美剧 硅谷 马丁斯塔尔 经典语录
1、信息就是力量(Information is power)
2、玩笑是重要的(Jokes are important)
3、毕加索说,好的艺术家复制,伟大的艺术家偷窃(Picasso said good artists copy, great artists steal)
4、与其参加海军,不如成为海盗(Better to be a pirate than join the navy)
5、他们必须加入十字军。就像艺术、科学、宗教,全部融合在一起。(They gotta be into a crusade。It's like art, science religion, all rolled into one)
6、我们在这里是艺术家。未加工的沙从一端进去,然后从另一端出来。硅的艺术(We're artists here.A place where raw sand comes in one end and goes out the other Silincon art)
7、人都希望被开发,被塑造。但如果你问他们中的任何人,任何一个,他们都会否认(People wanna be shaped, molded but if you asked any of them, any of them, they're deny i
8、也许有趣只是经过包装的现实的碎片(Maybe fun is just fragments of existence with better packaging)
virgin什么意思9、John 和 Steve的对谈。三个月后,John“开除”了 Steve
actualization--John:史蒂夫,我很担心,所有事情,你知道,“他们 VS 我们”、“Macintosh VS 苹果
II”(Steve, I'm worried, you know:“them versus us”stuff“Macintosh versus Apple全天候什么意思
--Steve:你不明白,人需要一个目标。我们失去了越南,这是我们的越南(You don't understand, John, people need a cau we misd Vietnam, this is our Vietnam) -John:它正分裂公司(It's tearing the company apart)
怎样可以快速美白--Steve:创造总是零乱的。你想要天才,你就得疯狂。这是一个硬币的两面(Creation is messy, you want genius, you get madness Two sides of the same coin)
goal什么意思10、Steve Wozniak(乔布斯合伙人及好友);很奇怪,有时你会发现事情比你想的更加重要。你明白我的意思吗?也许是老了(It’s weird,but sometimes you find things that are more important to you than the things you think are important you know what I mean? Maybe it's just getting older)