixes:
added inside the word - infix
added at the beginning of the word - prefix
added at the end of the word – suffix
ss: what's this good for then?
t: well, there are thousands of words with prefixes and suffixes. the infixes are fewer and less uful to you.
the english vocabulary basically consists of words of latin and germanic origin. there are prefixes in both groups.
if you know the basic meaning of a prefix or a suffix you can often 'guess' the meaning of an english word. there are a limited number of latin prefixes and suffixes. if you learn the meaning of them, and learn to recognize them in english words, you will increa your vocabulary much faster.
gentle是什么意思here are some of the most common latin prefixes (for the meanings of the latin roots, look up the words in a good dictionary): (show the following on the powerpoint.)
(away) abstain, abnt, absolve
(to) adverb, advertiment, advance, adjoin
in /il-/im-/ir-
(not) incapable, indecisive, intolerable , illegal, impossible, irrugular
(between, among) international, interaction interdependent, interprovincial
(before) prerecorded, preface prefer
(after) postpone, postscript, postwar
(under, not quite) subsoil, subscription, suspect ,subway, subnormal
(across, to a changed state) transfer, transit, translate, transport ,transform

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标签:学生   成就   科学
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