get someth ing across/over c ommun icate, make unders tanda ble I triedto get my pointacross/over to the judgebut she wouldn't listen.
get along/on like each otherI was surpri d how well my new girlfr iendand my sister got along/on.
get around have mobili ty My grandf ather can get around fine in his new wheelc hair.
get away go on a vacati on We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.
get away with someth ing do withou t beingnotice d or punish ed Jasonalways gets away with cheati ng in his mathstests.
get back return We got back from our vacati on last week.
get someth ing back receiv e someth ing you had before Liz finall y got her Scienc e notesback from my room-mate.
get back at someon e retali ate 报仇, 反击, take reveng e My sister got back at me for steali ng her shoes. She stolemy favourite hat.
get back into someth ing become intere stedin someth ing againI finall y got back into my noveland finish ed it.
get on someth ing step onto a vehicl e We're goingto freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.
get over someth ing recove r from an illnes s, loss, diffic ultyI just got over the flu and now my sister has it. get over someth ing overco me a proble m The compan y will have to cloif it can't get over the new regula tions.
get roundto someth ing finall y find time to do (N.Amer.: get around to someth ing) I don't know when I am goingto get roundto writin g the thankyou cards.
get togeth er meet (usuall y for social reason s) Let's get togeth er for a BBQ this weeken d.
get up get out of bed I got up earlytodayto studyfor my exam.
get up standYou should get up and give the elderl y man your at.fbl是什么意思
give someon e away reveal hidden inform ation aboutsomeon e His wife gave him away to the police.
give someon e away take the brideto the altarMy father gave me away at my weddin g.
give someth ing away ruin a cret My little sister gave the surpri partyaway by accide nt.
give someth ing away give someth ing to someon e for free The librar y was giving away old bookson Friday. give someth ing back return a borrow ed item I have to give theskates back to Franzbefore his hockey game.
give in reluct antly stop fighti ng or arguin gMy boyfri end didn't want to go to the ballet, but he finall y gave in. give someth ing out give to many people (usuall y at no cost) They were giving out free perfum e sample s at the depart mentstore.
give someth ing up quit a habitI am giving up smokin g as of Januar y 1st.
give up stop trying My mathshomewo rk was too diffic ult so I gave up.
go aftersomeon e follow someon e My brothe r triedto go afterthe thiefin his car.
go aftersometh ing try to achiev e someth ing I went aftermy dreamand now I am a publis hed writer.
go agains t someon e compet e, oppose We are goingagains t the best soccer team in the city tonigh t.
go aheadstart, procee d Please go aheadand eat before the food gets cold.
go back return to a placeI have to go back home and get my lunch.
go out leavehome to go on a social eventWe're goingout for dinner tonigh t.
go out with someon e date J eshas been goingout with Luke sincethey met last winter.
go over someth ing review Please go over your answer s before you submit your test.
go over visitsomeon e nearby I haven't en Tina for a long time. I thinkI'll go over for an hour or two.
go withou t someth ingsuffer lack or depriv ation When I was young, we went withou t winter boots.feeling是什么意思
grow apartstop beingfriend s over time My best friend and I grew apartaftershe change d school s.
grow back regrow My rosgrew back this summer.
grow up become an adultWhen Jack growsup he wantsto be a firema n.
digupgrow out of someth ing get too big for Elizab eth needsa new pair of shoesbecaus e she has grownout of her old ones.
grow into someth ing grow big enough to fit This bike is too big for him now, but he should grow into it by next year.
hand someth ing down give someth ing ud to someon e el I handed my old comicbooksdown to my little cousin.
hand someth ing in submit I have to hand in my essayby Friday.
hand someth ing out to distri buteto a groupof people We will hand out the invita tions at the door.
hand someth ing over give (usuall y unwill ingly) The police askedthe man to hand over his wallet and his weapon s.
hang in stay positi ve (N.Amer., inform al) Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find a job very soon.
hang on wait a shorttime (inform al) Hang on whileI grab my coat and shoes!
lottohang outspendtime relaxi ng (inform al)Instea d of goingto the partywe are just goingto hang out at my place. hang up end a phonecall He didn't say goodby e before he hung up.18youngchinagir g小姑娘
hold someon e/someth ing back p reven t from doing/goingI had to hold my dog back becaus e therewas a cat in the park.
hold someth ing back hide an emotio n Jamieheld back his tearsat his grandf ather's funera l.
hold on wait a shorttime Please hold on whileI transf er you to the SalesDepart ment.
hold onto someon e/someth ing hold firmly usingyour handsor arms Hold onto your hat becaus e it's very windyoutsid e.
hold someon e/someth ingup rob A man in a blackmask held the bank up this mornin g.
keep on doingsometh ing contin ue doingKeep on stirri ng untilthe liquid comesto a boil.
keep someth ing from someon e not tell We kept our relati onshi p from our parent s for two years.
keep someon e/someth ing out stop from enteri ng Try to keep the wet dog out of the living room.
keep someth ing up contin ue at the same rate If you keep thoresult s up you will get into a greatcolleg e.
let someon e down fail to suppor t or help, disapp ointI need you to be on time. Don't let me down this time. let someon e in allowto enterCan you let the cat in before you go to school?
look aftersomeon e/someth ing take care of I have to look aftermy sick grandm other.
look down on someon e thinkless of, consid er inferi or Ever sincewe stolethat chocol ate bar your dad has looked down on me.搜狗翻译在线翻译
look for someon e/someth ing try to find I'm lookin g for a red dressfor the weddin g.
look forwar d to someth ing be excite d aboutthe future I'm lookin g forwar d to the Christ mas break.
look into someth ing invest igate We are goingto look into the priceof snowbo ardstoday.
look out be carefu l, vigila nt, and take notice Look out! That car's goingto hit you!
look out for someon e/someth ing be especi allyvigila nt for Don't forget to look out for snakes on the hiking trail.
look someth ing over check, examin e Can you look over my essayfor spelli ng mistak es?
look someth ing up arch and find inform ation in a refere nce book or databa We can look her phonenumber up on the Intern et.
look up to someon e have a lot of respec t for My little sister has always looked up to me.
make someth ing up invent, lie aboutsometh ing Josiemade up a storyaboutaboutwhy we were late. make up f orgiv e each otherWe were angrylast night, but we made up at breakf ast.
make someon e up applycosmet ics to My sister s made me up for my gradua tionparty.
mix someth ing up confus e two or more things I mixedup the twins' namesagain!
pass away die His unclepasd away last nightaftera long illnes s.
pass out faintIt was so hot in the church that an elderl y lady pasd out.
pass someth ing out give the same thingto many people The profes sor pasd the textbo oks out before class.
pass someth ing up declin e (usuall y someth ing good) I pasd up the job becaus e I am afraid of change.
pay someon e back return owed moneyThanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay you back on Friday.
pay for someth ing be punish ed for doingsometh ing bad That bullywill pay for beingmean to my little brothe r.
pick someth ing out choose I picked out threesweate rs for you to try on.
pointsomeon e/someth ing out indica te with your finger I'll pointmy boyfri end out when he runs by.
put someth ing down put what you are holdin g on a surfac e or floorYou can put the grocer ies down on the kitche n counte r.
put someon e down insult, make someon e feel stupid The studen ts put the substi tuteteache r down becaus e his pantswere too short.
put someth ing off postpo ne We are puttin g off our trip untilJanuar y becaus e of the hurric ane.
put someth ing out exting uishThe neighb oursput the fire out before the fireme n arrive d.
put someth ing togeth er asmb le I have to put the crib togeth er before the baby arrive s.
put up with someon e/someth ing tolera te I don't thinkI can put up with threesmallchildr en in the car.
put someth ing on p ut clothi ng/access ories on your body Don't forget to put on your new earrin gs for the party. run into someon e/someth ing meet unexpe ctedl y I ran into an old school-friend at the mall.blind night
run over someon e/someth ing drivea vehicl e over a person or thingI accide ntall y ran over your bicycl e in the drivew ay.
run over/throug h someth ing rehear , review Let's run over/throug h thelinesone more time before the show.
run away leaveunexpe ctedl y, escape The childran away from home and has been missin g for threedays. run out have none left We ran out of shampo o so I had to wash my hair with soap.
nd someth ing back return (usuall y by mail) My letter got nt back to me becaus e I ud the wrongstamp. t someth ing up arrang e, organi ze O ur boss t a meetin g up with the presid ent of the compan y.
t someon e up trick, trap The police t up the car thiefby usinga hidden camera.
shop around compar e prices I want to shop around a little before I decide on theboots.
show off act extraspecia l for people watchi ng (usuall y boastf ully)He always showsoff on his skateb oardsleepover stay somewh ere for the night(inform al) You should sleepover tonigh t if the weathe r is too bad to drivehome.
sort someth ing out organi ze, resolv e a proble m We need to sort the billsout before the firstof the month. stickto someth ing contin ue doingsometh ing, limityourse lf to one partic ularthingYou will lo weight if you stickto the diet.
switch someth ing off stop the energy flow, turn off The light's too bright. Couldyou switch it off.
switch someth ing on startthe energy flow, turn on We heardthe news as soon as we switch ed on the car radio.
take aftersomeon e remb le a family member I take aftermy mother. We are both impati ent.
take someth ing apartpurpos ely breakinto pieces He took the car brakes apartand foundthe proble m.
take someth ing back return an item I have to take our new TV back becaus e it doesn't work.
take off startto fly My planetakesoff in five minute s.
take someth ing off remove someth ing (usuall y clothi ng) Take off your socksand shoesand come in the lake!
take someth ing out remove from a placeor thingCan you take the garbag e out to the street for me?
take someon e outpay for someon e to go somewh ere with you My grandp arent s took us out for dinner and a movie.
tear someth ing up rip into pieces I tore up my ex-boyfri end's letter s and gave them back to him.
thinkback rememb er (often+ to, someti mes + on) W hen I thinkback on my youth,I wish I had studie d harder.
thinksometh ing over consid er I'll have to thinkthis job offerover before I make my finaldecisi on.
throwsometh ing away dispos e of We threwour old furnit ure away when we won the lotter y.
turn someth ing down decrea the volume or streng th (heat, lightetc) Please turn the TV down whilethe guests are here.
turn someth ing down refuse I turned the job down becaus e I don't want to move.
turn someth ing off stop the energy flow, switch off Your mother wantsyou to turn the TV off and come for dinner.
turn someth ing on startthe energy, switch on It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights on.
turn someth ing up increa the volume or streng th (heat, lightetc) Can you turn the musicup? This is my favour ite song.
turn up appear sudden ly Our cat turned up afterwe put poster s up all over the neighb ourho od.
try someth ing on sample clothi ng I'm goingto try thejeanson, but I don't thinkthey will fit.
try someth ing out test I am goingto try this new brandof deterg ent out.
u someth ing upfinish the supply The kids ud all of the toothp asteup so we need to buy some more. wake up stop sleepi ngWe have to wake up earlyfor work on Monday.
高一英语周报答案warm someon e/someth ing up increa the temper ature You can warm your feet up in frontof the firepl ace. warm up prepar e body for exerci I always warm up by doingsit-ups before I go for a run.
wear off fade away Most of my make-up wore off before I got to the party.
work out exerci I work out at the gym threetimesa week.
work out be succes sfulOur plan worked out fine.
work someth ing out make a calcul ation We have to work out the totalcost before we buy the hou