Word formation--suffix
1. The team carried out a detailed _________ of the risks involved.元旦晚会策划
2. The professor has published veral works of literary __________.
3. The results of the election are a clear ___________ of the government’s policies.
4. At the end of the opera, the audience showed their _______ by clapping enthusiastically.
5. In his very critical article, the author express his strong _______ of reality TV.
电学基础6. He carried out an in-depth _____ of the extent of progress in this area.小学六年级英语上册
7. There was obvious ________ in favor of funding for science.dovetail>高二英语学习方法
8. We need to rerve __________ until we are in posssion of all the facts.
9. The general _________ appears to be that artists are somehow superior to scientists.
againstalloddsbanc10. News about current issues barely affects the _______ generally.
attractive———— ———— ———— ———— ————